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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Sergei, Im just playing through one of those now actually. They are very cool indeed, kinda like an extended battle. Ops really make you play differently as you need to consider losses, falling back to stronger positions...the big picture basically. Well worth a look Dan
  2. Epee, Im pretty sure Charles has had that one picked out for a long time for CMBB... Dan
  3. Caesar, hehe, wait until you try it in an urban battle...wow can they be nasty now. I lost half a platoon whilst trying to cross a road and some parkland to a HMG-42 I was sure was dead. You just never know now, not 100% Dizee, Ive done this with AT rifles, too. You will usually need to hit a tank with 2 or 3 rifles many times each, and it will at least need to be damaged or immobilised first, but its not impossible to encourage a crew to bail out with these little weapons Dan [ September 01, 2002, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Generally this sort of info will be displayed to players if you have a very good contact with the target. In rough ground you rarely get such data. Note that infantry that is killed in rough or covreed ground will often become a marker now instead of a dead infantry icon, so you will need to do some recon to find out if they are indeed dead or just hiding. Dan
  5. No MrNoobie, the shoulder is shown to show his rank Dan
  6. Webs, I dont know much about it, but I know Ive seen that effect in full daylight at an airshow before Auga, are you sure you havnt got a T-34 buttoned? Im pretty sure the versions in the demo have no radios and thus no command if buttoned Dan
  7. Webs no, its not specifically coded into CM its just a side effect of the monitor refresh. Btw, I have seen this effect in real life...watch a prop on a plane at an airshow. Its not an uncommon effect. Ryan, thats strange indeed but Chalres will be looking into it. What is odd os that none of our beta testers reported this in the demo and I havnt seen it myself, so I guess its hardware or driver specific. System specs may help here guys... Dan [ September 01, 2002, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Odd indeed...yup, send me a save and Ill check it out Steve Dan
  9. When I tried the CMHQ link I was getting 100 odd k Griffin, but I am on cable Guys, Im sure more mirrors will come, but they will take a little time to organise. The demo has only been up for a couple of hours or so but the response has been huge, so keep trying Dan
  10. MrSpkr, are you absolutely sure about the bases...Ive never had a problem with them and I use them all the time to take screen shots. Oh, make sure you didnt hit caps lock accidently Dan
  11. Hi Guys, I just wanted to check that you guys are aware Matt added a link to the CMHQ download site? I just tested it and I can get 100k+ all the way down in Australia. I could have download the whole thing in 10 mins if I let it go, which isnt too bad . Dan
  12. John, why cant you just save your game after youve deployed your troops? Dan
  13. Ill see what I can arrange Jorge, though it may take a couple of days Dan
  14. It never ceases to amaze me just how insignificant some peoples lives really must be. I honestly cant understand how you could even be bothered...youd think that on a Saturday night youd have something a little more exciting to do, but I guess not. It is truely quite sad... Dan
  15. Heya guys, Just popping in here to let you know that we havnt yet released plans for whats next. Steve has mentioned in the General Forum I beleive that the rewrite is next, but that is the only solid info we can give at the moment. More to come down the track though. Dan
  16. Before you guys go and get too excited at the moment its important to note that I honestly have no idea if our release date of the actual game will coincide with the demo *or* if our demo will be released at the same time as the CDV version. Ive been so buried in graphics I havnt had time to notice such things, so I think it best to wait for the press release before making any such conclusions, it should answer all your questions. I just wanted to let you guys know that info will be coming Dan [ August 21, 2002, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. Guys, what do you want us to confirm? The editor isnt being untruthful as far as I am aware, if that is what you mean? CDV is handling European matters though as you know. Martin has a press release in the works to bring you guys up to date. Im not sure when he will be done but Im guessing it will be sooner rather than later. Bumping threads continuiously cant make that go any faster unfortunately, as usual Dan [ August 21, 2002, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Okay guys, gonna lock this one up. Kawas, note that the topic of this forum is Combat Mission. We need to keep it on topic to be fair to everyone as there is much converstion taking place, and as such posts about fantasy mods that dont exist would probably be best in the General Forum. Dan
  19. Whats is even stranger Grisha is that his IP resolves to somewhere south of LA. I guess some people have a lot of free time. Guys, if your not interested in his posts lets stop reponding...maybe he will get bored Dan
  20. Gonna lock this one too guy. Personally I suspect he is one of our old 'friends' back in a poor attempt to cause some trouble, but time will well I guess. Everyone deserves a chance Dan [ August 19, 2002, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  21. Kawas, from here on in please posts all off topic posts to the General Forum. This forum is CM discussions only. Dan
  22. Poobear, please post off topic posts in the General Forum. Dan
  23. Guys, its been made quite clear that we dont allow such posts on this forum about anyone, not just Fionn. Such matters should be taken up in private or at the least in the origional topic the offer was made in, as this isnt the place for such posts. Also, posting someones private email shouldnt be done in my opinion. Email isnt a fail safe form of communication and I know that Ive missed emails from people recently due to technical problems...so what if this is simply the case in this situation. The last thing I have time to do at the moment is to watch the forum for the next two hours to see if people are going to start 10 other threads about this subject, why it was locked, what happened to free speach, yadda yadda yadda, but I guess I now have to do that. Note that we do not wish to see any more such posts. Dan [ August 13, 2002, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  24. Guys, looks like you may have found a long lost bug. Ill pass it onto Charles and see if this is the case so it can be fixed for CMBB if so. Dan
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