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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Actually that site has now been intergrated into CMHQ and Manx now works for me... You will find all the latest vehicle mods at CMHQ as well as all the older ones posted on that former site (located in the Combat-Missions area). Madmatt [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  2. This is not the place for such discussion gentlemen. Soneone earlier asked for our OFFICIAL position and here it is. Discussions on how to circumvent our copy protection (i.e. CD CHECK) of any of our products, past, current and future are prohibted in this forum. If you disregard our wishes your posting privledges will be revoked. In the past we have contacted websites and individuals that posted such CD HACKS and demanded them to remove those files as they are in violation of our stated copyrights. There you have it, I am now closing this thread down. Madmatt
  3. And this thread has been corrupted enough with morons to go ahead and close it down. Madmatt
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MBJV: BUNCH O HOORZ U DIE &*%^*&%*% LALALLALALALALLALALAL CANT GET RID O ME ALALALALALALALA <hr></blockquote> Wanna bet? Your gone! Madmatt
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Okay thanks. They don't have it under 3rd party mods yet where they other one was.<hr></blockquote> Thanks for the headsup on that. I have updated that page. Madmatt
  6. Near where I live are two excellent Museums. First is the Patton Museum of Calvary and Armor. Next to Aberdeen about the best military armor musuem in America. Located at Ft. Knox Kentucky, about 45 minutes South of Louisville. http://www.generalpatton.org/ Neat attractions: Panther II and a King Tiger with its side 'cut-away' to allow you to peer inside. Vehicles inside and out and if no one is looking you can climb all over the ones outside including the massive US T-28 Super Heavy Tank. Next museum is in Dayton Ohio (54 miles North of Cincinnati) and is IMHO the best military museum I have ever been to (yeah that includes Bovington, Kublinz and the Imperial War Musuem) and that is the Wright Patterson Air Force base. Awesome displays, hundreds of exhibits and every plane is in flyabale condition! http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/ Neat Attractions: ME-262 (with 30mm cannon in its own display case!) SR-71 A-10 Thunderbolt II (you used to be able to climb into the cockpit) Multiple Simulaters you can ride in. SAM-2 Awesome museum and only about 40 minutes from my house. Both are a little North for you but if you were thinking of Gettysburg (also neat) you might as well head this way and hit Patton and WPAFB. Regards! Madmatt [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by stodge: They need to get rid of the sandbag images; I find them very ugly and un-professional.<hr></blockquote> We know, what I did recently was just a stop gap measure. A full makeover is still on the agenda. Madmatt
  8. No, it would not be possible to do that. Madmatt
  9. Having difficulty removing the old version. For now here is a link to the corrected version: ftp://www.combatmission.com/terrain/juju/Ed_Juju_winter1.zip Madmatt
  10. Updated zip file has been uploaded, sorry about that. I am sure it was all Juju's fault. :-p Madmatt
  11. It's thread titles like thise that I have for months tried to dig outa Superted. All for naught it seems. However, to harken in the new year CMHQ has a brand spanking set of Winter CM textures for you courtesy of Juju and Tanks a Lot. Enjoy! Madmatt [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LeBlaque: bump-- MadMatt: Know you guys have been trying to work with this but haven't see anything of late from you and you indicated you would keep us updated on this bug. Believe there is some good testing info now in here regarding captured AT crews causing crashes. Can you please give us an update? Given the same engine, can we expect this bug in CMBB?<hr></blockquote> CMBB is BASED on the same underlying game engine as CMBO, true. However, it is NOT the same engine in of itself. All the networking processes were vastly changed and updated along with pretty much everything else and as such this is not an issue with CMBB. Madmatt
  13. Make sure the sounds are 16bit mono 44Khz wave files otherwise they will not sound right in the game. Madmatt
  14. What version of CMBO are you playing? That was an old bug which was I thought fixed in the v1.12 patch. Also if that scenario was created in an early version than 1.12 it may also still show that. Madmatt [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  15. A couple of loose ends to tie up and then its back to work. Fences AREN'T Doodads. They are a new terrain tile just like walls and hedges, they dont need to pop up. You will see some doodads further out then others depending on their size. For example, cemetaries (which is a tile AND uses DOODAD's) you can see pretty far away while a small tuft of grass or bush you need to be closer to. Camera Level 5 is now an isometric view. We changed several of the views and level 5 can now be had by using level 6 (and maybe one level of zoom). Level 9 is also a more zoomed out view than before. One other tidbit, you can now ROTATE the camera while keeping it padlocked on a moving unit. Yes, this is VERY cool! This means you can padlock a tank as it drives down a bumpy road and spin (pan)the camera around and watch as it passes stuff with the padlocked unit still being in the center of focus. To break the padlock you would move the camera front or back (as oppoesed to side to side which pans). There is even a new level of zoom to. It's 16x but in that high level of zoom, you can only look, you can't select units at that scale. As stated before there are also more levels of vertical tilt and each level is a much smaller increment to allow for more control when tilting while zoomed. NONE of the new features that you will see or hear about it CMBB will be backward compatiable with CMBO. Yes, CMBB is BASED on the CMBO code but there have been HUNDREDS of changes, additions, tweaks and enhancements and as such there is no going back from here. Stop thinking of CMBB as merely evolutionary. It's every bit as revolutionary as CMBO was and in some ways more. And yes, that surprised us every bit as much as it will surely surprise you when you play it! Madmatt
  16. We are not deaf to your concerns regarding an extended Pre-Order time but as it was said abive our current system charges the card at the time the order is placed and NOT at the time the order ships. We will be looking at this issue closer when the time is right but if its possible we will allow a one or two week ADVANCE ORDER period prior to the final ship date where you could order, but that depends on wheter or not we can adequelty tailor the order system to what we require. Contrary to some beliefs, we don't like the idea of charging people for something that isn't yet available, even if it's just for a week or two. But as I said above, this issue is still being worked on. Many quote my answer in the interview, and at that time (and currently) that is true, that doesnt mean we won't work on it. Madmatt
  17. Okay I am going to move this thread over to the General Forum but be careful gentlemen as this puppy could easliy slip into the padlock zone.
  18. The good mood is past now. Don't push it. Madmatt
  19. Whatever normal benefits the underlying terrain provides the doodads provide. Remember, they are like tress in that what you see is not their exact position. Graveyards (and I will have to check with Charles) probably do offer some small amount of cover, like walls only not as much for any unit in the cemetary tilke itself regardless if they are behind a tombstone that says R.I.P. GI-Combat or not. Madmatt [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  20. It might be better if you post links to the pics and show the thumbnails (for those that have them) instead though. Madmatt [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  21. Hang on, jpeg compression sorta messed those up. They shouldnt look so splotchy. Madmatt [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  22. Okay, Doodads (or terrain elements) have been added to many terrain tiles to give them a more natural and 3D feel to an other wise flat tile. Rubble, wheatfields and even just clear terrain now can have these effects shown. There are four levels of density you can toggle through including NONE. They are also totally modable. They do not show up from any top down view. The camera views have been overhauled and there is another isometric view which replaces the old top down level 5 view. You can also now tilt to a far greater degree up and down than ever before. My own personl crusdade was to get that implemented to take better screenshots! Okay, first up is my homage to spooky cemetary scenes. This picture shows the grave marker Doodads, Dan's new awesome trees (check out that detail in the leaves and some random open terrain doodads. Next up, you asked for it, well you got it, big lumps of rubble. Thats all for tonight enjoy! Madmatt p.s. Those are still CMBO textures on those Germans by the way. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  23. Good question! I would imagine in would look much like this. I know what you saying, you jumping up and down and screaming: BUT THE SKIES TILE! THE SKIES TILE... No, not anymore they don't! Just another little goodie from your friends at Battlefront.com Thats a 3km by 3km map and you can see the whole thing at once. *Other* games limit you to a few hundred meters of visible terrain at once..Yeah well..we don't! Madmatt [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wadepm: OK, lets try it again... Madmatt seems to be in the spirit of the holidays! Let's see what other screen shot goodies we can hit him up for! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!<hr></blockquote> Okay...Have a look here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=022769 Madmatt
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