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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Okay Guys, locking this one up...was a good laugh though Dan
  2. Jack, the most common captured vehicles are available on both sides Dan
  3. Guys, just going to move this to the General Forum....feel free to continue over there Dan
  4. Okay guys, Im going to lock this one as the conversation appears to have gone well and truely off the tracks and the origional topic . Please feel free to discuss the demo scenarios in the other topic covering them though. Dan
  5. Last time I checked Tero, it started well and truely 'over half a century ago', at least according to our calender. Actually I did try to fit a 30 page history lesson in there with maps, time lines, pictures and an easy to use interface, but couldnt quite make it fit under the 25k limit. Dan [ September 09, 2002, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. Glad you like it guys Yup, feel free to use it as Martin suggested above! You should see it about on other sites I beleive sooner rather than later. Dan
  7. Wade, this is very odd but it sounds like you may have been missing sound files still (or they were corrupt). Pretty soon mags will start to carry the demo and although we dont know which ones yet, keep you eye out here. Glad to hear youve almost got it running at least Dan
  8. MOVING this one to the General Forum guys Dan
  9. Actually guys that is how it was origionally, but it changes so you can hide them now. Note though that hiding troops dont spot as well as they used to. Dan
  10. I cant quite remember the conversation I had with Charles about this some time back Vanir, but Im pretty sure it does. Dan
  11. MrSpkr, dusk is kicked up with artillery, particually with largers shells, though it doesnt last too long. Buildings do create a dust cloud that lasts for some time though, blocking ling of site. Check out the bone thread Matt posted and you should find some shots I took of a town after I landed 3 SturmTiger rounds in it. It should give you an idea of dust from larger artillery rounds Dan
  12. Actually, not much extra time, hehe. I wish I had a lot more, anyways! I have plenty of other stuff to do but I wanted to answer questions whilst Steve has been busy with other matters Dan
  13. Pud, I will mentioned this to Chalres but the rear MG pretty much looks after itself, as does the Hull MG. The problem is that if we make the tweak, there will be no way to make the forward turret MG target a target towards its rear. I have no idea why one might want to do this but rest assured that if we make the change, people will find a reason Dan
  14. Priest, you were on the way there I think I must admit, I even asked Charles this same question. Part of his conern with dust clouds is that it would indeed slow frame rate. Yes, modern cards can handle 3, 4 or even 8 tanks with dust behind them without much problem (as in say Operation Flashpoint). What if you have 30 such tanks though, along with 10 smokeing buildings and 8 fires or various types. You will indeed get a slow down. Transparency can cause quite a hit on graphics speed...just try out a couple of hundred rockets arriving within 10 seconds and youll see what I mean Although CM's graphics engine isnt as current as some other games out there, it does do something *very* well. It displays a large maps (without 'fog' to hide distant objects like many other games), and it can simulate a battle on that map on a reasonable system at a reasonable speed. Yes, we could have put in all the funky graphics that we would all like to see, but we would probably have to limit maps too 500m x 500m and tanks to 3 a side just to make it playable. Not too much fun in our opinion though as it would really limit tactical scope in a wargame on the scale of CMBB Dan [ September 06, 2002, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  15. Hi Guys, Just to cralify, we have never actually said that it is something we couldnt do We decided to focus on gameplay and simulation as a number one priority in CMBB, with graphics (a close) second. Thus, some things we would have like to have done, such as dust clouds, didnt make it in. I bet most of you would rather the cover arc command in there instead though. Dan [ September 06, 2002, 12:41 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  16. Wade, even though you have a newer computer that still doesnt mean it is a problem. Drivers, operating systems, faulty memory, etc, all can make a HUGE difference to how a game will run. I spent 6 months trying to get IL-2 running on my computer without crashing and the only way I eventually got it to work was to but a new motherboard (motherboard and sound card would crash when used together for those interested). As the problem you are describing hasnt been mentioned by anyone else thus far, it is either a bug specific to your computer setup or a problem with you computer. If youd like to post some details to the Tech support forum we can try and work through this if you like. If youd rather not, that is your choice, too. Dan [ September 05, 2002, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. Wade, even though you have a newer computer that still doesnt mean it is a problem. Drivers, operating systems, faulty memory, etc, all can make a HUGE difference to how a game will run. I spent 6 months trying to get IL-2 running on my computer and the only way I eventually got it to work was to but a new motherboard (motherboard and sound card would crash when used together for those interested). As the problem you are describing hasnt been mentioned by anyone else thus far, it is either a bug specific to your computer or a problem with you computer. If youd like to post some details to the Tech support forum we can try and work through this if you like. If youd rather not, that is your choice, too. Dan
  18. Wade, I attempted to help you as best I could with your download. To be totally honest we cannot be held responsible if your download did not work properly. As for your crashing problem Ive checked the Technical forum and cant find any post about the problems you are having. If you havnt posted there I recommend that this is the best place you could post to to solve such problems. if you posted here it probably was lost before most people had a chance to read it. Dan
  19. Wade, I attempted to help you as best I could with your download. To be totally honest we cannot be held responsible if your download did not work properly. As for your crashing problem Ive checked the Technical forum and cant find any post about the problems you are having. If you havnt posted there I recommend that this is the best place you could post to to solve such problems. if you posted here it probably was lost before most people had a chance to read it. Dan
  20. Guys, locking this one too. Note that we more than welcome constructive critism as it helps us decide what players want to see now, and in the future. Comment such as the above though can only have one purpose...to stir up trouble and to detract from the real purpose of this forum. As the CMBB and CM forums in general are so busy, we cant allow pointless flame wars just for the sake of it, so it is not fair to forum members whom have a 'real' topic they wish to discuss. There are plenty of other forums which do seem to allow this though, so feel free to take such topics elsewhere. Dan [ September 05, 2002, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  21. Guys, Im guessing this is a result of the CMBB Borg posting on other forums. *PLEASE* dont do this, as we are still very busy and dont have the time to be responding constantly to such posts. farang, if turn based is not your style no problems, each to your own. There are plenty of RTS games out there for you to check out... Dan
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