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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Actually I can't copy anything. That is illegal. Madmatt [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  2. It's on my sound effect list, yes. Actually, I am hoping to add a great deal of stuff to the total CMBB audio experience. Time will tell what I can and can not do. Monitoring this forum 24/7 certainly isn't helping matters I must tell you... Madmatt
  3. Wow, lots to absorb here. Due to having to go through a rather stressful experience myself today involving surgery for a loved one I think it would be better if we ALL just stepped back for a moment, took a breather and came back tomorrow and started anew. CombatGeneral, my sincereest condolences on your loss. I think that Slappy has answered your Sherman query well enough for now but feel free to continue this in another thread tomorrow if you wish. I would also recommend you check out the Article section on CMHQ for a very good rundown on the various models of Sherman Tanks. http://www.combatmission.com/articles/articles.asp Michael, low blow dude. There are some paths best not tread upon. Guys, this thread (as with all the other ones today) can only go downhill so once AGAIN I am locking it up. CG, while I must say I have my doubts on your true intentions here, I am willing to wipe the slate clean and let you start over. I hope you don't prove my doubts to be accurate. This is one time I would be happy to be wrong about someone. Madmatt [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  4. These threads are growing tiresome. This is neither the time, nor the place for such matters.
  5. CombatGeneral, I am at a loss at what you intention is here but let this stand as your last warning. Post something relevant and ON TOPIC regarding Combat Mission or your posting privledges will be revoked. We are far too busy to play nurse maid to your private crusade to see how many pointless topics in one day you can post. You stated several times your background and education. I now respectfully ask that you respect our forum rules and abide by those same rules that you are bound to as a member here. It's a task that someone of your background should have no problem doing. Threads get padlocked here all the time for various reasons. Most times we try to explain our reasonings for doing so, othertimes we don't, but usually its abudantly clear to everyone why it occurs. A thread like this serves ZERO worth other than to painfully waste my time and my tolerance for such excesses is at an end. Madmatt
  6. Since this appears to be a Opponents Wanted style thread then thats the forum it is being moved to. Thanks! Madmatt
  7. It is our forum to do what with how and why we wish. You don't like it, then leave! Madmatt
  8. Moving this to the main forum as its not a technical issue. Madmatt
  9. Moving this to the main forum as its not a technical issue. Madmatt
  10. Moving this to the main forum as its not a technical issue. Madmatt
  11. Moving this to the main forum as its not a technical issue. Madmatt
  12. This thread is getting too big, please start a new one. Madmatt
  13. Gyrene, You are out of line. Keep that crap offa my forum. You got a problem with someone you deal with it somewhere else! Not here and certainly not in the tech forum. Iron Chef, if you have nothing to contribute of a technical aspect than there is no reason to post in this forum. Consider yourselves BOTH warned. Madmatt
  14. Bone thrown: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=022471 By the way, we always have and will continue to release information on products according to OUR SCHEDULE and not the preponderance of "Throw us a bone" type threads which we, on the whole, pretty much ignore. Madmatt
  15. Settle down all! Do I need to come in and whip some pengster keister or can you guys play nice??? Also, start thinking up new thread titles as this one is getting close to capacity. Madmatt
  16. Okay, this same topic seems to rear its ugly head every few months and each time I wade in, express my own views on it, piss off a bunch of people, lock up the thread and then everything returns to normal. So, where does CMHQ stand on this whole issue of copyrights, authors rights and pulling mods? Good question. As to the copyright issue, just cast your gaze to the bottom of any CMHQ page and you will see that ALL the content, every mod, pic and even my bald headed pate is copyrighted of CMHQ...I even have that little C thingy, What does that mean? Hell I don't know! In three pages of posts I have yet to come to any conclusion on what all of this means. So let me tell you what it means to me, Madmatt, headhoncho supremo of CMHQ, the longest running and largest of all the CM Websites. What it means is that we (meaning CMHQ) accepts all submission on GOOD FAITH and will post said material as we see fit, when we see fit, for as long as we see fit in the domain of CMHQ. Pay attention to the last bit..."In the domain of CMHQ". What that means is that this control of the mod only extends as far as my site goes. Beyond that I don't care what occurs. Basically I will post it ON CMHQ until I decide by action or inaction to pull it. PERIOD. Now, if someone sends me a file or mod or something else and it turns out to not be that persons work then the OFFENDEE needs to get hold of the OFFENDER and THEY need to work it out and when they do the OFFENDER needs to contact me and I will take appropriate action! I have enough worries running a website without having to worry about bruised egos, or perceived slights by those with thin skin. I am not unsympathetic to the mod authors or anyone else that see's their work being mishandled, but distribution control needs to start with THEM and not I. I run a website, a website with thousands of files for public and free download and when someone asks for me to pull a mod all the time invested in hosting and supporting that file is lost. This has now occurred to CMHQ three times and that's three times too many. No one is getting rich making mods for CM (no, not even I) and I think that to be honest this whole issue has really lost its perspective in a rush to explain legal jargon and procedures. I run CMHQ because I love the game. I host mods and other files to enhance others love of the game. Anything else, to me, is trivial. Do I think some sort of Standardized Distribution Message should be included in every mod? Yes, and have always pushed for such consistency across mods. Do I think there needs to be some sort of Federation of Mod Authors for CM to better resolve these types of issues? Sure, it benefits us all when Mod Authors share not just their time but ideas and concerns with one another. Hell I will even host a site dedicated to this purpose along with a mailserv list if such a group wishes to be formed! What do I think of the whole issue which started this mess? I think its sad that an agreement could not have been reached much sooner in private between the two main parties (the original mod submitter and the artist) without drawing the webmasters and now the CM Community into the whole thing. Perhaps some people have a artificially skewed sense of importance (yeah I KNOW I do!) I am not sure, but its been a huge waste of time and resources that could have been better spent by all involved. You wonder why Manx hasn't done anything on CMHQ yet? Well now you know, poor guy has been busy refereeing this stupid cluster hen humpfest for the past two weeks! :mad: So let me summarize. DON'T SEND SOMETHING TO CMHQ IF YOU DON'T WANT IT POSTED! IF THAT SOMETHING IS NOT YOURS THEN DON'T SEND IT UNTIL YOU HAVE GOTTEN PERMISSION...IF YOU SEE SOMETHING THAT IS YOURS POSTED THAT YOU DIDN'T WANT POSTED THEN YOU NEED TO HAVE A NICE CHAT WITH THE PERSON THAT DID SEND IT... Sounds pretty simple, don't it? Nice, now go read some other, more interesting thread! Madmatt p.s. and yes I am closing this thread down as well [ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  17. Problem: Saved games (or ones downloaded) do not show up in the Scenario/Operation list at the Main Menu. Cause/Solution: Game is being run from the CD instead of from the installed location on the computer. Make sure you are running the game from the hard drive and not off the CD. While the CD being inserted is required to run the game you need to be sure that the game itself (the Combat Mission.exe) is being run from the installed directory location on your computer. If you run the game from the CD it will only show files on the CD and not the new ones being saved.
  18. UPDATE: Okay Archives have all been re-indexed and a test Search for the word "bouncer" (my weekend job) resulted in several of my more notable posts from last year so I think its working ok. Madmatt
  19. I will have to re-index the search index. I will do this later today, that should do the trick. Madmatt
  20. You will notice that posts from 1999 and 2000 from this forum have now been archived. It is hoped that this will help overall speed and stability of the forum. Note: You can not post new messages or reply in the Archive forums and all topics there are being listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching. If there is need, I can revert to date sorting. Madmatt
  21. Good, hopefully all is sorted out so to keep from getting this anymore convulted I am going to close this thread down. CG, contact me DIRECTLY at matt@battlefront.com if it turns out this matter needs more attention. Thanks! Madmatt
  22. Good, hopefully all is sorted out so to keep from getting this anymore convulted I am going to close this thread down. CG, contact me DIRECTLY at matt@battlefront.com if it turns out this matter needs more attention. Thanks! Madmatt
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