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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Right now there is no more randomness (I believe its a 10% in CMBO) on the planes not showing up. You buy them they will arrive, although I just made a suggestion to Charles that could change this but you will have to wait to see why... Most planes will give you between 3 and 6 strafing runs depending on MG/Cannon configuration and loadout of course. Planes also have a durablity rating now that allows damage to them to be better tracked (although unviewable to the player the game keeps track) and just like in CMBO they can get spooked off/damaged by AAA and abort or be shot down. Planes can also fly at dawn now. There may be some further enhancements to come (of which I am not at liberty to talk about, so there!). I will say that the plane database is impressive, espically considering the anemic choices in CMBO. Madmatt [ February 08, 2002, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  2. You dont pick and choose your loadouts as such, some plane types have different loadouts to choose from though. For example one may have a strafing only version or a version with bombs there is also some randomness built in with this as well, you may get a plane with rockets, or one with various bomb configurations or both depending on the planes capabilites. What planes types? Lots! Madmatt [ February 08, 2002, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Huh, DAP (the free version) does this ?? I use it, never saw that ... I was not asking for a big file INSTEAD of the small ones, but IN ADDITION .. I however realized that a FTP utility also allows for quick dload of entire directories, so I suppose I'll manage that ! Thx again, anyway, for this great work !</font>
  4. God, my old install of CMBO is like a 20 dollar whore with all the mods that have come and gone in it... Lets see, MDMP 1 and 2 obviously... Mostly DD's terrain which I also lent a little bit of my vast talent on... Fernando's German vehicles pretty much across the board. Also Fernando's oft forgotten winter uniform mod..A classic! Gordon and Marco's Allied stuff... My own improved sound effects... Combo of the Tank Girl and Deanco's Interface Mods SurlyBens Photo skies I liked the colors so I used to use the Luftwaffe Feild Division Uniforms as well as Ed Durkins Feld Grau mod. Panzertrupens Buildings..Still a thing of beauty! Thats about all but I haven't even loaded CMBO in about a year so I am going from memory... Madmatt
  5. From the Tech Support document: http://www.guru3d.com/files/ that link works for me, in fact there are some newer drivers out which I am about to test myself. Madmatt
  6. Sorry but not everyone is riding the Happy Fat Pipe of bandwidth and can suck down 150 megs in one gulp nor would everyone neccesarily WANT all those mods, so we decided to break them up like this which gives you the maximum control over grabbing what you want. Besides just use a download manager like DAP which lets you *leech* all the file links off any page and it will do the work for you. Madmatt
  7. Maybe becuase they never asked us? That article also has a strong Sci-Fi/Fantasy slant to it, dontcha think? Madmatt
  8. Okay, THAT THAT THAT Now, before this thread de-evolves any further I am closing her down.
  9. While I must admit Ted has been a great boon to CMHQ but I rather doubt it's fair to say he "RUNS IT". Espically considering the fact that he is about as bad with HTML as humanly possible...Actually pretty much ANYTHING revolving around computer and software he aint so good at, BUT he makes up with it with EASE OF ACCESS (he is always ready to be yelled at!) and LACK OF EGO (there aint room on CMHQ for any ego's bigger than mine!). Honestly ( I say "honmestly" like that as normally I just lie to everyone here!) Ted is awesome and once I found out he is still to be part of my willing thrall at CMHQ and that I wasn't loosing him completely to my nemises, the shriveled up "kulnel', I was thrilled to see him adding this latest notch to his belt... Kinda reminds me of a young bald upstart here on the forums about two years ago...Well other than the fact he aint bald and isn't much of an upstart..More of a sidewaystart...downstart??? Anyway..Congrats my boy, ya done good and don't let them Raiders push around much (there a bunch of pansies mostly anyway from what I have heard but they might try and gang up on ya), thats still my job! Madmatt Ultimate Evil Overlord [ February 05, 2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Actually Ted, you DO get visible indication of what order a unit is *currently* carrying out, at least for friendly units. What do I speak of? Well its a new display in the unit interface. What it shows is the type of terrain a unit is currently located in as well as what order the unit is currently carrying out. It's a very helpful addition that I don't think we have spoke about too much. For enemy units you will see what terrain they are currently in and if FOW is off you can also see what orders they are carrying out. Pretty cool to play with no FOW and watch what the computer opponent REALLY orders. I always play with the new EXTREME FOW option though and as such I rarely get full unit ID's anyway. By watching the enemy units closely (how fast they are moving, the amount of outgoing fire etc..) you can figure out what they are up to even without the aid of this display. In some older CMBB screenshots I believe you can see this little window in the unit display panel at the bottom of the screen. Either way, I be posting some screenshots in the future that I will ensure show this feature. Madmatt [ February 04, 2002, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. The Assault and Advance animations "look" like the men are running but they are moving at approximately the same speed as a normal Move. Madmatt
  12. Okay, I think all that needs to be said on this issue has been said. Everyone got in their last words and now, as I said before, it's time to move on. Madmatt
  13. On the whole, I dont like to see huge amounts of uncredited text cut and pasted here without comment. It's worse when saidn text is from one of our beta testers websites! Such behavior is in violation to the Forum rules Iron Chef.
  14. I am not sure what the french site is showing but those are not the mods that are on the bonus CD. The bonus CD contains over 150 seperate mods both CMMOS (which is included) and standalone and over 50 scenarios and ops. Some mods were exclusives and available (at least currently) only on the Bonus CD. Here are the people that contributed to this project: ARTISTS Marco Bergman Marcus Bloess Fernando J. Carrera Buil Dean Chernois Mike Duplessis Matt Faller Andrew Fox Bil Hardenberger Juju Paul McMahon Gordon Molek Dan Olding Matthew Petersen SCENARIO AND OPERATION DESIGNERS Eric 'McAuliffe' Antonsen Wyatt 'wwb' Barnett Andreas 'Germanboy' Bierman Dan 'Berlichtingen' Brown Bil Hardenberger Tim 'Rune' Orosz Bill 'Wild Bill' Wilder The bonus CD is only available on the CDV distributed UK CMBO version. Madmatt [ February 02, 2002, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. You can't tell in a still picture but the smoke in the background and snow flakes ARE being blown to a great degree. Also if we filled up the screen with snowflakes not only would it kill framerate but it wouldn't be too fun to play the game when all you could see on your monitor would be white out condiditions. Madmatt
  16. Ya got 20 minutes. Someone better send me a new thread title quick. Madmatt
  17. Actually, this is the wrong forum, I will move it for you to the General Area. Madmatt
  18. Bush doodads ARE included. Most of the other stuff mentioned is on the list for CMII but not CMBB...By the way, we need to get that naming convention correct. CMII (or what is sometimes called CM2) is the what we are calling the NEXT GENERATION CODE BASE GAME. Be a while (years?) before this begins... CMBB (often also mistakenly called CM2)is the sequel to CMBO and is the project currently in devolopment. People seem to sometimes get the two confused. Just trying to set the record straight on this. Just like 'Star Wars' is now considered the series of all 6 movies (should have been 9 damnit!), Combat Mission is now the series name with each game being given a specific title (i.e. Beyond Overlord or Barbarossa to Berlin). Madmatt
  19. Yup, that too is on the list for the re-write, not gonna happen in CMBB though. Madmatt
  20. I think I have already seen armor units behave intelligently like this in CMBO. On several occasions, I've seen light armor move out of the LOS of heavier armor units before they have gotten plugged. During 'Move It or Lose It,' my American armored recce units moved out of the LOS of a StuG III and later a halftrack tried to move out of the LOS of a PzKW IVH (it was not as lucky...). In a Hurtgen Forest scenario, the computer TACAI controlled light armor is quickly moving out of the LOS of my Tiger IE. Unfortunately, the turret rotation is so slooow, the cat cannot engage the faster armor between the open LOS zones in the trees. I'll remember that for future deploy of big cats.... Anyway, I definitely approve of this built in intelligence. A strong appeal to CMBO is you can give units orders, but they will still tend to follow their own interests and worries. Don't make this another RTS piece of crap!</font>
  21. YES, the system and VRAM requirements are higher than in CMBO. Maps can be bigger (up to 9km square), and graphics across the board are much more detailed. NO, to do so with the existing codebase is INCREDIBLY time consuming and the payoff is not worth the investment in time. Maybe, but nothing too extreme like turrets being popped off. We have already added some graphic flourishs to shell impacts on armor for example. Never! Combat Mission is designed from the ground up for 60 second turn resultions and executions. That will not change. That is way too specific of a decission to be made by the player who is in a Company or higher command role by design. In your example by the way, how would hitting the tracks on the KT do anything for the T-34 other than alert the KT of its presense? In reality the T-34's best course of action would be to get the hell outa there before the KT noticed him. In CMBB there is vehicle morale modeled now and such a thing COULD in fact happen (getting scared and running, that is). Vehicles will however switch to HE from time to time if they see that AP is not doing the trick, the idea being that they might in fact damage the gun or tracks with HE so what you want is already occuring, although out of control of the player. NO There are several new commands for armor which will allow for Overwatch behavior including the new Shoot and Scoot command. That can be accomplished by using the Cover Arc commands. Madmatt [ February 01, 2002, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. a few questions, I am pretty sure you can have guys hurt in fires now in CMBO, if so then the same would apply to CMBB but I am not 100% certain either way. I guess you will just have to wait and see. You have to cycle through all the settings but it won't hang up. Its not THAT much of a difference. Hmm, there is a new BRIEFING DISPLAY that can be toggled in a QB so players know what sort of options were selected. Nothing about it being a loaded map though, I will see if we can add that, good sugestion! Madmatt [ February 01, 2002, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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