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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Heheh, you think that looks good now...In 10-12 days (depending on the break) your CM world will change... Madmatt
  2. Damage...It is pain, destruction, chaos and up till now in Combat Mission it was resigned to the realm of the imagination. Well no longer. Allow me to introduce yet another new CMBB game feature. Damaged Building Textures!!! Now then, have a nice look at the following pictures but rememeber one thing. They were all taken about a month ago and as cool as they look here, in 10 days from now I will show you how we have pushed them even further into the realm of overwhelming slack jawed coolness...Don't ask questions about them just yet, in 10 days all will be revealed...well not ALL, but enough So how do they work? Well, when an individual building gets damaged suffeciently these textures will replace the default one automatically. Each building has its own damaged texture set, just like it has its own winter set. We wanted to have both a light and heavy damage texture set but we are already pushing the limits on textures so we could only do one. HOWEVER in 10 days (or so, maybe more maybe less) I will show you what we DID do to make these things even cooler...and forever change how city and town maps will look.... In the last picture you might notice there are two identical buildings next to each other, one with damage and one without. Pretty nifty eh? Click the thumbnails to open the images full size! Madmatt 10 days and counting for more details...more or less...Maybe 11, depends how I feel. 12 tops... [ March 01, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. See, when you email me a new MBT title and I DONT respond back, well that means that I thought your title SUCKED, and would prefer to NOT see it posted online....But as this infection has already begun to seep and ooze about the place, I suppose I will let it exist...for now. Madmatt
  4. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=reply;f=1;t=023802 Not thrilled about the title but what the hell...
  5. We have always been and will continue to be VERY WARY about officially announcing release dates. It just opens up entirely too many cans of worms. We know it can be frustrating to wait, its frustating for us as well logistically, marketing wise and for a variety of other business reasons but we absolutely WILL NOT release a product that does not meet our own standards and the simple fact is that CMBB is NOT finished yet. Until it is, have fun playing CMBO. When the time is right we will provide a better handle on an expected release date. Madmatt
  6. No, it is neither Jackie, as I told you in email several times. Your copy of the CM demo came from a magazine and as such I do not know why you are having troubles but it is more than likely a corrupt file. You will need to download the demo from this website and see if the corruption continues to be sure. If the corruption continues then you will want to find updated video drivers for you video card. Now, you have wasted FAR TOO MUCH of my time on this matter when I already told you what you needed to do in email. Madmatt [ February 26, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. Jackie, I have tried to help you via email but you can't come here and spam my forum with multiple posts like this!
  8. Guys, knock it off! There is NO pre-order based on user number system in place nor will there EVER be such a system. If I see such a rumor brought up again the person that does it will be banned. Does that make our opinion of such rumors suffeciently clear?!? Madmatt
  9. Yeah, this has BAN ME written all over it...Shutting it down while I am still in a good mood. Madmatt
  10. Thats weird becuase I didnt do anything to those two threads. I think most of the deleted threads came out of the General Forum...Odd...Oh well. Madmatt
  11. I took the time today to go ahead and archive all 2001 year posts as well. Madmatt
  12. UBB encountered some corruption today and as such approx. 5 threads were deleted. I don't any of them could be considered important or relevant, just letting you know. Madmatt
  13. This new version of UBB has encorporated the use of POLLS. Currently I have restricted their use to yours truly (and my cadre of helpers) but after I determine their impact on the server I may (repeat MAY) allow everyone to post them, but I probably won't cause I am a mean person that doesn't like people. In the future this server will be undergoing a MASSIVE hardware and software upgrade and it is hoped performance will increase exponetially. Now then, in the short term, if you happen to be rather talented (sit down Rune) with Linux, Redhat and Perl installs and want to lend a helping hand (read: FREE HELP) then feel free to send me an email and I might be able to use your talents. Madmatt p.s. Yeah I know about the blank thread dated 1920, just leave it be, it aint hurting anyone...Yet [ February 22, 2002, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. Yeah, it was a bug in the new release, I fixed it. One of these days I will figure out how to update our version of Perl on this server and that should result in a HUGE speed increase, unfortuantely I don't have the time to do this at this time. If anyone out there is a whiz with Linux, Redhat and Perl and want's to offer a helping hand, send me an email! Madmatt
  15. About once a year I get an email from Dainius Kartanas. You may recall that he did up the first batch of replacement explosions for CMBO about 2 years ago. We liked them so much that we incorporated them into the v.1.12 patch in fact. Well Dainius doesn't say much, doesn't send me much but when he does I take notice and tonights newest mod is no different. Pictures speak far better than words so just feast your eyes on this: Grab it at CMHQ! Enjoy! Madmatt
  16. I have heard (from several people) that due to enhanced security at all US military facilities that Aberdeen is now closed to the public. Can anyone comment on that further? Madmatt
  17. Okay, its getting close to 300 so I am closing this one up now. Please start a new thread if you wish to continue. Madmatt
  18. 300! Time to say goodnight! So, did Tom ever release this thing or not? Madmatt
  19. Michael, Try some of the latest Beta drivers. I am using the 27.42 ones and they work great for me. Madmatt
  20. For any replacement CD or Manual request (of any Battlefront.com) product please email Sales@battlefront.com and give them as much info as you can about what you need. They will also need to verify that you were an original customer, so if you still have your order number that will help speed the process along. The cost for replacements varies depending on where you live but I think its always about 5-10 bucks total. Madmatt
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