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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Hi RedWolf7. Here is a direct link to the password reset feature: https://www.battlefront.com/index.php?p=password_reset If you're not able to get in with that open a Help Desk ticket and I can get you in through that.
  2. "Digital only" is just the download version of the game "Disk only" is no longer an option "Manual only" is the digital download and the physical manual is shipped to you "Manual and Disc" is the digital download and the physical manual and disc are shipped to you.
  3. Hi Joe, You will almost certainly have a license issue. When a game is activated it creates a match with the computer it is installed on. If something major is changed it detects a mis-match and will trigger the software. It is no longer as sensitive as it once was but changing the HD is a pretty big one and very likely to cause an issue (that can be fixed through a Help Desk ticket). Before cloning your HD uninstall all the CM games that you have on it. Then install them using the game installers on the new SSD. Double check which games you have to make sure your find the easiest way to do this. ALL titles that are using the 4.0 Upgrade have all-in-one full game installers available on their download pages. It is similar with Mac users who try to migrate the games from one computer to another.....using the installers to move the games is the safest thing.
  4. I've gotten some tickets on the Help Desk where people are getting what they describe as either a back screen or just the Battlefront tanks firing with the black background. This happens when an element (or more) of the Upgrade is not activated. To cure it (or avoid it) follow these activation instructions: Installation and activation instructions for the Combat Mission: Shock Force 1 Upgrade: 1) Download the game, extract the download and run the game installer. 2) Use the desktop shortcut labeled Activate New Products and enter the key that came with your CMSF Upgrade purchase. 3) Use the Activate New Products shortcut and enter your original Combat Mission Shock Force 1 base game key 4) If have purchased any of the module Upgrades use the Activate New Products shortcut and enter your original Combat Mission Shock Force module key. Repeat will all module keys. You can actually activate these bits in any order that you want as long as each piece is activated. It's just the OCD in me that lists them in the order above. Here's what it looks like:
  5. Don't even wait. Go ahead and open a ticket.
  6. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that. Posted to the wrong forum!!!! *slinks away with tail between his legs*
  7. I'm looking for a link to the Beta download. Not the full game. I have a key already....just nothing to download. Thanks.
  8. Can someone send me a link to download the game? It doesn't seem to be among the things available to me on Sharefile. A PM with the link is fine. Thanks.
  9. Hi guys, Open a Help Desk ticket. Give me as much information as you can (game title(s), license key, order number, real name....the more information the better but don't sweat it too much...just whatever information you have). I'll get you hooked up.
  10. If you open a ticket with the Help Desk I might be able to help you with some of your search. Let me know if I can help.
  11. I'm probably too late to help too but I'll put this in case anyone else reads it looking for the information..... If you purchased the 4.0 Big Bundle, to do full installations of each game you would download the Full Windows/Mac versions for each title. For instance the full game installer for a Windows computer for CMBN is called "CMBN 4.0 Full Windows". That will install everything through the 4.0 Upgrade. The base game and every module, patch, Upgrade and Pack. From there you will need to activate things. Here are the keys you'll need for each title....assuming that you own everything (some items may be part of a Bundle but I think you'll get the idea): CMBN: 4.0, 3.0, Market Garden, Commonwealth, Vehicle Pack, Battle Pack CMRT: original base game and 4.0 CMFI: base game, 4.0, 3.0 and Gustav Line CMBS: base game and 4.0 As mentioned above, CMBS also has the 2.01 patch that needs to be installed. The 2.01 patch and CMBS Battle Pack are the exact same download. The only difference is that when you purchase the Pack you get a key to "unlock" the content. I can dig how much of a pain it may be to dig through your account for all of the key. Whenever I get a new key for something I add it to a Word document that I keep so that I can get to them easily.
  12. Yes. For CMBN the 3.11 and 3.12 patches are the identical downloads as the Pack downloads. The only difference is that when you purchase the pack you get a key to "unlock" the content. Other than that the download will be the exact same download as the patch.
  13. The password reset feature has been down for a few days. It's being worked on. If you submit a password reset and don't receive a reply, check your spam folder. If it's isn't there, create a ticket on the Help Desk and we can reset it manually for you.
  14. OK, so it was 2.0. I wasn't 100% sure. The other thing that I meant to say about Origins (and probably Steam but I've never been in a position where I needed to find out). After fighting to get Dragon Age activated, I discovered that I hadn't checked the minimum specs before asking Santa for it. My computer couldn't play the game because it wasn't even close to minimum specs. There was nothing that I could do with the game. I couldn't sell it on eBay or Craigslist or trade it in at a game store. Nada. ZIp. All I could do is put it on a shelf until I could afford a new computer...which I did 6 months later. Also, with RPGs I tend to play them through once and never touch them again. So, even now there is nothing that I can do with it. I can't even put it on my son's computer without giving him access to my account. So, there are good things and bad things about all these systems.None are ever going to make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time.
  15. That post was from over a year and a half ago. Not long after I began my work on the Help Desk. There have been changes to the DRM since that time. For instance, read my answer to the question at the top of the page that you linked to, that's what I was talking about in my last post. It isn't as sensitive as it was then and using the gsclean tool doesn't "burn" an activation for most titles (as I mentioned before). I assumed that you were talking about something in recent history.
  16. Not from me. The system is working exactly as it's designed. The gsclean tools were not created just for us. It's part of the package with the DRM company. It's designed to match a computer with an activation. That prevents someone from simply copy/pasting the game onto someone else's computer. So when it detects multiple items that have changed since the last time the software was used it, correctly, detects a mismatch. I got a new rig last spring. I have plugged in external hard drives, external fans, headphones and recently updated to Windows 10 and have not triggered it yet. That said, Windows 10 can and has triggered it for some people. So, in my experience as being the one who actually helps people with the issue....in addition to my own personal experience with it, I can say that the reports of it being overly sensitive are patently untrue. You can believe that or not...all I can do is tell you what I experience with people working the Help Desk. Regarding activations, the system has changed some since I started on The Desk. I wish that I could remember for sure if one of the changes was when 2.0 or 3.0 came out but certainly from 3.0 forward, using the gsclean tool should not "burn" and activation. Steam? Origins? No picnic for me. There are plenty of things that I like about them but they're very intrusive too. Getting the new Dragon Age activated last Christmas took me over a week. (only to discover that my rig wasn't up to the task when it finally got activated....thus the new rig last spring) My point being that there are no perfect systems. Regarding what Steve said about piracy. You wouldn't expect someone with a pirated version of a game to contact tech support for licensing help but I see it all the time. Just last week a guy asked me for a license key. We went back and forth about how he can retrieve his key and when it didn't get us anywhere I asked him for his order number so that I could have it checked. He replied that he didn't have an order number and gave me a link to a torrent site telling that is where he got the game. Another good one from a few months ago was a guy in China asking me why his key didn't work and why the store he purchased it from have the same license key on every box in the store. And my all time favorite was from a guy in France who purchased the game in the photo below from a store in France and was complaining that it didn't come with a license key. Regarding support......If I'm in front of a computer, I'm on duty. Christmas? Yup. Thanksgiving? Yup. Late at night? Yup. Early in the morning? Yup.
  17. If I am understanding what you're saying here correctly, it's important to point out that it's not true. If you have CMBN v1.x and skipped 2.0, you do not have to repurchase the game to upgrade it. The 3.0 Upgrade now includes 2.0 and 3.0. You are correct that if you were to purchase the base game today you are purchasing the game at v3.0. You cannot purchase the game at 1.0 or 2.0 anymore. So, a new purchase is at 3.0.
  18. Glad to hear the update. Thank you! When you speak to him, please send regards.
  19. I hope you give it another try sometime. I hadn't completely exhausted all of my ideas to try before you wanted to bail. One thing that I can suggest is to try and download one of the free demos. They are on the same cloud as the games. Playing around doing that until you're successful will go a long way to figuring out what's is happening on your end. Another suggestion, that I had made, was to contact sharefile directly. With so many different browsers and security settings, they might be able to give suggestions that we're not familiar with, for the specific settings that you have (it sounded like you had very specific settings). And anther one......we have people whose internet service is very poor and they sometimes have trouble with large downloads. Some have gone to a friend or family member's house and downloaded on their systems. Just some things to consider.
  20. I think that I replied 40 minutes after the ticket came in. Working with him now.
  21. I've gotten a couple of these tickets so far. If you were one of them, please go into your ticket and give the information for both purchases. Neither of the tickets that I received mentioned that they had repurchased the correct version, in addition to buying the wrong one. We handle these differently.
  22. I probably average about 1 ticket a month from someone saying they purchased the game somewhere and are asking me for a key. My favorite is this one that came across a few weeks. The guy was adamant that he had purchased the game and demanded a key. As proof of ownership he sent me this:
  23. I'm not sure I understand the first bit. How many games did you try to activate tonight? Give them a try now.
  24. The short answer is, yes. I'll add....I think there are 27 new units (I'm not sure how many hands you have ) which works out to 74 cents per unit. When put in those terms...... For me, it's worth 20 bucks just to have the flame units and AVRE.
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