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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Glad you like'em guys Ciks, I took the shots on a Geforce 3 card, TI500. The res was 1280x1024, or something like that. Sgt_Kelly, moss just doesnt look right in the hot Russian steppe Doodads themselves are just a visual enhancement, but the terrain tile they are in do provide the suitable cover, concelment, etc. If time permits guys I hope to take some more for you in the next few days, but no promises... Dan [ August 08, 2002, 04:25 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  2. Dont worry guys, we agree it would have been nice to have too, but there were just more important things to get right. Scratch 2 or 3 things of Zitadelle's list and we could have done it, but any of those are much more important in our thoughts as CM is, at heart, a wargame. Dan [ August 07, 2002, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  3. Binkie, Im pretty sure I answered this in the last thread you asked about it some time back. Unfortunately no, it didnt make it in as it required a lot of coding time to get right and we decided to spend this coding time in areas more important to gameplay. We will certainally be keeping it in mind for the rewrite though. Dan [ August 06, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Pak, the move to contact command works quite well for recon vehicles actually Using the command they will move until they do spot an enemy unit, at which point they will halt. If the enemy unit has the ability to take them out they will then get the hell out of there more often than not Dan
  5. Tero to be totally honest infantry battles in CMBB different enough from those in CMBO that discussing CMBB battles based on CMBO knowledge probably wont come to any useful conclusions Maybe some of the guys whom have been lucky enough to see one of the sneak previews would like to comment here though? I would, but Ive still got too much to do Something people may not know and may be worth noting here is that the values displayed in the infantry status window are just representive of the combat power of the squad (in the same way the 'blast rating' works for HE weapons) and much more is actually happening behind the scenes when combat results are calculated. Dan [ August 05, 2002, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. Hi Guys, Hehehe, I knew it wouldnt take long before the moon grogs would arrvie. Actually the moon being that way is intentional...we figured you guys must be getting bored of complaining about ballistics and turret speeds by now that we thought we should give you something a little different to talk about I flipped it at some stage unintentionally but Im sure someone will fix it within no time. I did count the bolts on the Panthers road wheels though thankfully, so no problems there I didnt work on the guns in CMBB guys, but they do look great in game. I think the "contrast adjustment" CDV must have applied to these shots has washed out some of the detail on both the guns and vehicles in the top four shots. Not sure what happened, but they dont look like that in game Dan [ August 05, 2002, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  7. Guys, lets see how things go. Ill lock this one up as I can see it will probably cause come tension, but hopefully things can settle down now. Dan [ July 24, 2002, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Aussie...I think you should be fine, as I havnt noticed any noticable increase in size. Maybe one day telstra will make their cable prices more reasonable. At the moment they keep putting them up! Dan
  9. Just so you know John, prep fire can be allocated to arrive at any point during a battle, not just the first turn so yes, scheduled fire is in. Dan [ July 22, 2002, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  10. Hehe, glad you enjoyed it Ryan Actually it was my girlfriend whom did the map whilst I did the units, etc. I still enjoy playing through the first ambush! Dan
  11. I have no idea what sources were used actually as that isnt my department Picking up the open copy of the Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW2 I have on my desk though, it is described pretty clearly "From late March '43 the 7.5cm Kwk 40 L48 was installed instead of the L/43, with a total of 1275 recieving the L43"....this leaves about 410 getting the L48 gun. It also states the same in Pzkprf IV in action, which is the other book I happen to have on my desk, hehe. On top of that, Im sure Chalres had other sources. Dan [ July 21, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  12. "One case was found in which a certain German tank was listed as having the wrong length in calibers." Actually, it looks like you guys were wrong on this one. Some late model vehicles on the type you were using apparently did indeed have the longer gun, and it seems you guys were using a late model. Dan [ July 21, 2002, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  13. Yup, its been reworked guys, though I dont have time for details at the moment Dan
  14. Tanks can still be knocked out directly by a large enough hit, and crews wont hang around long if many large shells are coming through their dead vehicles. Bottom line is that the above isnt a problem. Guys, I think it best to see the feature in action before trying to find problems with it...I have played with it in game for many months and have yet to see a problem with it, nor have we have anything but good reports back from the beta testers. Dan [ July 18, 2002, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  15. Vader, generally it can happen as you describe. The Tac AI is pretty smart is working out when a tank is *probably* dead though, and if he sees an enemy tank that is definately alive and a threat, he will often engage it and leave the other tank alone. Of course, if he is buttoned and doesnt have a cupola, chances are that he wont spot it before it gets off the first shot....something else to remember with those early war T-34's Dan
  16. Thomas, I think your right...Ill double check that Tiger, we should be able to cook something up for you guys Dan
  17. CDAT, I doubt it unfortunately. This seems to be something that would take some time to get right, and is best left until we rewrite the engine so we can do it properly. Dan
  18. General, leaving this feature out is nothing to do with vehicles, but it has to do with game features. We could have put it in but some of the game features would have to be missed out becuase of it, such as wind, cover arcs, different aircraft load outs, greatly enhanced armour penetration calculations, etc. As it was a choice of a better war simulation or movie playback, we chose the simulation first Dan
  19. Glad you like it guys Agua, Ive camoed rest of the Panther series, but I left that one blank as the earlier D model was often not painted, and I thought it would give you guys a nice blank panther to camo yourself The extra 3D details we added to models like exhaust and vision ports are really making them feel a lot larger and more solid. Joshik, dont worry, there will be plenty for you guys to play with once CMBB is released. Im having to put out about 5-10 vehicles a day at the moment, so guys that take months per vehicles should be able to get spectacular results Dan
  20. Guys, I answered this one in the other playback thread. Dan
  21. Barrold, glad you agree And to be mroe realistic, its probably some of the more recent features that may have not made it in....again, I know which Id prefer Hehe, the clown tanks are rapidly dissappearing...in fact we just got the Panther in game and they are looking pretty good I think. There will be plenty for modders to play with after release, but Im happy to be able to give you guys a lot of detail right of the bat with CMBB. Dan
  22. Barrold, yup, it was nothing to do with file size...these days that isnt a problem. We decided to focus on features of gameplay as a priority (even to graphical tweaks) and thus full movie playback was a lower priority. As a wargame gameplay was first and foremost on the priority list for CMBB. Cut out the cover arc command and sure, we could have had full movie playback...I know which Id prefer though Dan
  23. Sorry guys, this one didnt make the cut. Actually, Charles looked at this one for CMBO and decided that it would take a lot of work to get right, and thus we have never had high hopes of it making it into CMBB. There were many more important features ahead of it...I think everyone would prefer better combat modelling over playback. Something we will definately be looking at again for the rewrite though! Dan
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