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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Hi Binkie, Yes, unfortuantely this was not easy to code at all under the current engine, so we decided to leave it until the rewrite where we will be able to do it properly. If these were deal breakers for you, no hard feelings, each to their own. Enjoy CMBO in the mean time Dan
  2. Gryphon, just in case I didnt explain to well in the other thread, the Sdkfz 251/22 will look like a standard half track at the moment. Unfortuantely we didnt have room (and time) to fit all of the textures onto the CD, so we had to make a choice. Either cut out the vehicles that didnt make it on, or add them in now with substitue models and update as many of them as we can post release. We decided to go with the later option, which gives you guys many many more vehicles to use than otherwise would have been possible. Dan Dan
  3. Enjoy ParaBellum You appear to be the first to recieve it! I just finished playing the Eberswaldes Last Stand scenario...make sure you check it out for a visually cool looking little map and one nasty little fire fight Dan [ September 19, 2002, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Yup, they are Currently they share models with other versions as we ran out of texture CD space for them all, but we will be updating these in the first few patches. Dan
  5. I must admit, even I am surised it arrived so quickly! Dan [ September 19, 2002, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. And Im guessing its best it stays that way Dan
  7. Redwolf, Im pretty sure this has been changed in CMBB... Dan
  8. Clinton, I can think of many instances where you would want troops to move into position and then fire...for instance if you were moving a tank hunting team through a building behind a T-34 Dan
  9. Mikey, as far as I am aware winter mods have never been removed from the code and should work exactly the same way as always (+100000 was it?). That is what Charles has told me, but Im not sure why you think differently? Dan
  10. Hilltopper, I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I am glad to hear that CM bought him some joy during his illness. Sometimes the small things can make such a big difference. Dan
  11. Scorpius1001, dont worry, preorders are going very well
  12. Gyrene, it was mainly the vehicle list we wanted to keep to ourselves, and we thought the new muzzle flash was a nice suprise. Not much really, which is why it was so suprising to see people getting themselves all worked up about it at the time. Dan
  13. Guys, we arent going to give out figures here, as youve probably already guessed. Im happy to say that things are going very very well though Dan
  14. Tero, there are many different designations I believe. We used what appear to me the Russian designations for most part. The twin turret version we call the T-26 1931, and the artillery version the T-26A. Here is some more info... http://www.battlefield.ru/t26.html Dan
  15. The last one is a T-26A (artillery) guys. Basically the T-26 with a T-28 turret and 75mm gun. Quite rare, but pretty neat... Dan
  16. Guys, note that those sceen shots dont necessarily show final textures...you can see the SturmTiger has been updated for instance in our recent shots. Also, the colour looks slightly blue in the second one, but maybe thats just me Dan
  17. Something Ive found works well is combining the new Move to Contact command with recon vehicles. Is you suspect enemy over the next ridge, use the move to contact command. The vehicle will stop as soon as the enemy is stopped, and if its anti-armour will usually back down over the hill. Dan
  18. CMPlayer, no worries...Ill lock this up now. So seriously, its hard to take his comments too seriously as looking at his posting history it seems that he didnt really like CM all that much in the first place it seems. If he doesnt wish to participate in the forums anymore, that is his choice and quite frankly not one I have a problem with Dan [ September 10, 2002, 04:11 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  19. Hehe... Actually this wouldnt work George for a few reasons. Firstly you would only have maybe 2 vehicles and 1 infantry type to pick from as we need to keep the demo size to a minimum. Also, the map generator would have to be recoded as we dont include all terrain bmp's with the demo. Dan
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