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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. No, all mods and scenarios included on the Bonus CD were approved by their respective authors before the CD was mastered. We are not responsible for screenshots shown however that include other peoples mods. As stated above it seems the screenshots shown in that review had other mods applied which are NOT part of the Mod CD. Madmatt
  2. Well, that would be because the version they reviewed (the UK English Language Version Distributed by CDV) DOES'NT include the Mac version. There were problems applying CDV's copy protection software to work on Mac's so unfortunately these CD's don't have the Mac version included. Madmatt
  3. Just to clarify, you can still buy the English Language Mac version here from us, online. In the near future we will also offer the French Language Mac version here on our webstore and we expect that to be followed by the German Language Mac version soon after. PC versions for those languages are offered by CDV. The Bonus Mod CD is a special deal we arranged to be included on the English Language European Release of CMBO by CDV. The bonus CD is the ONLY difference from the version we sell here at Battlefront and everything on that CD (and much much more) can also be found on my website at CMHQ or other fansites. Madmatt
  4. Well, if anyone HAS those sorts of sound effects (which are not copyrighted) then send them my way. Getting authentic engine sounds for period vehicles is VERY difficult so if anyone has any send them on over. Madmatt
  5. Nvidia just officially released the 28.32's today. If you downloaded them other sites you should grab these now as the earlier 28.32's ommited the nvidia control panel tabs that alowed access to features like FSAA settings! http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=drivers Madmatt
  6. Asking "Who (or more appropriately WHAT) is Peng" is the type of riddle that you can waste a life trying to unravel. Best to just watch and learn...or run away screaming. Madmatt
  7. Okay, in general issues like this should be handled via email to all those involved. Closing this one down now. Madmatt
  8. That could be related to the 'STEAL FOCUS' setting that Windows allows you to use. As suggested, post this into the Tech Support forum and we will get ya sorted out. Madmatt
  9. I havent meet a stream yet I couldn't beat in a fight, until such time as I do, they are ALL insignificant... Madmatt
  10. The issue with the crown or damage mask or whatever you want to call it is that is in itself is not physical element. That's why it doesn't require VRAM. If I understand it properly Charles has it coded that when a building collapses the game only DRAWS a small portion of the outer walls. That pattern is what I referred to before as a mask. Its not a texture at all, its just some mathematical game code that only displays chunks of walls instead of the full texture. The game code handles these partially rubbled walls just like regular piles of collapsed rubble with the same LOS restrictions. Think of it in the same way as the tree abstraction. This partially rubbled wall approach is purely for aesthetics. Its looks cool, was relatively easy to code and has no added overhead. As such it went in. There is ONE person that fully understands the code, how it works and how to tweak every last once of power out of it and he don't need any help! Madmatt
  11. You guys are making a small incorrect assumption that man made map objects (like fences, walls) and placeable objects (like trenches) are all the same as a full terrain tile and use the same methods of including them. They are not so comparing inclussion of one or the other is like apples and oranges. When I said that streams are too insignificant to model I meant it in the context of the existing criteria for making a new dedicated tile which is bound to our current 20x20 meter system and wheter or not the sum total of the geographical/tactical features can be modeled with the existing tiles. If in the future we move to a smaller tile system (maybe 5x5 meters) than more dedicated terrain irregularities like roadside ditches and even streams will become much easier to justify adding. Also you are making rather broad generalizations about all streams. Not every stream will have deep banks or provide enough elevation change to provide cover. Not all streams would have large amounts of foliage or brush. There are many types of terrain that we didn't include, streams are just another one, but as I have repeatedly tried to show, what you seem to want with a stream tile IS possible now with the existing tiles available to you. Madmatt
  12. In order for a terrain tile to be included into the game (which is a lengthy process itself) it must be unique enough to warrant its inclussion AND it must have enough tactical worth as a means of either cover or concealment or effect movement in a suffeceint way AND as a terrain tile it must cover an area roughly 20x20 meters which is the size of a tile and lastly it must not be something that can currently be modeled with an existing tile. Streams, may be environmentally vital to the health of a landscape but from a game design point of view they do not. If the stream was too broad or deep to be crossed the exisiting river tile could be used. If a smaller stream is intended which is still for some reason uncrossable by vehicles than marsh could be used. A stream that is easy traversable by men and machines is not a significant enough terrain feature to get its own tile, partially do to its small size and partially because it does not in itself affect the landscape around it enough. Two tiles that we added in CMBB to give a little more freedom to the map designer are vehicle fords and soft ground. With vehicle fords you can model shallow or slow running streams if you want or you can use Soft Ground to model small streams and the surronding terrain which would be waterlogged suffeciently to be a hazard to vehicles or it can simulate terrain below the water table that will natually be more moist and water logged than regular open terrain but not to the level of Marshes. It's not a coding issue, we just don't see the added value of a dedicated stream tile and as such have not added it. Madmatt [ March 12, 2002, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Go here, we must begin again! http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=023990
  14. Sorry to have to slap down some Cessus Interuptus in the other MBT but I won't be around for the few days to watch over the forum with my normal vigilence and the other Moderators and Admins won't step foot in this stench. So we must begin anew... Lorak should, even now, be cowering in my shadow and once I depart he will post the rules. Behave kids, I will be back before you know it. Madmatt
  15. Puff, it doesnt and can't work that way, Your apporoach would require multi-layered texturing which the game code does not currently support. As to critism or comments based on screenshots, nah at this point we pretty much just ignore you all and do what ever we want anyway. Madmatt
  16. Well up until I upgraded to Windows XP I was as happy as a clam with my gameport CH Pro Pedals, Pro Throttle and F-16 Combatstick. Unfortunately CH Products can not get their programming software to support XP so my throttle is now dead in the water. I tried some workaround I saw posted on usenet (booting and programming the devices in DOS) but they didn't work for me. My options now, Either replace everything with the comperable USB versions which will run me over 300 bucks or just buy the new TH Cougar. I think I will get the Cougar but I will really miss the feel of my old gear as it has behaved flawlessly for years. Madmatt
  17. No streams, too insignificant to add them and the way we use doodads wouldn't work. We do have a new SOFT GROUND tile that depicts mushier squish type ground that stays wet and gooey which could be moded to have little streams in it if you want. We also have added Vehicle Fords now. Madmatt
  18. Actually there are more than one rubble textures already but the game does not place specific ones dependant on the building type. You could however mod them however you wanted. Puff, as I stated already, the damage patterns (the jagged edges) on the collapsed walls are NOT modable although we may ourselves tweak it some more to make it a little less jaggy. Only the damage texture itself can be moded. Madmatt
  19. To be honest, even from different (higher) views you don't really notice this very often but you are right there is nothing we can do about it. The added piles of rubble doodads help to show where the old building interior was as well so it's really not a big issue. It would be too texture intensive to create a whole new INTERIOR set of building textures (factories are the only buildings that have these due to their size) although we do have a new texture (which you can just make out in one of the pictures) which appears when one of two buildings sharing a common wall collapses. Madmatt
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