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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. If you open the file that PIATpunk posted you will see the initial setup locations. Have you tried the files that I posted?
  2. Have any of the folks that believe this is a bug that is being ignored tried the 4 battles that I posted earlier? I'd be interested to hear the reactions.
  3. Since this is Monday I should have said Welcome to the Working Week right out of the gates. I'm Not Angry and will see if I can get someone familiar with AI orders to, with No Dancing, take a look at the AI orders. I can say from opening the game in hotseat 3 times that the attached screenshot is all of the units at that hedgerow at setup. Meaning the units that have been shown going through the bocage under fire were moved there and did not start the battle there. That increases the likelihood that they had AI orders moving them forward. The chances of them not having AI orders for that are not Less Than Zero though. But my Sneaky Feelings are that they do. But I'm no Miracle Man.
  4. Here's where that analogy falls short. Isn't it really "my car squeaks when I turn right". "It does? The mechanic couldn't get it to squeak. It does it every time you turn right?" "Not everytime. Just at these 2 intersections. Every other right turn it doesn't ". "Maybe it is something about those intersections and not the car".
  5. Do check your spam or log directly into your ticket. There are zero tickets that have gone unresponded to for anything close to that amount of time. Drop me a PM here with your real name so that I can look it up. I'm out grabbing something to eat right now, so I won't get to it immediately. Regarding installation, you don't need to install the 3.0 Upgrade. The 4.0 Upgrades installer installs the entire game. There is nothing else that you need to install everything that you need.
  6. Sure. A great way to create something that will demonstrate if there a bug that causes units being fired on to run toward the firing enemy units are any scenarios like the attached test scenarios. These (with the exception of the one that has "tanks" in it's title....more about that one in a minute) were a few of the test scenarios that were created to duplicate the problem when the 4.01 patch was released. In these cases (and every other one created) it was clear right away that there was a problem. No guessing. No other possible explanations. Cut and dried and clear as can be. These were also among the scenarios tested during the development of 4.02 to see if the problem was fixed. There were others but these are the only ones that I still had laying around. And if you take the time to look at them you'll see not much more is needed to show it. The one with tanks is a recently changed one because a tester wondered if it was only HE fire that now caused it. It doesn't. In all 4 of the attached battles the running toward the enemy does not occur. And it previously had occurred 100% of the time using these same battles. I recommend anyone curious download these and take them for a spin. It doesn't take very long. Open the battle, set it for 2 player hotseat and let're rip. Pretty much just have to click Go and watch. BONUS POINTS: If you still have the download for the 4.01 re-install that to revert the game to 4.01 and run them. That'll illustrate the difference better than all the words that I could ever write. Running Toward Firer.zip
  7. Hee hee. Yes, you can quote me. I'm not sure how much you've followed but I cannot confirm that what is seen in both of these examples isn't what it is intended to do. -The Roadblock battle has a definite change in elevation and that could very well be (and I believe is) what they are moving toward to seek better cover. This behavior was brought up to me by Charles when he saw something similar in one of the test battles that were running to fix the very definite bug caused in the 4.01 patch. Looking at the map in the editor you can see it. Well, you can also see it when moving forward at ground level. -The Scottish Corridor example happens sometimes and sometimes doesn't. Because it is a campaign we can't even look at it from both sides while the battle is being fought. It could very well be AI plans that had those units moving forward from there when it happens. And a different set of AI plans being run when it doesn't. This is a very real possibility. That is why actual reproducible examples across various battles (preferably test battles) is what it will take to convince me that it is a bug. This isn't a stubbornness about not wanting to admit the game may have bugs (I know of a few open ones right now ). It's about letting folks know what goes into determining if something is a real bug or not.
  8. I only suggested avoiding those two because those two appear to be the only battles anyone sees any form of this situation in. If the highlighted bit was necessary to avoid seeing this behaviour then it would, in fact, be an actual bug and a fix would be in the works.
  9. Guys, you're obsessing over 2 battles. Unless it is seen in all cases (or even most cases.......certainly WAY more than just the 2 battles discussed here) then it isn't a bug. A bug needs to be something that can be recreated. I've given plausible explanations, that aren't bugs, of what could be going on in both cases. Unless it can be reliably reproduced in any setting then it isn't a bug. Period. At this point, it would be having our programmer chasing ghosts for a non-issue. Someone mentioned (I'm not going to bother going back to remind myself of who it was) that it is making the game "unplayable". I could understand that if most bocage battles displayed this (as was VERY clearly the case after the 4.01 patch) but the fact is that no other battles are producing this. Have any of the folks that keep talking about this tried any of the test scenarios that we built to test this? Or created test scenarios of their own to test this? If not, you might want to do that. Or, just please do not touch the Roadblock scenario and Scotch Corridor campaign ever again. That seems like the best solution at this point.
  10. This isn't necessarily for you @Thewood1 but I just noticed something on my computer that may have come in a Windows update and I never saw it before. What I described above is what helps people out when their laptop is running on the integrated card rather than a dedicated card. I just saw that if you right click a game's desktop icon you are given the choice of which graphics processor to use for the game. This has got to be a new Windows feature as I'm sure I would have noticed it before.
  11. I have seen mods do lots of funky things. Also, The full installer is exactly that. It is a full installer. There is no need to add patches to it. It make things much more simple and less tricky.
  12. Warts, it would happen each time in the possibilities that I mentioned. Instead of getting hung up on one small part of of one battle we need to recreate it in darn near every situation to determine it is truly a bug. I can't think of any other ways to express this concept in this thread....so I think I am going to stop trying.
  13. Also also....why do my screenshots look "moody-er"? Yours look way happier.
  14. Thanks. I fired up the save file. I'm not even sure what I am seeing here. It is difficult because you can only see the US side of the battle. What I did notice was the first time the 2 German units in the screenshots below are spotted, this is what the Germans can see at the moment they are spotted. Neither one of them sees much, including a Churchill HE. There is nothing to show what happens before that moment. Also, for all I know, they have AI orders to move forward at this point and their forward movement may have nothing to do with having taken fire. I'm not trying to be an apologist. I am only pointing the difficulty in determining if what you're seeing is a bug or just the game working as designed. I understand that it is campaign and cannot be played hotseat like the tests that I ran....which allow you to see both sides of the battle. But against the set up scenarios that are specifically designed to take things like the above into account you can only trust this as an example with a very small degree of certainty. There were at least 2 things that occured to me when I watched it that can explain what you're seeing that are not bugs. Could it still be a bug? Sure. But we just haven't found it in the testing we've done. When the 4.01 patch came out we used those test scenarios and they clearly showed something was wrong. It wasn't even close. And if you try those scenarios that I posted links to earlier you'll see what I mean (both with the 4.01 and then the 4.02 patches to see the difference). It has (and is) being looked at. But until it can be reliably reproduced there is no bug to fix.
  15. As I mentioned.....Is it a bug? Or is it designed behavior? The Roadblock scenario that we've been mentioning, for instance. Are they advancing to better cover and/or concealment? When the same test is done with the rise in the land between the firer and the firee they don't advance toward the firer. I haven't looked at the Scottish Corridor campaign save file yet. But what if I do and there is cover/concealment in the direction that the infantry run? We've done a lot of looking into whether it is a bug and have not been able to reproduce one. If it is a bug that we can we reproduce then it will certainly be addressed. But right now it isn't. Ya can't fix a bug that you can't verify as a bug.
  16. Looking at both the 3D map and the map in the editor (you can see the numbers reflecting a different elevation) it does appear that moving forward provides cover. I believe that is what is at work in this particular battle.
  17. @FalaiseThank you. Yes, I saw those in the link that @Txema provided. They are kind of an example of why I need to take a closer look at the map (even more than the behavior in that scenario). I won't know until I'm in the game but they appear to go to the same spot each time. Also, the screenshots look like there is a dip/valley-ette between where the fired is and the bocage. So, they may be seeking the cover of being out of the firers LOS. If that is the case then whether they should be running toward the firer to seek better cover versus running the other direction is a subjective choice. Which is different than a bug.
  18. I'll see if I can dig into the Roadblock scenario mentioned in one of the posts and see if we can duplicate it. One thing that was pointed out to me by a certain brain in a jar during the 4.02 testing was that one of our test scenarios actually had very subtle ground cover because it was not a completely flat piece of ground. And units under fire may have been determining that cover was the best way to safety...even if it was 10-20m in the direction of the enemy. The point being that there could be other factors at work, other than a bug. Particularly because we haven't been able to reliably duplicate it (as we were after 4.01). To give you direct answers to your questions. Not at this time. See answer above.
  19. That is odd because a bunch of us have run multiple tests and I play several PBEM turns for fun each day and I haven't seen it. The same test scenarios that we are using now are the same ones that showed it before the patch. I'm attaching a couple of the ones that I still have on my system here: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/d-sc571c7a39ed4ec9b If you still have the 4.01 patch, and feel super ambitious, re-install the 4.01 patch. Play around with these. Then re-install the 4.02 patch and see the difference.
  20. I get that with my dedicated GeForce card. Setting the 3D Global Settings to run on high performance graphics clears it up. I sometimes have to do it after a Windows update. I guess it reverts the cards settings or somefink.
  21. @Heirloom_Tomato is correct. Even if the order hasn't gone from Process to Completed the confirmation email will contain both the license key and download link.
  22. Then Gustav Line will be available right away. Just use the Activate New Products utility and enter your new key to activate the module.
  23. The key is in the confirmation email and you get it right away. If you order the module bundle that key will "unlock" Gustav Line right now. If you order the Big Bundle that includes the base game please contact the Help Desk and open a ticket referencing your order number and we'll get you hooked up. http://www.battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com
  24. How much breathing time do I get before the next update aboot somefink?
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