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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Heya Guys! Just a couple of quick answers! Citizen, thanks for pointing that out....we will email them asap Captain Wacky, yup, Steve if looking after the uniforms himself! Hehe, you should see his collection of the real deal...very impressive! John, if we make it much higher we unfortunately get into the old problem of not being able to see troops once they enter the stuff, hehe, so you wont bee seeing it much higher than chest height. Something we will be looking into futher with the rewrite though Again, glad you like how its shaping up guys...wait until you see some of the changes made in the last week or two! Dan [ February 28, 2002, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  2. Heya Guys, Hehe, we as youve seen the comp was extended! This was mainly due to popular demand as our comp clashed with some others, so lets how we get some more great entries. So far the response has been huge, though we are still hoping for some textures for the more rare vehicles out there. Just so you know guys, the extension to the comp hasnt changed our 'internal' expected release date at all, it should just hopefully net us some more great textures John, thanks for all of the hard work! Hehe, George has already helped us out a lot, so Im sure he will be happy post up the info Dan
  3. Thanks Andreas, Ill pass it onto Chalres! If you guys have any more specific info, please dont hesitate to pass it on This is something I think we would like to see in game if it was as bad as it sounds, but we really need to tie down info such as dates, how many rounds may have been taken info combet, etc to do so properly. Dan
  4. Heya Guys, Just so you know, those shots about about a month old now. Oh, and nope Michael, the winter terrain is ours, and its been in there for a couple of months now, hehe. Glad you guys like how its shaping up though. The T-34 is an older texture, but will be updated soon Dan
  5. Hi Guys, This is something we could simulate, but we would really need more than the above references to do so. Zaloga worked on both of the above books and although we do have faith in his work we really need to have some other references stating this info as well, just to be sure. Any chance you guys can dig up any more references to this apparent shortage? Dan
  6. Hi Guys John, just so you know we actually sent out about 150 emails to various groups letting them know about the comp. The response from non CM modellers has been slow, but steady. We are looking to extend the competition in the hope to capture a little more of the modelling crowd, so keep your fingers crossed! Dan [ February 26, 2002, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  7. Uedel, I did send you out a reply but I have been having some outlook problems recently, so maybe it didnt go through. Ive just installed outlook 2002, so hopefully that will fix the problem! Just to confirm, yes, it came through fine Dan
  8. Heya Guys! John, thanks for taking the time to do that! Does he have a web page at all, Ill like to see what he has available? Thanks for the bumps Wolfe Just so you guys know, there is a small chace that we may have an extension to the come, as some of the modellers out there have had problems with our comp clashing with others. I will let you know if this is the case! PL, great stuff, Im recieving you emails now! Ill reply to them a little later today but thanks for all of the help! Great work Dan
  9. Heya Guys Diceman, all recieved fine as I mentioned in the email. They look great, too! The shots above dont seem to be working at the moment though? One eye, check out this link below... http://www.battlefront.com/Model_Contest/Model_contest.html Zitadelle, Im looking forward to seeing it Thanks for all of the great work, it will help out very much! Thanks guys! Dan [ February 13, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  10. To be honest wreck, Im not sure if this is quite the case. There is a chapter in the German Military Handbook on defense and one section discusses how the Germans would defend a town. In there it details that the Germans would often defend towns from the second or third row of buildings because it wasnt uncommon for the outer building to be destroyed by the attacking force. Its quite an interesting read actually...I believe someone posted it here some time back if you do a search. Dan
  11. Hi 007, I just wanted to take a moment to clarify here that the issue we have noticed with TCPIP games happens only when you capture crews. It appears you have a different problem as your crashes are happening pretty much at random, extremely often as you cant complete a game, and the work around that works for other people isnt working for you. The above would lead me to say that either you have found a problem that no one has even reported before or (and to be honest somewhat more likely) there is something system related causing your problem. I remember back when CMBO was first released I was having an extremely random and odd problem (corrupt turns, etc) that ended up being related to a faultly network cable, so hopefully you problem may be as simple as that. Good luck with it, and I suggest that you will find help over in the Tech Support forum. Im going to lock this one up now as it really is a support issue and should be over in the supprt forum. Dan
  12. Matt, dont forget that in CMBO there were visually less trees in a scattered tree tile, so youd probably end up with a tree on one side of the road or the other, but not both Dan [ February 11, 2002, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  13. LG, I dont get much time at all to play CMBO at all any more unfortunately. I am in CMBB pretty constantly though, although just testing textures most of the time Dan
  14. A while back Matt put up a new shot over on the modelling contest page if you havnt seen it guys... Dan
  15. Fairbairn, cool mpeg, hehe. Yup, I certainally wouldnt want to be on the recieving end of that. Id suggested you guys check it out if you can, as it shows just how stable it can be when firing a long burst (maybe the entire drum?). Im guessing the fact that it had the large drum at the front weighting the weapon down may be part of the reson for this. It also shows you how quickly you can use up ammo if your not careful Dan [ February 09, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  16. Paul, interesting read. After actually using the Ppsh though, I must admit that I would probably have to disagree with the above. It worked flawlessly (unfortunately the MP-40 didnt) and seemed very controllable. Puff, just trying to be fair to other members whom are trying to get their thread read Hehe, and no i cant, as I have no idea if the figures I have here are final. The figure I have is somewhat less though than yours though. Dan [ February 09, 2002, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. Zitadelle, Id actually be interested to see the T-70M, as I had only a very poor blueprint of that one, but please do which ever one you prefer as I can make both models from the one texture Thanks again for all of the input guys! Dan [ February 09, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Apache, yes, everything will still be moddable! Dan
  19. It is, and it wasnt a quick model to make, either Dan
  20. Puff, yes, Ppsh armed squads are indeed nasty to come up against, as least at shorter ranges. Your math is off quite a bit though, although I cant tell you where as I dont know the details. I can tell you that a Russian SMG squad (in mid 43 at least) has 9 men. Hehe, Steve and I just had a battle in a small village where we both ended up with some SMG squads and it wasnt a pretty picture Something which is different about using SMG squads in CMBB is the rate at which they will go through ammo, so you do have to be very careful as to how you use them. They will fire they weapons quite fast at shorter ranges, but if you allow them to do so unchecked they will likely use up the bulk of their ammo very quickly. Dan PS : Oh and lets try and keep similar discussions all in one spot guys, so that we dont end up with 5 topics on the first page about the same thing [ February 10, 2002, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  21. Determinant, I wouldnt know much about that, as I live in Australia Hehe, after large amount of beer Im doubting either weapon would be of much use to be honest. Guys, I see that a second thread had been started about SMG's and firepower, etc, so Im going to lock this one up in order to keep discussions somehwat under control. Please feel free to continue discussions over there Dan
  22. Paul, hehe, my life went into a time warp about 18 months back now... Dan
  23. Slappy, interesting, and I would tend to agree. Ive actually dug out the old article for interests sake that I was referring to and it is actually about SWAT teams and the weapons they use (5.56, not 7.62), and Id think that this example is very different from a combat situation with trained soldiers as they are obviously talking about civilians. Determinant, fun game, hehe. Im guessing you may not have seen an SMG in action though ? Before June this year, neither had I, but having witnessed their use and firing several myself I can assure you that you wouldnt want anyone shooting at you with either at under 100m. A trained marksman could drop you very quickly from 75m and to be honest I think I probably could with next to no experience with automatic weapons, as they are quite stable and controllable. Over 100m - 150m, yup, then Id rather the SMG! Hehe, Id rather the shotgun though. Dan [ February 09, 2002, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  24. Puff, yes, I was talking about the nato round and I am well aware of the difference in power of the two projectiles *but* the principle is the same, just to a lesser excent. Anyways, I think this question has been answered many times before as pointed out above, so no need to spend more time on this one. Dan [ February 09, 2002, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
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