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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. CombatGeneral, You got me a little confused here. Arent you the same guy that got his CD eaten by his dog as mentioned in this thread? http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=022257 If so, then why did you buy a new CD instead of requesting a replacement? And whats more, you have already purchased a product from us in the past, so you should know how are shipping works and the expected time for delivery. Madmatt
  2. It is a selectable option called Variable End and what it does is randomly EXTEND the battle, it will not end the game earlier than what you selected as the max turns. The Variable End option is also smart enough to continue play if it detects enough flag contention. This continuation doesn't go on forever obviously, but it will give you a few extra turns while you fight for control of the flags. Madmatt
  3. I just recently uploaded a new CM Tech Support page which is now available at: Combat Mission Tech Support Guide I will be updating this page with the latest Operating System Compatability Issues soon. You should find answers to the most commonly asked questions in there. Madmatt
  4. This thread is getting close to the 300 post limit so I am locking her up. Feel free to continue in a new thread.
  5. Let me just step in here for a moment and throw some nice cool water on everyones face as things appear to be heating up a little bit. I leave the hardcore ballistics issues to Steve but I make sure threads stay nice and civil and this one is getting to be a little "iffy". So please keep your comments non-flamatory and above board. Thanks guys. Madmatt
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Shhhhh, don't tell Matt (aka the Mad Typist), but Manx and I are planning a takeover. <hr></blockquote> Oh really? Well we will just have to be on the lookout for that now won't we? Oh by the way Ted, I have your new email address ready. It is now called: IconstantlybowatthealterofthegreatoneMadmattandammerelyanannoyancetohisawesomeomnipotenceandpower@combatmission.com Hope you like it... Madmatt
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: [QB]From what I have seen the QB generator will not change much. [QB]<hr></blockquote> And you would be WRONG! Actually there are probably more changes and additions to the QB module right now than anywhere else. so on you! And yes you can now change the default ammo loadout ammounts per side based on a % from 10% to full ammo IRRC. Madmatt
  8. http://www.guru3d.com/files/ Testing them now on ME. I will have the XP/2000 version looked at as well... Madmatt
  9. There are new commands in place (Cover Arcs for one) which will take care of all the issues you mentioned. More info will be forthcoming but basically you can in essence designate a target bias for your units either soft targets or limited to Armor/Anti-Armor threats. You are just gonna have to wait to see precisely how this is accomplished though...It IS rather cool though I must say...and works wonderfully... Madmatt
  10. Ummm....WRONG!!!! That would be MADMATT'S CMHQ where SuperTed is merely the janitor... :-p Madmatt
  11. Just to add to the collective knowledge base. In the past you would have been correct to email me directly with any replacement CD or manual requests BUT we are now setup to handle these issues much quicker so please direct such inqueries directly to sales@battlefront.com and they will take care of you. Thanks! Madmatt [ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  12. Okay, I think enough has been said on this topic. Let me just add that this is a prime example of how to do everything WRONG in the release of a graphics/mod pack. Madmatt
  13. Okay guys, I am currently getting info on what this is all about and am going to close this thread down (and any others on this topic) until I can work out all the details. Whatever comes of this WE WILL let you know. Madmatt
  14. Okay, lots to cover here but my time is short so let me be brief. #1 Linda is actually Gunny Bunny who has been banned here REPEATEDLY and is being so...AGAIN. #2 We have posted a note about the XP situation on the Combat Mission ordering pages to notify prospective customers about this issue. #3 Even though we are a game devoloper we did not get any advance copies of XP to play with so this whole matter is just as new to us as to you guys, probably more so as we don't upgrade our PC's very often. #4 We have several testers looking into this issue currently but all info currently points to it being isolated to the all too common nVidia Driver incompatability. #5 This, like most issues, does not occur to all people and all configurations but we will work with nVidia to address this problem like we have in the past. #6 Gunny, do you have nothing better to do than to constantly waste my time? Madmatt
  15. That is not an option at all and I can't find any legitimate reason why someone would stop playing CM all together because of any Nvidia issues especially considering there are options available to address them all. Most of the problems have workarounds that enable full enjoyment of the game which involve the easy steps of either disabling FSAA or updating to the most recent 21.xx drivers or for some users Forcing FSAA. What problem were you encountering that has made you stop playing all together? Lastly, we have been working with Nvidia lately to get these issues worked out once and for all. In each instance the problems were indentified to be issues on their end, how and when they will release drivers that cover all the bases is known only to them though. Madmatt [ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  16. We do not believe in electronic distribution of our products. Case closed. Madmatt
  17. Might want to cross post that list into the main forum as it will be sure to be overlooked here. Madmatt
  18. Whoopee...Just means that the weekly repairs I have to run will take that much longer... Actually the new version has been holding up pretty well. Madmatt
  19. I don't want to get into the economic debate that seems to be forming (I slept through Macro-Economics in College) but adding reinforcements to QB's is on the "list" of future enhacements but it will probably have to wait till we re-write the entire code in the future and won't make it in CMBB, but then you just never know.... Madmatt
  20. Okay, when threads start to degrade to this level its time for everyone to just step back, get away from the keyboard and let it all drop. I am closing this one down as I don't see much lately relevant to the original points. Madmatt
  21. Whoops! My bad, all fixed. Forgot to update that bad boy. Madmatt
  22. Full solution: Problem: Video card is a Voodoo 5000/5500 and all in-game text is blank or white and unreadable. Cause/Solution: Issue is caused by a fault in the Voodoo Drivers. In order to fix this issue you will need to go into your Voodoo Control Panel and change the level of Direct 3D Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) to any setting other than the default, which is normally set to Best Performance. That will clear up the text. Problem: Video Card is a Voodoo based chipset (4000/5000/5500 but could be others) and when game is minimized and restored with the ESCape key the display is corrupted. Cause/Solution: Caused by faulty Voodoo drivers. One solution is to select Single Chip Rendering Option from the Voodoo Control Panel. This will fix the corruption but game performance may suffer slightly. A workaround is to save the game while the graphics are corrupted, exit the game and then re-load. The corruption will be cleared.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Madmatt recently posted a cryptic message where he stated that aircraft representation will be significantly improved...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MAY be, I said MAY be.... Madmatt
  24. Iron Chef, Please limit your posts to the topic at hand and do not abuse any other member. The tone of your posts are getting a little bit more and more aggresive and insulting with each one and I don't like to see that. If you want to debate Mr. Dorosh's points than do it, but don't be so insulting. Michael, your initial reply (the yawning) to Mr. Sakai was also a little rude, so watch yourself as well. Lets get back to debating points and not attacking people. Madmatt
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