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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. I am not sure where the threads are but one of the myriad of enhancements in CMBB is more specific planes and loadouts so there ARE things like various versions of IL's (from early IL-2 models all the way up to the IL-10 Beast) with different weapons loadouts and planes like the Hs-129B-3 with that fun for the family 75mm cannon. Yup... LaGG's, YaKs, Migs, IL's, PE's, Po's, Ju's, PZL's, FW's, ME's, Reg's, Mc's and He's... oh my! Madmatt
  2. You can't play with the masks, they are hardcoded into the game. Thats why they don't use any VRAM or overhead. You can mod the building and damaged buildings textures of course but not the pattern that a partially collapsed wall uses. Oh we also added some cool new effects to explosions and more persistent "dust clouds" once a building is felled...You will have to wait to see those... Madmatt [ March 10, 2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Sorry Tom but it doesnt and CAN'T work like that. There is only ONE damage texture per building which can't have pink or transparent areas in it for various reasons. When a building gets suffeciently damaged (or catches on fire) the default texture is swapped for this damaged texture. If the building is then collapsed a damage "Mask" is applied which forms a jagged outline as you see in my pictures. This "mask" is a mask in name only as it can not have gaps or holes in it. It basically just allows whole sections of the existing damage texture to be transparent. Think of it as a cap that sits on top of the building. There are many of these damage "masks" patterns which are randomly applied to a building when it collapses and they are generic enough to work on any of the building types and shapes. We have it so that you will notice that the corners of buildings usually appear more upright and taller than other sections of wall. Since we can not use multiple pass texturing and can not increased the VRAM used this is the best and only method to achieve the results we wanted. The actual jagged damage outline can and probably will be tweaked some more before release but at this point it looks awesome enough as is and there are more important things to spend our time on. Madmatt [ March 10, 2002, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. You guys need to really search better on this topic... Madmatt
  5. We know... As to the other questions, here are some quick questions. There are some new "tricks" that you can do in the editor to have pre-flamming rubble (as shown in some of the pics above) but for now it keeps the tile from being occupied. We do indeed now have smaller smouldering fires that can grow and spread, just not in rubble...yet. After looking at TONS of war damaged building pics we saw that the 'jagged' edges are just as common as breaks along seams and joints of a more even nature. It all depends on what sort of structural failure caused the damage and collapse. This implementation of collapsed building damage was able to be incorporated because it doesn't require any additional textures or VRAM. To make damage textures or the "edges" more naturally follow each other would require too much overhead. We will probably tweak the damage pattern mask some more though, as with everything else. Madmatt [ March 10, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. Okay, I hate waiting as much as everyone so I figured I would lob this bone a few days early. So without further ado, here is yet another new CMBB feature. Collapsed and damaged buildings with partially rubbled walls. You can ask questions but I am going to be away for the next week. For now just ENJOY! Click the thumbnail to view pictures in FULL SIZE. Now I am going to be gone for about a week or so but when I get back I will explain all about how the following "sneak peak" bone is now made possible in CMBB... Madmatt [ March 11, 2002, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. Okay, we are looking into this matter, we will let you know what comes of all of this. Madmatt
  8. I just checked out that movie file. Yeah we have a problem here, many of the sound effects were taken from CMBO including voice samples (I know as one of them is ME!) which are copyrighted. I will look into this, thanks for bringing it to our attention. Madmatt
  9. Some of the sound effects in CMBO are from Public Domain sources, such as the hatch and a few others I believe. ALL the spoken dialouge is copyright material of Battlefront.com and Big Time Software and not permitted to be used without our express written permission. Madmatt
  10. Hey, don't you have some work to do on CMHQ which I can take credit for?!? Madmatt
  11. Okay there are several other threads already discussing this.
  12. IC4, no fault was intended nor did we blame you for any. Actually that link you provided helped me track them and hopefully put some well deserved slapdown on those pirate punks. I removed the link just cause they do need any additional free advertising. Your are ok in our eyes still... Madmatt
  13. NO, there are no current plans for making that CD available to older customers. It was made specifically for the CDV distributed release of CMBO in Europe. Everything included on it (150 different CMMOS and stand alone mods, several MOD Utils and over 50 scenarios/ops) can now be downloaded from CMHQ or other CM fan sites. Madmatt [ March 07, 2002, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. We do not permit links to pirate site or warez here. The UK release of CMBO includes a second CD with extra MODS and Scenarios ONLY, no new units. Madmatt
  15. When you say newest, do you mean newest *official* or newest beta drivers? You should check the latest beta drivers available on either of these sites: http://www.reactorcritical.com/download.shtml#1000 http://www.guru3d.com/files/ Madmatt
  16. Okay, since this is de-evolving into a PC vs Mac war it will stop RIGHT NOW. I will leave this thread open but you are ALL WARNED. Both PC's and Mac's have their intended audiences and uses. While I was still working in computer configurations I was asked by someone which type of computer I preferred and what he should buy, since I built/used them every day. I told my inquistive friend this "Whichever you are most comfertable with." That is still true today. Madmatt [ March 05, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. A good book with overviews on anti-tank weapons, history and employement is Ian Hoggs "Tank Killing". I picked up a copy used for about 9 bucks and I found it to be an excellent read. It goes into detail about Personal AT-Weapons, Tank Destroyers, ATGM's, AT-Guns, Mines, AT Helos and Tanks themselves. Madmatt [ March 05, 2002, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. Also, while the terrain shown are all new textures in those pictures, the uniforms, faces and small arms textures are vintage CMBO. We haven't stuck in the new textures for those yet. Madmatt [ March 05, 2002, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Hehehe, finally someone noticed! Actually while a squad is still represented by three "figures" they are no longer 'locked' into the static V style formation that they used to be. Each man now moves within their base in a more fluid and natural way. Just another one of HUNDREDS (thousands even?) of little improvements we have made in CMBB. Madmatt
  20. CMBB will autoamtically down scale/sample textures if it detects you are running out of VRAM. Even so we have a HARD limit in mind when we design textures and this second set of damage textures would have pushed us over that limit. It's not as easy to just code an " empty slot" for graphics based on conditions as many people seem to think, thats a HUGE misconception about how things work. When we can do this we will try but more often than not it requires too much coding to implement. Madmatt [ March 04, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  21. That happens from time to time. Maintenance usually wont bring back a messed up thread like that.
  22. If you guys keep guessing I am not going to share any more bones...I told you before, just sit there and be patient. We know what we are doing here. Madmatt
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