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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. StellarRat, thanks for the technical description I have a freind of mine whom is a pyrotechnican. After many beers one night he gave me an in depth deascription of the differences between different explosives, their ignition speed, etc, so I guessed it might have been something like that. He also gave me a detailed description of shapped demolition charges, cutting a beam with C4, etc. It was interesting indeed, hehe. Dan [ September 03, 2002, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  2. Actually guys there is more dust in the larger blasts in CMBB. I guess you dont get to see this in the demo as much(maybe slightly?). Larger explosions will start of with blast and black smoke and then fade to dust. Check out the recent bone thread and you find a picuture of a Sturmtiger leveling a town that will probably give you an idea. Dan
  3. No worries Panzer I dont think youll be worried about the size thing in the final. A 1500 point battle in CMBB is pretty much at the same scale as a 1500 point battle in CMBO. Russian conscrpts are pretty cheap though, so you can buy bucket loads of them at the same price of a handful of regulars. Actually, I think that people are going to be excitied to get into ops in CMBB, too. Im playing one at the moment and it is very cool indeed. I find myself paying much more attention to losses and pulling back my troops so they dont get cut off and cut down. Dan
  4. No one was knocking you Panzer, so dont get your knickers in a knot. Mch just made an honest and plausable point that many others have found since playing the CMBB, and has every right to do so. As I said, battles can be any size. For me, the size of the battles i am playing now havnt changed a bit since my CMBO games, so its not a concern for me. I wouldnt be playing larger battles as I dont have the time, as Im sure many others dont either. Some love them though, so each to their own. Dan [ September 03, 2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. Nope, no more to the story. Its been it asked for on the CMBO forum more than once, and we tested the new textures without and they looked better. Basically we cant make everyone happy I guess. If we put them back in the people who didnt like them will want them out, then another will ask for a toggle, etc. Dan [ September 03, 2002, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. Mch, thats a very good point too. If you are trying to play CMBB like CMBO you may be in for a few suprises. Dan
  7. I think that wwb has pointed out the main issue here...the Russians are concsripts. If you play with German conscripts you wont do much better Battles dont have to be larger in CMBB....at least the ones I have been playing Ive kept smaller as I havnt had much free time Dan
  8. Glad you like'em guys A lost of research went into the models themselves, and a lot more detail in than in CMBO. Check out the Tigers in the latest bone thread...we modeled air filters, engine covers, etc. Enjoy modding them guys! I had so much to do I couldnt spend as much time on then as you guys can, so Im looking forward to some excellent new mods Dan
  9. I must admit it took me a week or two to get used too, but I couldnt go back tot he CMBO style of mouse movement now. I think that once you guys get used to the differences you should actually find it quite a bit easier to use Dan
  10. Old Dog...Im surpsied, hehe, as it was actually the steppe I wanted to go back to if time permitted (which it didnt), so Im very glad to hear you are happy with them! I quite liked the brush doodads myself, as they were rendered out of a 3D package and are very crisp and clean. I have added more shadow to them since the demo was made though, which helps a lot. I must admit Im surisped that no one has done either a origional vehicle mod yet or even better, added some camo to the Pz-IV. Actually I have one here with some camo and zimmerit that Ill upload once finished. Dan Dan [ September 02, 2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  11. Vader, I have seen such shots, but only from vietman material and beyond. I have dozens of WW2 documentaries Ive bought over the past couple of years and have never seen such a shockwave. Im guessing the explosive filler in more modern ordanance has a faster reaction, and thus produced the pronounced shockwave. Personally I prefer it without. It was requested that we take them out due to lack of realism and they were making it hard in CMBO to take descent screen shots as the bubble looked ugly. Guys, as a suggestion give it a little time to get used to CMBB before trying to turn it back into CMBO. I initially had a lot of the same thoughts you guys are having as the new features were added, but once I got used to many of the new features I couldnt go back. Dan
  12. Note guys that if a tank explodes they can be quite nasty to nearby infantry now, too. In reality I dont think anyone would want to hide behind a tank once the shells started flying Dan
  13. Guy, after many requests tracers were made smaller in CMBO so they were a more realistic size. Tank shells are still there, but they were made darker so they looked more realistic (again, this was requrested). I have asked Charles if tracers could be scaled up as you scale infantry which should fix most people issues with them. I guess this comes down to a 'cant please everyone all of the time' situation. Personally I like the smaller tracers as they give a better feel for scale on the battlefield. Give them a go for a little while and I think most of you will probably not find them a problem. Each to their own though. Dan
  14. Hehe, try the other scenario Steve, its a lot smaller. In CMBB you can make battles as large or as small as you like as in CMBO, so map size really shouldnt be an issue. Steve just put the larger one in there as an example to show off some of the new ballistics, optics, spotting, etc. Dan [ September 02, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  15. Anyone seen a fire spread with the wind yet? Thats pretty cool to see I remember in a battle I was playing some time back an IL-2 bomb a tank platoon I had in a wheat field. One Pz-IV exploded and another was immobilised. The fire from the burning tank eventually caught the wheat field alight, and then spread down wind and caused the other crew to bail from the immobilised vehicle. Pretty cool to see Dan
  16. Heya Jon Yup, Im pretty sure that a tank can scoot where ever it wants For instance it could rush out from behind a house, fire a shot and then rush forward behind some trees. It makes those early war fast Russian tanks nasty at times. Dan [ September 02, 2002, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. We plan on releasing about 50 new scenarios in about 3 weeks guys. These will need the final game to play though Seriously though, no more scenarios for the demo unfortunately guys. We have too much on our plates to do this before release. Dan
  18. Sorry guys, this isnt going to happen. There is many many reasons that it is not possible with scenario being the smallest of those. We will be revisiting the western front again though, dont worry about that Dan
  19. If units have satchels (not sure if there are any in the demo) you can order them to throw at a fixed point if that point is within 30m. You do this the same way as area fire. Very neat to take out smaller buildings Dan
  20. We cant give numbers guys as Charles and Steve arent available at the moment, but I think its fine to say that the demo have been downloaded many many thousands of times. Dan
  21. One of the main reasons we dont allow this guys is that it would be overused in 'gamey' ways. Even as it is there are those who feel players have too much control over crews. Dan
  22. Were they near another gun, tank, or anything metalic? If not, send Matt a saved game and we will look into it. Its not a bug reported by our testers, but it could be one I guess. Dan [ September 01, 2002, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  23. Id say they got lucky icedog When one unit fires at another, the rounds can hit other units in the area as well as other objects such as tanks or guns. Although you were hearing the rounds striking the gun, they crew werent recieving any bonus from the gun shield after they bailed. Generally crews dont last long onces they start running, so I think they were just lucky this time. Dan
  24. Look what Ive found...all of my hard work taking screen shots stuck down on page 3 Dan
  25. Frank, try this direct link. Hopefully it will help http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/counter/down.pl?ID=14 Dan [ September 01, 2002, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
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