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Everything posted by Kwazydog

  1. Not unless they have a radio, as they need to roll out a wire Dan
  2. Thanks Ari, thats much appreciated...there will be more to come, too Dan
  3. Ari, itneresting point. The blueprint I have here clearly shows the skirt low than that one you have there, yet others show it above. The one I have looks like the one on this model... http://www.track-link.net/gallery/780_3 I guess maybe there were different types of skirt applied over time. Dan
  4. Glad you like it Bas You should see a bumch of new Pz-IV's in the next patch! I must admit, after make all of the models I think the meanest looking little beast is the stug, particually the later models. Ugly as hell though, hehe. Dan [ September 25, 2002, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  5. AnonymousOxide, we noticed that too! I think part of the reason the Tiger looks heavier is that we now model details such as the armour overlap, air vents, etc. These trick the eye into believing the vehicle is real more than the previous models The early model Panther just fired its MG out of that armoured flap. I imagine that in reality it was a bit of a bullet trap. Dan [ September 25, 2002, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  6. The 3D model is taken off of a blueprint George as are 98% of our models, so it is correct. I actually double checked it with a few just to make sure it was right. I cant see the oval wheels in the screen shots and I havnt noticed it before, but Ill take your work they may be a little stretched. It looks hardly noticable in game if so, but once we rewrite the engine it will be a lot easier to get things like this perfect becuase we will be able to texture all models and veiw them within our 3D package. If time permits I will tweak this, but there is plenty else to do at the moment. Dan [ September 25, 2002, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  7. Denizen we have seen the differences. I think the point is that the guys we spoke to in Russian felt that this was either a 1941 model from a different factory or a modification instead of a completely different vehicle. For all we know this vehicle could have had the extra armour added to it by the Finns...I would put it past them Once we looked into it some more, this did seem like it was the case. If we could find some more info on the KV-I 1942 we could look into it more but other than Zalogas reference there seems to be very little info about it. If you find some though, we are more than happy to look into it! Dan [ September 25, 2002, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  8. Interesting, Ill pass the info on. I wonder though...how would they have sighted the thing as there appears to be no sigths related to it? Ill pass the info on, anyways Dan
  9. Denizen, I probably worded that poorly. Basically I am saying that I think the Parola tank is what we call in game a KV-I 1941. It appears to be idential from what I can see. I think the confusion comes about from the fact that in 1941 two types of KV-I were produced. One with a cast turret and another with a welded turret. The cast turret does indeed have thicker armour and started production slightly after the welded version *but* the Russians refer to both as a 1941 model. Dan
  10. Denizen, we didnt find any proof that the IS-2 had a fontal hull MG. Do you have any, particually photographic? Dan
  11. Denizen, Im pretty sure that vehicle is what we were recommended to call a 1941 model. Note the cast turret. If you look at the stats you will see that these vehicles were indeed up-armoured and used a different method to make the turret (cast instead of welded). Confusion as you can see . Check out this site for some more info on the KV series. http://www.battlefield.ru/map.html Dan PS : Also note that they list the weight as 47 ton, which is that for the origional 40 model with less armour, so Im not sure that site can be trusted as being too accurate.
  12. We thought so too Andrew. Bottom line is that there was a lot of cunfusion between the various models of the Russian vehicles, particually the KV's and T-34. A big part of the problem is that even different factories made the same vehicle using different methods so that even the same vehicle from two factories is not always identical. It was really hard to work out what was what, but the Russians have put a lot of research into this and can even quote which vehicles were made in which factories and the minor differences between them, so we thought they probably had it correct Dan [ September 24, 2002, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  13. Denizen, the reason it wasnt included was that from the best we could tell a KV-I 1942 model didnt exists. We discussed this at length with out Russian contacts and they said that Zaloga must have mistook differences between KVs from various factories to be a brand new Model 1942, because here was actually no such thing. This isnt suprising as there is much confusion even from book to book on Russian equipment, but the info we were provided was convincing. Dan [ September 24, 2002, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  14. Guys, this topic has been discussed to death and it looks like this thread is probably heading down hill. I dont think some of the comments made in this thread about us are fair. We have pointed out many times that we wish there were things we could change with regards CDV contract. The problem is that this is the real world and we cant have it all our own way. We are trying to do what is best for both the future of CM and Battlefront with our contract through CDV and the deal is a good one. We cant please everyone all of the time (even if we gave CMBB away for free Im sure some would complain that the download is too large ), but we are trying our best. Im going to lock this one up now guys as I think everyone has said their piece on the topic. Dan
  15. Scipio, see if its one of these... 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 8100 8104 7069 Hopefully it is Dan
  16. I had rifle fire cause one to burn the other day. Quite unlucky Id guess though Dan [ September 24, 2002, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  17. Gyrene as Ive mentioned I do wish to provide a vehicle BMP list, but I want to wait until we have the vehicle listing complete so I can give you guys one complete list instead of bits here and there As for the wav list...youll have to bug Matt for that one Dan PS : Hehe, thanks mace. Long day [ September 24, 2002, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. I must admit even I quietly felt the same way before we started. Personally I dont feel the need to play troops from my own country (thankfully as not many games represent the Aussies, hehe, so I would be screwed) but I did think the Eastern Front might not be quite as interesting for some unknown reason, probably becuase I knew little about it. The more I read about the Eastern Front though, the more it fascinated me. From a wargame perspective the Eastern Front has much more to offer I think. Ive found the early war battle even more fun than the Panther slugfests. Dan [ September 24, 2002, 04:08 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  19. jlcingpt, make sure you right click and tell it to create a shortcut as opposed to juts dragging and dropping. I think that should work Dan
  20. Actually they have been helping me out for months working on some of the vehicles already in game and have started helping me out with the first patch Dan
  21. Grunts, that is one huge operation. Ive played through it on my system and it is fun, but certainally not everyones cup of tea as it is a system hog. I think you should find that others play just fine Dan
  22. You will get higher res textures basically guys. The difference between 32 and 64 is not great, but the textures do have to downsample once on a 32mb card, so they wont be quite as fine as on a 64mb setup. Dan
  23. Oh, it does add concealment along with the cemetary terrain type. Its not like woods or similar though Dan
  24. Guys, steppe isnt all that different from open terrain so this isnt a big issue. We had to be a little conservative with textures as even as it is you need a 64mb card to see that game at full detail. Dan
  25. One correction...it will *possibly* be updated We wont be able to do every single vehicle guys, but we will do as many as possible, which should be the bulk of the vehicles. As its very doubtful that the IS-3 even saw combat, it is pretty low on the priority list. Dan [ September 23, 2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
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