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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Yeah, this is an arifact of the current engine according to Chalres guys. He will look into it but chances are that it cant change unfortunately. Dan
  2. Hehe, I think youve tied Tiger up for about a year with one mod request there Franko. PL, I had to dust is down some as I used it as the base for *all* Pz-IV's, and it looks a little repetitive with the same dust on them all I think it would be cool to see them with some more dust, but when you have to make several hundred vehicles you need to draw the line somewhere The new Pz-IV's you see in the next patch are indeed a bit more dirty/worn, as I had some more time to spend on them. Dan [ October 03, 2002, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  3. Oak, that was my main goal. I found that many of the CMBO mods were quite different from each other with regards to colouring. Although they looked great seperately, they didnt work as well together. Mchlstrt, I agree about what you said about the contrast. The main problem with the Russian gear is that if you up the contrast you will also increase the amount of pixelation in a texture due to the 16 bit nature of CM and the origional dark colour of the Russian colouring (and German early war for that matter). With patients and time this can be worked around though So, you are making the entire T-26 series from scratch? Thats no small feat! Glad to see a couple of you are happy with the origional textures, hehe. Dan [ October 03, 2002, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Sitzkrieg, glad you like it I spent quite some time playing with the snow on the various terrain types, such as tress, roads, brush, etc as well as buildings to make sure they were as close a match with regards to brightness as possible. Getting them to match as all the various terrain elevations is next to impossible, but I think we have a good range in there. A big part of the problem with the grass showing through at lower levels is that the buildings looked silly covered in snow whilst the ground was bare...thats kinda why we decided to make a bare ground tile Dan [ October 02, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. And unfortuantely there is only one set of tree bases tio save VRAM, too guys. I origionally made one that looked similar to the one above but it looks yuck with the tree bases, as has been suggested The way around this would be to create tree bases that are speckled with pink. We didnt do this as you cant see the tree bases very well when trees are turned off and we had to take this onto consideration from a usability point of view, as many players do play with reduced trees. Those whom arent worried about this though will probably be able to do something that looks cool Dan
  6. Michael, I hope to get to those Not sure what you mean about the portrait numbers shifting though? If we add in a replacement vehicle it will have new numbers, if that is what you mean? Dan
  7. Old Dog, I cant give you a list at the moment becuase I dont know how far through it we will get Basically we are just powering through them as fast as we can. High on that list at the moment is the minor nation vehicles, and then we will more onto the Russian and German gear. Basically though, any vehicle that is a CMBO vehicle I wouldnt touch for now, along with the IS-2 and KV-II which we have higher detailed models for, time permitting Agreed about the Shermans! They were very late on my schedule and out of all vehicles I would like to seem them given a once over. I did both within about an hour, hehe. Other than those I am looking forward to seeing some winter mods myself. I will do up some samples down the track Dan [ October 02, 2002, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Looks good Tiger For the skies we used a problem called Vue D Esprit. Great program and it does a beautiful just of terrain and skies. In CMBB we decided to have 3 textures per sky. One for East, one for West and one for North/South. Have fun getting all of those to join, hehe. The reason that they look a little pixelated is that the are 16 bit and we had to reduce their resolutaion in order to keep to a reasonable VRAM usage. That reminds me...something Ive been meaning to mention . With modding for CMBB I would suggest people are very careful about using 'high res' mods, as those included with CMBB are already considerable high and higher res's could actually cause a reduction in visual quality on their system if they bump themselves into another down sampling level. Dan [ October 02, 2002, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  9. Tiger, Id stear away from the Jpz's for now, as these are ones we would like to replace time permittting, so I dont want you to waste work on them Trenches are very hard to get right guys, but I look forward to seeing what people come up with. Personally Im not a big fan of the sand bags I have in there to be honest, but after some experimenting I found it the best way to give a flat object a reasonable 3D look Dan
  10. Hi Tiger, All models are in fact complete, but not all are yet in game. We will be updating as many as we can before we need to move on...I would say that the Marder series are medium priority on this list (we want to get the minor nation vehicles complete first.) In the first patch you guys should see half dozen to a dozen new vehicles Dan [ September 30, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  11. Hehe, actually quite the opposite Cpl Carrot. Even though Ive been working on and playing CMBB for neat two years now I am finding the AAR's fascinating. It is very interesting to see how people play and handle different situations . Dan
  12. Chad, make sure you try vairable rarity some more as that is what its for . I had a game the other day where I actually had some cheap King Tigers! Its only about the third time Ive ever bought them in a QB and the first time I didnt feel guilty for doing so, hehe. Dan
  13. Jeff...I think you made a type there? Not too sure what you are referring too. Dan
  14. Yup, wwwb has it right there. Note that the standard rarity is based on actual production numbers whereas variable is based on the standard rarity with some randomness thrown in Dan
  15. Guys, thanks for taking the time to do this. I even found it an interesting read! Dan
  16. Sorry guys but this will need the rewrite before we can change this. It works now as it did in CMBO. dan
  17. Guys, ALT-G will allow you to change your gamma for CM only within CM. You may have already tried this, but if not I suggest cycling through it to you find the setting that best suits your monitor. Strange otherwise as its fine on my monitor and none of the beta testers mentioned it. Dan [ September 28, 2002, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Hertston, as has been mentioned before this point has nothing to do with us wishing to have such a clause on a contract, it has to do with the fact that no publisher in their right minds would sign off of such a deal. Thats just the facts unfortunately. They need to protect their sales and honestly I can understand their desire to do so. Asking them to allow us to sale into their terrority is no different from them asking to sell into the US...we wouldnt allow that, either. Dan
  19. Guys, make sure you check your grass mods in all light conditions, as it can look very different at dusk or in the dark. I played with the patchy grass idea myself buy found that the pattern became too repetitive on a flat landscape. I only had so much time to spend on it though, so Im sure youl come up with something workable Tiger Dan
  20. Pak, it was a while ago that we discussed the sneak command internally, but IIRC this was what we came up with... In CMBO sneak was more of a move cautiously command that had some effect of concealing troops but not to a great extent. Basically it did what the move command does now. In CMBB the sneak command is slower, but it does conceal your troops more, making it a true sneak as such. Using sneak troops will make the best possible use of cover and concealment, making them quite harder to spot. Think of them as crawling behind a wall or jumping from hiding spot to hiding spot. Im pretty sure that was the reasoning behind the change. Dan [ September 26, 2002, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  21. Hi Markus No, unfortuantely that wont help the calcualtions too much as they come down to pure crunching ability of your processor. I have played that one and I must say, its one HUGE op! Lots of fun, but it will bring even the strongest system to its knees. Dan
  22. Klink, I have played it on a P3-500 with a Gefore 2 card and it runs well. Some of the largest battle may not be suitable, but I would wait and see before spending too much cash on an upgrade Dan
  23. Captain Wacky, the idea is that troops need to stop, gather their bearings and prepare themselves for an assault. We didnt want allow people to run through two buildings and then assault the last one as that wouldnt be realistic for what we wanted the assault command to represent. An assault is a pre planned attack on an enemy position. It can be very effective, but make sure the bad guys are at least somewhat suppressed first Dan
  24. Peter, just to double check... Make sure you are using the advance command as you main movement command once you reach the battle area. *Never* use run if you think that there is any chance you guys will be shot at Dan
  25. Hehe, Ive been about since around 6am actually Stix Dan
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