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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Tom, just FYI I didnt do the title screen image as we had an external artist work on that for us as it is somthing I certainally wouldnt have the time to do. I believe he did a good job, too. Dan
  2. Yup, not much more to be said here at the moment guys. Dan
  3. Because Waffen-SS is a more accurate term Rocker. As Steve pointed out, we dont particaully agree with what we need to change for the German version of CMBB, but it is something we have to do and that is basically that. As I dont have the time to make sure this doesnt turn into a flame war like some of the posts did earlier, Im going to lock it up. Dan
  4. Michael, I would suggest that the reason beta testers whom are talking to you and asking you be descrete are doing so becuase they signed a pretty clear cut NDA and are under obligation to say nothing about CMBB out side of the beta test group. I am suprised that some of our testers may not be treating the NDA as seriously as maybe they should to be honest. Guys, there are no big secrets we are keeping from you and to be totally honest Im not sure why you think there is. Maybe we do have a couple of surpises we wish to keep aside until release, but are we not allowed this? The other reason Rune asked the guys he demonstrated too to keep certain feature under wraps is that the product is not finished. Features currently in there may not stay (until fully tested), new ones may go in, and its best not to give people details until they are set in stone. The people whom went have not been forbidden to chat about what they saw and I beleive you will see some posts soon (in which they have been asked to give their honest opinion). I beleive they have been asked to check before they mention certain features until we know that they are definately going into the game as they saw them. I think Tim did a very generous thing...please give him credit for taking time out of his day to do so. Dan [ July 04, 2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. Diceman, I actually sent you an email letting you know it was in...I was wondering why you didnt reply, hehe. I guess you didnt get it Dan
  6. John, the updated armour calculation code Charles has put into CMBB is amazing, I am sure nothing will come close to this level of accuracy for some time to come. Even the size of the wad of spalling armour is calculated depending on the size of the non-penetrating shell hit, etc. Fun stuff Matt is correct, the Pz-IV seen there isnt complete and we will probably remove the symbol. Neither is the III for that matter, as the mapping on the side hull has a problem. Matt has done a pretty good job of covering it up though Dan [ July 02, 2002, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  7. Zukkov, your wrong....Someone else here is just about right. I dont really see the need for a ref though PL, as you can just import it all into a new quick battle, add some more points, etc. Dan [ July 01, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Guys, Im going to lock this one up as things like this can actually cause confusion. No, it hasnt been canceled but weve all been way to busy to put out much info in the past few weeks AnonymousOxide, but hand in there . Dan
  9. Okay, time for a response just in case comments made above may 'confuse' new members. Yes factories are in, but no, no time for bones right now. Down the track we will give out some more, as time permits. Ill lock this one up now, but we will certainally let you know when more shots are posted. Dan [ June 15, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  10. Thomm, your getting too technical for the current engine there, but something we will certainally visit again for the rewrite Dan
  11. Thomm, you are fogetting that the terrain in CM varies according to height I can show you a shot where it blends perfectly at the base, but unfortunately I cannot do it for all elevation levels. Thus, I decided to make the grass look better (it looked very flat without any gradient) and blend it in with an average height level Glad you like how it is shaping up guys! Im sure the modders will have plenty to play with once CMBB is out, too, hehe. In fact, some will be helping me out before it ships Dan
  12. Tharka, I think I was the one who said that I didnt have the time to take the screen shots, and it aint BS. Currently I am the only one with a complete set of textures on my system as we sent the CD's out to the testers some time back before even the terrain was complete. To take a few shots does take my time away from making more textures, something Id rather not do as we have a lot to do. Thats the facts Dan
  13. Sorry PL, the shots are now done...but they should show something new Dan
  14. Hehe, and just for the record Ive been this busy for well over a year. No info on a release date is available yet, but Ill see if I can take one more screen shot for Matt to put up Dan
  15. Heya Guys, Just so you know, we are EXTEMELY busy at the moment working on CMBB. Yup, I could spend all day tomorrow taking a bunch of new screen shots, but I can almost gaurantee that it would mean one vehicle from our list wouldnt make it into the game. Thats the reality of being a smaller company unfortuantely, so all we can do is to ask you guys to be patient whilst we try and make the game as great as we can for you That being said, I did take a new screen shot for Matt a few days ago. Im sure youll see it as soon as he has the time to post it! Thanks Guys! Dan [ June 05, 2002, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  16. Hehe, no worries at all Tom, A+ for timing sound good to me. Actually that is our second Ad guys, with another coming up shortly! Dan
  17. "(P.S. sorry .... What can I say? I teach Graphic and New Media Design students at a community college.)" Tom, give your students three days to do it from beginning to end whilst montioring a forum, answering dozens of emails and texturing a few hundred vehicles and see how they go As for A release date guys we cant give anything out there just yet. I am pretty sure Martin confirmed elsewhere on the forum that 'this year' would be a safe bet though Dan (is that better guys ) [ June 04, 2002, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Heya Guys...glad you like how things are shaping up! Thomm, will do...Im sure I had a perfectly good reason at the time but looking back I dont know why I did that, hehe. Considering Im working about 18 hour days at the moment I guess I did that one late Pvt Ryan, dont worry, you have to develop a thick skin in this industry, hehe. Besides, I can only do want I can within the time limts we have. I (hopefully with a little help shortly) have to texture something like 300 models, so Im sure there will some that willg et a fresh coat of paint. I am hoping to keep all up to the quality level you see here though, time permitting Dan EDIT : Thomm, actually its already fixed in the version on my system. I must have thought the same at sometime [ May 29, 2002, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  19. No problems NightGaunt, Ill ock it up Dan
  20. Tripp, I dont really think that comment is fair on the forum members here. If you do some searching you will find plenty of polite posts questioning various aspects of CM and our forum members have gone to great length to explain and comment on these points. I have been very pleased with the amout of work some members have put in to explain certain points time after time without an ounce of frustration. I think the difference here is that the above post was not a polite one, and thus in turn it recieved the response it did. Considering it is so easy to be polite when one wants too it certainally isnt suprising that some people take a dim view to such disrespect. Dan [ May 28, 2002, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  21. Mattias is correct, except that there will be a much larger variety such as grenade bundles, molotovs, sticky mines and more Dan
  22. Vanir, a couple of points I thought Id run past you for these discussions Firstly, note that user made maps can now be loaded into a quick battle, something which I think will be very popular for two reasons. Firstly, players have wanted to be able to see the map before they purchase their units for a long time...now they can. Secondly, and maybe more importantly, you cant beat a human made map The map generator does do a great job, no doubt, but it cant match the eye for detail that a human builder has. What does this have to do with rarity? Well, I think the use of premade maps will probably become quite common (even in ladder battles) and players will have the option to spend more on a certain unit they are after for the job. For instance, they could spend extra on that Elefant for a more open battle or a Brummbar for an urban battle, and thus are more willing to pay the premium for these units depending on certain conditions. I honestly feel that the rarity system currently in place will lead to more of the rarer units being purchased under certain conditions than a binary system would. Under a binary system not only do you have to wait for the 1 in 50 chance of being able to buy an Elefant but that 1 in 50 chance has to be on a map to warrant its purchase. Secondly, let say that the average CM player would go as far as to pay +40% for a certain unit that they are after (personally I go higher)...what does that really mean in a real battle. By this I mean what cant they buy? Lets find out and see if its as bad as it all sounds Note that Ive chosen a late war battle with VARIABLE rarity, as there are a couple of suprises here. The date is December '44 and the region is central. Here is what I can buy... Stug IIIG (late-mid model) -5% Pz-IVH NC PZ-IVJ NC Panther (Pz VG) NC Tiger (late) NC (that one was a suprise) Hetzer +5% Stug IIIG (middle) +5% Stug IIIG (late) +5% Stug IV (late) +5% Panther (Pz VA) +10% Marder II +10% Stuh42 (late) +10% Panzer IV/70 (V) +20% Panther (PZ VG late) +20% Stug IIIG (early late) +30% Stug IV +30% Jpz IV +30% Panther (Pz VD) +30% King Tiger +30% Mader III (late) +30% Grille (sig 22 auf Pz38t) +40% Stuh 42 (middle) +40% Panzer IV/70(A) +40% Brummbar (late) +40% Hummel +40% Panther (Pz VA early) +40% Tiger (early) +40% Wespe +40% Jagdpanther (early) +40% Puma +40% As you can see, its a pretty good choice and there are some vehicles in there that would be considered quite rare (very rare for the puma), so I think that variable rarity is doing its job just fine. In this battle, even if you limit yourself to +5% you get a nice selection of vehicles including, to my suprise, a Tiger. If your more like me and you dont mind spending a little extra I can get my Brummbar I was after. The JadgTiger isnt even that far down the list at +80%, so I would certainally expect to see some players will to pay the extra All up, I do understand your concerns Vanir but I think that this system works great. And note that when Steve origionally outlined it I too suggested the exact system you are describing as an alternative, so I can see both sides of the discussion Im glad it didnt get changed though, hehe. Dan [ May 11, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  23. Smiler, personally, after playing with this system for many months I usually consider anything that is under 50% rarity worth considering when purchasing units. So to answer you question, yes, if you were playing me you would see rarer vehicles from time to time. In fact in a PBEM I played not to long ago I spent +60% extra to purchase a Ferdinand. The map was in my favour, and although my opponent went in the opposite direction and purchased a platoon of T-34's plus a platoon of T-26's, it was worth every percent extra. Of course, it was a risk and one aircraft of gun/track hit would have resulted in a loss for me. It will depend on who you are playing and what their playing style is, but I think you will certainally see rare units from time to time. Dan
  24. Guys, its VERY important to note that what you see there is a development diary. That rarity info was taken from an email from Steve that was written part way through a discussion on how rarity would work, and it was an example which Steve said he used figures to prove a point, not ones that should be necessarily be used and certainally not ones that you should get all worked up about. Im not going to go into the mechanics as to be totally honest I dont know them, but I can tell you now that rarity works very well! Well enough that I can say I never wish to play without it turned on again. Thats just me of course and I understand its not for all players, but I much prefer an historically geared scenario over one that has me fghting platoons of Sturmtigers, hehe. Now, some examples using VARIABLE rarity (note I am not going to mention figures as I dont know if they are final) Now, PL, Im looking at a June '42 quick battle here with variable rarity turned on, and you can buy a skdfz 251 for its standard price, probably the same as it was in CMBO. Nothing to worry about there! If you wanted to buy a Sdkfz 251/2 though, you will have to pay a little more as they arent as common as the stardard model...10% more that its origional price in fact. Not much, but maybe enough to encourage players to choose the Skdfz 250/7 mortar half track, as its rarity is only 5% for the same type of vehicle (though more analysing players will probably want to compare ammo loadout, etc). Ive noted that the 250 version is usually more expensive as it was a more rare vehicle, but I guess I got lucky this time. Now, lets move onto tanks. Ive picked a late '43 battle to see what we have. Good news...I can buy a Stug IIIG or a Pz IVH for -5% rarity, so they are actually cheaper than usual. It seems that I can also buy a Panther A model for no change in price, which seems a pretty good deal too. Next on the list is a Marder III (late) which is +5% rarity, so its well worth considering also. If I want to buy a Tiger though, thats not so great as its +30% its standard price, but its still well worth consdiering as its not all that much extra (if your the type of player that likes to put all of his eggs in one basket). Personally, I often buy vehicles up to +50% if I feel they will served their purpose which, in this particually selection, allows me to purchase anything from a Nashorn to a Brummbar (one of my favourites!). Now, let see how variable rarity effects some of these figures if I start a new battle (and note that each side is somewhat wieghted against the other with regards to rarity, so if players keep starting in an attempt to get a cheap Tiger their opponent is probably recieving a nice cheap SU-152 ). Well, interesting result. This time Marder III (early) are actually given at a -5% price, so a platoon of those could well be worth considering. Stugs and Pz IV's are still a good buy at no change to their origional price (a little more expensive that last battle). We didnt do so well with the Marder III (late) though, as it is now at +20% rarity, so somewhat more expensive than it was previously. Not so good on the Panthers also as the same model as above is now at +10% rarity, but a Tiger is available at +20%, which is 10% cheaper than before. My Brummbar is out of the question this time at +80% *but* of particular interest are the Ferdinands, also at +80%, which could really ruin your opponents day on the right map (or you own on the wrong one)! Lastly, let me touch on infantry. I dont know the details here, but yes, an Engineering company in this battle is about twice the price of a standard grenadier platoon. Very important to note though is that each engineer platoon has twice as many squads in it with flame thrower support though. In fact, each engineering squad is cheaper than each grenadier squad, so a direct comparison here really is not possible. When Steve has the time though, Im sure he will give you more details. Hope that has relieved some fears guys. Like I said, I think that it works extremely well and personally variable rarity is all that I will be using as it keeps within historical limits whilst allowing players to see the rarer units from time to time. Fun stuff Dan [ May 08, 2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  25. John, I think you should be using a TRP point for what you are trying to do, not an ambush marker. An ambush marker simply allows you to tell your troops to hold fire until the enemy reached a certain point, whereas a TRP marker will give you a bonus when shooting within its area. Dan
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