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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Well, for us to send out advance copies to certain people, it would mean that we have to hold up shipment to the rest of you guys for a couple of weeks or so, else they wont be 'advanced'. Im not sure too many people would be too keen on that idea Dan
  2. Yarrack, very true...actually from what Ive seen these two games are quite different and may very well compliment each other in different areas. On that note, I think Ill lock this thread up, as good points have been made and I think everyone can be in agreement of those. Dan
  3. Cauldron, please feel free to chat about Strategic Command over in the forum specifically made for it. Dan [ April 24, 2002, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Straha, I have no problems with comparing games, but Im not sure that the post in question is comparing much. I think there may be a point when one decides that a game may not be for him when it is best if he should leaves those interested to allow them to discuss the game without interuption As forum members whom are interested in discussing SC were starting to get a little frustrated, I felt that it best I politely draw the line here and suggest (for the second time) that such posts may not be appropiate at this point, at least for now until both games have demos out Dan [ April 24, 2002, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. Kleist, part of our forum agreement states that we do not allow our forum to be used as a means of advertising. I will assume that you didnt know this but can I ask you to please respect this in the future. Dan [ April 23, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. Jeff, I believe all images such as the interface, unit counters, etc, should be editable. Hubert will correct me if Im wrong though Dan
  7. Hoopenfaust, yup, that is the plan. Some vehicles that went out of service just after the change over probably wont get a yellow version, as it wasnt uncommon to see vehicles still in the panzer grey for some time after. Oh, and here in Aus that is way we spell colour Dan
  8. PL, I was actually after book references describing the colour, as pictures can be hard to judge, as you say. For instance, Zaloga in The Eastern Front - Armour Camoflage and Markings describes Panzer Grey as a very dark grey blue. I would suggest that the colour you have in your colour chart above would be the closest match to this. A similar colour is described in German Tanks of WW2 in Colour. As for the photos, Ill be honest and say that I suspect the first one is a post war repaint, as it looks far too light. The others are closer to the colour I was suggesting though. Below is a site that has a bunch of great colour shots that I honestly feel are probably close to the colour of the day. Not that I particually like the darker colour, but I think it is probably more realistic if that is what people are after http://angriff.narod.ru/fotopage/fotocol.tit.htm These may take a while to load guys, but are well worth the trouble. This site which, although not in English, seems to be doung a great job of collect WW2 colour images. Dan [ April 22, 2002, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  9. More importantly, just about every nation had rockets in use by about '44, not just the Germans. In fact, the Russians made particually nasty use of these weapons in the last years of the war. Dan
  10. That was me whom mentioned that actaully Lee, and it came straight from Charles. Yes, this is something we would consider modelling (though the clock is ticking now), but we would be after some more detailed info before we could do so. Dan
  11. Actually PL, I think Hof might be right in saying that the panzer grey was quite a bit darker, everything Ive read and the few colour shots of it I have found show a dark blue/grey, that in shadow almost looks black. Id be interested to know of any sources that suggest different though? Great looking mod all the same Dan
  12. Hehe, just to confirm...yes, I had all nations descisions to enter the war set to random, and yes, I stripped away all of my forces from my eastern border in an attempt to finish off the French. This was a big mistake it would seem! Dan PS : And no, Im not a stripper. If you check out the picture of the battelfront team in the Airborne Assult demo you will probably decide that this is for the best
  13. Titan, it does, wait until you start playing I have only had the briefest chance to play Strategic Command seriously this weekend (and Airborne Assult for that matter) but I can tell you that they are highly addictive games! I am currently part way through the '39 campaign playing as the Axis. I finished off Poland pretty quickly (2-3 weeks) and then turned towards France. I also sent a reasonable detatchment of troops with armour support to take control of Norway and Sweden, mainly for their resources but Norway will also be useful when I decide to bomb the Brits I decided to attack through the low countries as the Germans actually did and made quick work of them, driving towards Paris. As I did the French had to withdraw from the eastern defences which also allowed me to bring troops directly across the border, attacked them as they withdrew. With the help of the Brits, the French began to slow me down and I was beginning to take considerable losses, probably because I had sent part of my forces up north, something I was now regretting. Thankfully, Italy joined the war at this point, and with their help from the south I managed to finish off any final resistance and take the capital. It was about then that desaster struck and Russia decided to declare war on me. The bulk of my troops are on my Western border so I could be in trouble. Britain also seems to be bombing my ports and troop concentrations, so I am going to have to leave a good portion of my fighter aircraft behind protect my resources and garrison units whilst sending my ground troops east. Hehe, and thats about where I am up to at the moment. It should give you a taste of how exciting this game can be. Unfortunately I probably wont have time to play it as much as Id like over the next few (or many) weeks! Dan [ April 21, 2002, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  14. Here you go guys... http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/stratcom/ Dan
  15. Wally, no worries there as none of the CMBB team are assigned to Strategic Command (though I did the interface work a while back). The only real danger to CMBB release date slipping is if any of us start playing these games, hehe. A few months ago I would have said that Strategic Command isnt the style of game Id play too much but wow, was I wrong, its one addictive game! You know the sort...Ill just do one more turn and all of a sudden its 2am. Ive also been lucky enough to have a chance to check out Airborne Assault recently and I think that it will also make a lot of people happy, its great and also very addictive!. Dan [ April 18, 2002, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  16. Heya Guys, Just so you know, I have passed the info on. I have no idea if it is of use though Dan
  17. Guys, new accounts that are created purely for the purpose of advertising will be banned from here on in. Dan
  18. Heya Guys, Just so you know, we have a few things on our plate at the moment, so dont expect much before the end of the week. Sorry, but I thought it better to let you know Dan
  19. Well, no promises to anything new guys as I have a full plate at the moment with finishing up gun models, etc, but Im sure Matt can dig out something different by the end of the week. Dan
  20. Heya Guys! Hehe, Ive been so busy I havnt even noticed this thread was about the scenario I designed My thought... Hmmm, hard call, but I didnt really expect the Germans to blow any bridges to be honest. The German player has been ordered to stop the brits at ALL costs though, so I imagine that his orders could cover such a situation. The British player has been informed that he needs to move fast, too, before German reinforcements arrive. If I were playing the Brits, I dont think I would be uspset if the Germans did take them out myself. I do feel that the German player should only do it as an last resort to stopping the British, not in the first turn or two. The Bristish player should also be ready to call in smoke on any important bridges within a moments notice, too, so as to protect them if necessary. Worst case, there should be plenty of room for them to position their tanks opposite the town to cover the advance of their troops across the ford, though I have played it so many times now it is hard to have an objhective opinion to be honest. Dan
  21. Hehe, as soon as I find time to do up some new vehicle textures to show you guys that is Hopefully later in the week guys, as Matt suggested. Dan
  22. Hi Guys! Zitadelle, my apologies, you questions must have slipped off of the page before I noticed it when you posted it origionally. Hehe, the worst part of it is that Im not sure what you are asking ? CM using BMP files for its textures. I believe that some texture compression does take place, but Im not quite sure of the details behind it to be honest. Paul, that link doesnt work for me unfortunately, though I did recieve your CD yesterday. Great work! Dan [ March 29, 2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  23. Martin beat me to it Dan [ March 17, 2002, 07:33 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  24. lcm, I hope so We have a lot of vehicles to texture (if we happen to get them all in there, over 300 I believe), but that is the quality level we will be shooting for! Dan
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