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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Answer B. They will use smallarms assuming their main weapon is not applicable. I just did some testing and set up a small 4 gun battery position which gets ambushed from behind by a Russian Platoon. As a test one gun had no ammo at all. The Russians were setup about 100 meters away from the German guns. Once the Russians were spotted the guns began to rotate to face the threat (as you would expect of a functional gun and crew) but the out of ammo gun crew began to engage with small arms. The other guns used HE when they could but one gun crew got pinned, rallied and fired with small arms as they were not facing the enemy yet. Seems Charles has got this one pretty well pegged. I have also just heard from the GREAT CODE WIZARD that he is intending to add this small arms defense capability to MG teams which have jammed weapons. It just keeps getting better. Madmatt [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  2. There is a new status display timer for heavy and crew served weapons such as this which displays the SETUP time for the weapon. This tells the player how long the weapon team/crew needs to get the weapon setup and ready to fire. Madmatt
  3. Okay, and thats enough on this issue. If you *really* want to pursue this matter further in another thread then go right ahead but I believe our position on this matter is pretty well stated at this point and we have not the time to continue to reiterate our reasoning over and over again. Madmatt
  4. Okay, I really fail to see how this thread is even remotely interesting or insiteful any more and it's also getting near the 300 reply cut-off. I would suggest that you get your last words in and then I will close it down. Madmatt
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator: Lots of good points and suggestions here, did BTS ever comment on the likelyhood of including this in CMBB?<hr></blockquote> Why no we haven't. Perhaps we should though eh? Would you like that? Huh? Would ya? Okay. YES Crews now have a (minimal) small-arms short-range self-defense capability! The TACAI will take care of this for you, so you can't give them your own small arms targeting orders and as we say above it's a MINIMAL self defense ability but it's better than nothing. This capability has been extended to ALL crewed units and teams (note: MG teams don't get secondary small arms they got that nice big MG to keep them warm afterall). That's PaK crews, Mortar crews, FO's, Vlad and his Holy Avenger Flamethrower (although he would probably be more prone to zap the boogies with his FT), Dieter and his trusty 'Shreck, the works! Bailed vehicle crews still have their pistols, as before, of course. This self defense range is pretty limited (maximum of 100 meters or so) and the firepower rating is very small, probably less than the FP rating of single rifle per man and their ROF is much much slower than a dedicated rifleman. It's a purely self defense mechanism, don't expect miracles, but it does give them a little bite. Madmatt [ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Enoch: So, if by chance the vehicle cannot find a hull down position between where it is currently located and the ploteed end point, the unit keeps moving to the plotted end point? If so, it sounds like players will need to be carefull with how they use this tool.<hr></blockquote> Yes, yes they will. By the way, this and many other new game features will be covered in the near future and since I dont want to get anymore involved in this (to me rather boring and redundant) discussion thread you will just have to wait until then for more info on this. Madmatt
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Priest: - Depending on how it is implemented the tool might be used to recognize "strong points" on a map which would thus take away from the skill needed from the player to recognize such areas. If I can sweep over a "LOS"-like tool across the map and have it pop up and identify every hull down position you sweep it over. This would take away from a player having to realize the situation and act accordingly. Now I have not complained are even mentioned this too much because I am waiting to see how it is implemented. <hr></blockquote> Don't worry it doesn't work that way. You select your vehicle and then issue the Seek Hulldown command then move the command line (looks like a normal move line) to the area you want to be hulldown relative TO. The unit will then move along that course until it becomes hulldown to the plotted end point (assuming it can). The player can not use it to "scout ahead" as you fear. The player still needs to have enough skill to properly use this command as they could easily order their unit to seek a hulldown posture relative to a inappropriate or tactically unwise map position. With all the new commands (and there are many! YA here that you idiotic naysayers on usenet saying CMBB is just a bug patch?!?) the player will still need to use proper tactics and sound thinking to utilize properly. They, like most everything else are just tools, which can be used well or misued and wasted. They dont win the battle for you, thats up to the player. Madmatt [ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  8. Nice, but I don't see my name mentioned enough times. Madmatt
  9. Those would be Ampulomet's which fired flamable projectiles. Yes they are in (make neat little fires too) but they are not intergrated into squads, they are seperate teams. Matt
  10. Both Axis and Allied infantry units get all sorts of new toys that go boom! Madmatt
  11. That error indicates some sort of problem either with the card number, or the name on the card. Email me directly at matt@battlefront.com if problems continue but I see an order that just came through which I think is yours. Madmatt
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wolfpack: What I want to know is on the order page why the Japanese get the cool wavy flag thingee and the other three are so flat and boring. <hr></blockquote> Because that lazy bum that is my boss hasn't gotten off his Weasel rust stained butt lately and made the animation for me like he promissed months ago! Madmatt
  13. Okay a topic like this can only go from bad to worse and when War Crimes are mentioned its time to thow up the old Padlock of Justice. Please refrain from reporting this a second time. Madmatt
  14. In CMBB the AI will button and unbutton as it sees fit. Due to many vehicles having two man turrets you will also see TC's buttoning up in order to fire. The TacAi is aware that being unbuttoned near enemy infantry is unwise and will take neccesary precautions and when they feel the coast is clear will then unbutton. Madmatt [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  15. You do not need to email me anymore for replacement CD requests. Just email sales@battlefront.com and they will take care of you. Thanks! Madmatt
  16. THe current front page is NOT the new design but rather a quick and dirty *patch* to the old site which better allows communication of current news and events which are ongoing. The horizontal alignment issue was being cuased by a picture that was uploaded just the other day, it has been fixed, the page should no longer scroll to the side. Interesting feedback though as when the new page was done two weeks ago the initial comments were quite positive pretty much across the board, but it is far from done. We are actively working on a new site design with people that do this stuff for a living. Its not cheap, and takes time to get right but we are aware of what a companies web persona means. Then again, you all bought from us... Madmatt [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  17. ummm...What exactly is the purpose of this thread again? Doesn't matter I feel like being a heavy handed all controling despot today so I am going to close it up.. Madmatt p.s. by the way, how come you never hear about a kind hearted and gregarious despot? :confused:
  18. I approved a new thread title two days ago, not sure what the hold up is. Panzer Leader, your up! Madmatt
  19. von Fauster, the highest resolution with the least amount of compression the better. I am not constrained on file size. Madmatt
  20. Okay these types of threads always come up with the same results (average age of player between 34-37) and do nothing by tie up the board so I am going to close it down. Madmatt
  21. I am not in a position to comment about the game specific issues of accuracy or weapon effectiveness as they are modeled in the game (not my field) but what I CAN comment on is the level of immaturity infecting this particular thread. You guys are not children, so stop acting like it. I have far better things to occupy my time then having to come in here and brow beat a few individuals playing "HE SAID IT FIRST, NO HE DID, NUH UH!!!" GROW UP or leave. Simple as that. Grow some thick skin, accept the some people dont see things the same way you do, remember that this is JUST a message forum and what other people say will have no real tangiable effect on your life and get over it. Now stop wasting my time and work out your problems offline. Madmatt [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  22. If you ever get permission to scan those pics I know we here at Battlefront.com would LOVE to see them all! If it is permitted please send them to matt@battlefront.com, they look great. We understand if that is against the families wishes of course. Madmatt
  23. Mike send me your order details (your name and address and what you ordered) and I will look through the order logs to make sure everything is as it should be. Confirmation emails ARE always sent out but every week a handful come back for various reasons as undeliverable. Normally its due to a typo in the customers return email address. Madmatt
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