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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Yup, Charles is going to look into it guys. Consider us informed Dan [ September 23, 2002, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  2. Yup, I believe so Dan [ September 23, 2002, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  3. Guys, Im pretty sure the landsverk served as an AA weapon in rear areas and never actually saw any ground combat. Does anyone have any info to the contrary? Dan
  4. Hehe, just for the record guys the Russians like to paint their buildings quite vibrant colours. In fact, all of the buildings in game are from actual digital photos from many Russian villiages thanks to some of our beta guys, and these were the more subdued ones at that Have fun modding them though guys, I expected not everyone would like them that way. I think many people seem to feel Russian should look somewhat dreary and run down, even if technically it may not be totally correct. Dan [ September 22, 2002, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. Looks cool guys! I really looking forward to some winter mods myself Down the track once I get some more free time I will post some info on just how the Russians used winter camo and applied it. In general I think they often didnt cover the whole vehicle for instance, and in the first winter many tanks just had their turret or front areas in white due to lack of supplies. I even have the origional Russian orders as to how paint should be applied here somewhere Dan
  6. John, here is Charles's response to you origional post. First thing, I should say that the chance a tank actually *explodes* from a given hit in CM is not a clear-cut scientifically provable thing. It's not like we found charts telling us precisely how often a Pz IIIF explodes when hit by a 76.2mm AP round. So there is a certain amount of educated guessing involved here. That said, there are several points John to consider : 1. CMBB's AP shells *do* cause more internal damage than AP shot (all else being equal). In CMBB, AP shells (assuming they penetrate the armor) most decidedly *do* cause more internal damage from their explosive charge. 2. Causing more damage with an AP shell (as opposed to shot) does not automatically mean that the target tank must therefore *explode*. In real life, tanks can be terrifically damaged internally without actually exploding. 3. AP shells come in different varieties. The *German* AP shells actually have only a very small explosive charge. Far smaller than, for example, the explosive charge inside a typical American AP shell. This gives the German AP shells better penetration capability, but less kill power behind the armor. All AP shells are not created equal, and the game lists those with larger charges (for example, the lend-lease Sherman AP shells) as "large HE charge". 4. AP shells which barely penetrate the target armor often fail to detonate properly or fully. The shell itself is usually torn up pretty badly from the impact in such a case. You generally only get the "full" blast if the shell penetrates cleanly with energy to spare. In the "long range kill" tests described on the forum, firing at long range makes it likely that the penetrations were achieved with small margins, meaning that the remnants of the shells which made it through the armor were low on energy. It also means those remnants would be less likely to explode with full capacity. And the shells in question are German, which pack a very small explosive charge to begin with. Hope that helps! Dan
  7. Hehe, thanks Ryan, got it I think this simpliest thing to do is to run Johns post by Charles word for word, he understand all this high speed metal throwing talk Dan
  8. John, although I have no idea of what you are talking about or if what you are suggesting is modelled, but Ill run it past Charles. We are talking about the chances of an internal ammo explosion here, arent we, as that is all I was referring to? Guys, currently several vehicles are represented by similar models. We will be updating as many as possible though (not all, but many), so this should keep most people happy . It was either do this which will add to the tactical scope of the game or remove them altoghther, which I for one really didnt want to do. There is already over half dozen ready for the first patch which you guys should see in a week or so. Dan [ September 21, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  9. Captian Whacky, firing on the move now is almost not worth the ammo. Its very hard to hit anything unless you are stationary, though optics do help . Btw, anyone wanting to see optics in action should play Kurson Relief as the Russians. I wont give out any spoilers, buts its great fun Dan PS Thanks Tom, hehe. [ September 20, 2002, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  10. Fred, sorry, personal insults dont work on me...Im quite happy to say Im above that and I wont hurl them back at you If you cant understand why CDV wont allow us to sell into Europe then Im guessing the education system you went through may need a good overhaul, as this seems like a pretty basic concept to me. No, we dont like it but its the real world and nothing can change that, no matter how much we or you whine. It appears you have no solution either as you find it much easier to dodge the issue than attempt to discuss it, so little more can come out of this discussion. Guys, Im going to take Apaches advice and lock this one up. To those whom truely want the best we can do, keep an eye out for an announcement about this as soon as we sort out the details Dan PS : Thanks for the thoughtful comments guys! [ September 20, 2002, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  11. You really tell us, that you are not a 'printing company' (Steve) and really do not care if europeans get a manual...that is with all due respect, HYBRIS! I prefer the word arrogance... Fred</font>
  12. Well to be honest Fred I am guessing you know next to nothing about the game and publishing industry. I dont mean any disrespect by this as Im sure your area of expertise is in other fields, but the thought that a publisher would allow another company to sell the same product into their area is laughable. They have no idea as to how many product we could sell into their area and would be silly to allow such a risk to their sales. Ill make it clear and say that there is no way CDV will allow us to sell directly into Europe. We have said this many times now, and it is the honest truth. So, again, what is your solution here? The one you have seems to be one that no publisher would ever agree to, so its not really a solution at all. Dan [ September 20, 2002, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  13. Leutnant Hortlund, keep an eye out for an announcement soon which will hopefully make most people happy Dan
  14. Fred, Im still looking forward to your solution to this situation as you have the business degrees and all? Lets stop the flaming which is all you seem to be doing at the moment give us your thoughts here. Or is the flaming your main goal in this thread? Dan [ September 20, 2002, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  15. Apache, as I mentioned way back, Im really hoping we can help everyone out here. As Steve mentioned, this is a hard situation that we ourselves arent totally happy with. We do hope we can make most people happy though, at least those whom want to be made happy. Glad you sorted out your situation though! Dan
  16. Fred, we didnt have the deal with CDV when we starting selling online so you must have ordered before we did. Once we signed with them we couldnt sell the PC version of CMBO anywhere in Europe. To think a publisher would allow us to sell to their target audience is yes, a fantasy world. So again, what is your solution to this problem Fred...Im still waiting for your thoughts? Dan [ September 20, 2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. But Fred, thats not a solution at all as it isnt possible. In some fantasy world that would be great as it would indeed solve all problems. The reality of the matter is that no publisher would sign under such an agreement, and to be honest I totally understand that. Its no more possible than us all winning the lottery and sending out CMBB to everyone for free. So I ask again...Fred, what is your solution to this situation seeing you seem to have all of the answers? Dan PS : melodramatic! Try readong some of your posts, I needed a coffee just to get throught the first page. [ September 20, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Fred, so what is your solution to this situation, tell us that? You seem to be suggest that we should damage our position as a company and our future making wargames in order for you to have an extra 50 pages in your manual. And you seem to be completely ignoring the fact that we are working on a solution for this fact, too. Dan [ September 20, 2002, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  19. Hi Guys, A DVD is out for now as many people dont have DVD players in their computer yet guys. I would say that this will slowly change, but we cant swap over to DVD's for some time to come. And we didnt go for one CD dover two because we were too cheap. We had two option here...ship with substitue models as we did in CMBO or remove these vehicles from the game. We decided to go with the first option. Good news is that this time around I will have the time to update many of those models. Dan
  20. Apache, hopefully we can make you guys happy as well. Bare with us whilst we see what are options are here Dan
  21. I can be so sure becuase most of these players wouldnt even buy CMBB expect for us publishing in Europe through CDV. Martin, I do beleive there is a 90 page paper manual included with the European version. This is more than enough to explain the finer details of CMBB, and is 2/3's of the origional manual. Please note this, as you seem to be under the impression that we include no manual? I think most players wont even need to read the larger manual but if they do wish to it is there in PDF format. Also, as has been stated, we are looking into other option for European users whom with the manual in paper format. Dan [ September 20, 2002, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  22. Yup, andreas is correct there Basically, brew ups are caused by the 'over penatration' of a round which leaves much more energy to bounce around the tank and cause explosions. At longer ranges this will be much less likely to happen. Remember in CMBO that you are playing in the last year of the war with big guns and big bangs Dan
  23. Guys, just letting you know we are looking into alternatives here for you. We just need a little time to do this Das Boot, thanks for your support, we do appreciate it. The bottom line is that through CDV we can probably reach many many more customers than through the net, so it wasnt a hard descision to make once we weighted up all the options. Whilst we honestly do understand its hard on you guys whom are our current and loyal fans, the good news is that it will expand the community much more than if we didnt run with it and that will help out not just us, but you guys as well. Think of it this way...most new customers in Europe wont even miss the larger manual, yet if we didnt go with CDV they may not even have known about CMBB. Dan [ September 20, 2002, 04:31 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  24. Hi Guys We will most probably be able to provide such a list, at least a complete list for vehicles. We will be adding in more vehicle models and textures in the first few patches though, so we want to leave such a list until texture numbers are static to save confusion. Dan
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