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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Heya Guys, Yes, there were some minor differences between textures due to slightly different mastering dates but these will be updated in patch 1.01 so that the vehicles in the UK and US versions are identical Dan
  2. Okay guys, the stug will now be the later model with the MG If you could provide some references to the Pz-IV and dates of the stug usage Ill pass it on! Dan [ October 15, 2002, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  3. Ill meantion about the MG guys, but it is unlikely at this point that the 3D model itself will be changed. Dan [ October 15, 2002, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  4. Killmore, which weapon is it and have you installed any mods? If you restart your computer and load the save, does it still look the same? Dan
  5. Locking this one up guys...the origional question has been answered and this is now way off topic. Guys although not the case here we need to keep in mind that many of our posters dont speak english as their first language and their computers may not be set up with an English spell checker, so we do need to give some people a little slack. Dan
  6. Guys, firstly its not possible for you edit the models in CMBB and never will be, even if we wanted to allow this. There are various reasons for this. The main reason is that under the current engine it is a very complicated process. Not only does the model need to be created, but it needs to be 'coloured' in a certain way for the engine to know which part is the turret and allow to rotate, which part is the gun, where the rotation points are, etc, etc. Its a very long and complicated process that can only be done in a certain way (and only on Mac software). And yes, it does require extra programming work from Charles to position the crew, gun blast, etc. No, not effecient at all and this will be change when we rewrite the engine. Secondly, yes, we will be replacing as many of the place holders as we can. Can we do all of them? Probably not, but we can do a lot and probably all but the rarer vehicle. If people arent happy with place holders for vehicles we cant replace the only solution left to us is that we can remove those vehicles from the game, leaving just the 'completed' vehicles. I dont want to do this myself as CM is primarily a wargame thus reducing tactical opportunities for eye candy seems silly to me, but it is an option that we will discuss when the time comes. The future? Not sure at this point, but with the rewrite will totally overhauling the modelling system and adding in a HUGE amount of flexability. We will allow people to mod the models? Again, Im not sure. The models in the rewrite will be much more complex and probably (hypothetically speaking at this point) allow for things such as damaged states in various areas, panels that can be blow off during the game (such as skirt armour), hatches and doors that can open, particle systems for exhaust smoke, movable MG's, etc, etc. We would probably like to allow people to mod these, but it may not be possible without simplify the models which would be a shame I think. Time will tell. Dan [ October 14, 2002, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  7. Look great noobie! Down the track guys I am going to write a small article on Russian colouring based on the research I did to help out you guys, if time permits. I actually have the origional orders describing the application of camo here somewhere In case its of interest, the Russians use of winter camo on tanks was very common. Summer camo was also used, but very rarly. From early '43 onwards it actually wasnt used at all, mainly for political reasons from what Ive read. Even when the did use it a certain percentage of the vehicle had to be this colour, a certain percent that colour, etc. Interesting to note is that when used it was only used in specific battles, often to designate a certain unit as much as to provide camoflague. Its strange that the Russian troops were given so much freedom over winter camo yet were hardly allowed to use it otherwise. Dan [ October 14, 2002, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Holdit, just so you know (in case its of interest to you and others ) it is actually we whom will be putting out all patches...CDV has nothing to do with its creation. The plan is that all patches will be released by us for all versions at the same time, so youd not be at CDV's mercy with regards to the quality and timing of the patch. Not saying you shouldnt get yourself a US copy, thats up to you. I just wanted to make sure you were making an informed descision. Dan [ October 14, 2002, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  9. As a guess whacky Id say that the blast from the HE caused spalling on the armour on the interior of the KV and killed one of the crew, causing them to be 'shocked'. Also, what were the chances of the AP round penetrating the KV? If it was small the Tac AI may have decided it had a better chance of doing the above than killing the beast Dan
  10. Guys, Im going to simply lock this one up as from what I can tell there is no debate to be had here, just flames, and I am reasonably sure that was the intention of the origional post. What is truely sad is that fact that politeness is becoming a lost art, particually on the internet. Its such a simple thing yet apparently easy to forget when shielded behind a computer screen. Dan [ October 13, 2002, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  11. I wasnt aware of an announcement Wacky, but maybe Matt was going to ask Steve or Charles about making one. Currently the patch is in testing and probably isnt too far away, but no dates just yet. Dan [ October 12, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  12. Both were reasons guys We will update as many as we can before its time to move on though. I think the first patch will have 20 odd new vehicles in it! Fishu, I noticed that thread about the Italian tank but whoever said it was wrong, it is currently represent by a similar vehicle. This will change in the first patch as the correct model was inserted Dan
  13. Guys, Im locking this one up to stop the bickering. Before I do though, a couple of points. Firstly, SS units ARE in game and operate in exactly the same manner with exactly the same TO&E as they do in the US version, just under a different name. We've explained out situation many times and cant change it. If you do a search you will find out position on this matter. We dont like it all that much either, but unfortuantely thats the way it is. And no, we cant release a patch to change it as it is obvious that this would breech our contract. Dan [ October 11, 2002, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  14. Actually, I would suggest that the ability to important troops and the map (including battle damaged) from one battle to the next does kinda come somewhat close, at least for short camapaigns. Ive played this way myself several times and its quite enjoyable. If you dont have the manual though then you may not know about this feature. Dan
  15. GWDWD, we dont mind if people want to swap these images around and such, we just can offer it ourselves Personally I think its all been a little blown out of proportion, hehe, as I honestly havent noticed them missing once myself in many many games. That being said though, I can also understand why people would like to change them as its just a matter of swapping some BMP's over and different things concern different people. Dan
  16. Probably to put back the SS troop names Rick, which we had to take out in the European version. Hehe, Ive been playing with the old WG as opposed to SS for about 3 months and didnt notice it once myself. Dan
  17. Also, earlier models of the stug have no cupola, so if they were buttoned they would have had a very hard time spotting anything. Dan
  18. Carl, have a read through the manual about the scenario editor. It should explain it in there for you plus much more Dan
  19. Wol, the T-28 isnt just a mod, it requires us to put its model in game. Currently we have more important vehicles we want to get in there Dan
  20. Guys, if you see this please take screen shots. Also, note any other details about your system, how long its been since a reboot, etc, etc. It all will help Dan
  21. Guys, Im going to lock this to stop the bickering. Panzer, that is a known issue but it is one that isnt easy to fix unfortuantely, but will be in the rewrite. Puff, by this post and some others I get the feeling that you have an axe to grind with us for some reason. This thread was on a valid topic and a valid point however, yet you hijacked it for your own reasons, as you have done in the past. Please stop this, its not fair to other forum members. I honestly dont get why you keep coming back to a forum which obviously causes you such stress but if you wish to do show, please try and be polite. Dan [ October 07, 2002, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  22. GJK, make sure you test your grass at night, dawn and dusk and in different weather conditions. From the experimenting i did I found that using a blur often caused banding or pixelation during low light conditions becuase the CM engine is 16 bit. Not sure if it will in this case though, but worth a look. Dan
  23. I havnt played without rarity for about a year since it went in, hehe. I do play with variable rarity though so you still see the oddities from time to time. Personally Im more interesting in historical play, but each to their own. Dan
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