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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. For CMSF2 the default location is the desktop. All other 4.0 games the utility is in the game's main directory. If you don't see one there here is how to create one:
  2. This thread may be helpful but the short answer is use the Activate New Products desktop shortcut and enter your Marines key.
  3. If I understand your question correctly....not necessarily, would be my answer. I only ran these once. If I ran it 10 times the casualty rate would probably be different each time. I wouldn't read too much into the level of casualties in this example. A concern that the patch addresses is having units be more resistant to leaving cover while under fire. I thought it'd be nice to show an example of what that looks like. I pointed out the number of casualties to illustrate how banged up they were and still held their ground.
  4. Sure..But these are probably the last that I'll have time for today. In both the foxholes and the trenches 1 out of each set of 4 teams bailed after 3 minutes.
  5. No. As more of an answer....They will come as a specific post in the individual game's forum(s). Kinda not cool to throw them out on page 26 of an unrelated thread.
  6. Two buildings were completely leveled in the barrage. In both squads in the collapsed buildings the squad lost 7 out of 10 men. One is Rattled and one is Shaken. The other 2 squads lost 2 and 1 man. Both are Nervous. For what it's worth, the first time i ran this I didn't set the arty to come in for long enough to go the 3 minutes that I had wanted. First turn knocked down a building and that squad was Broken. So the relatively decent state the guys in the screenshots are in is not indicative of anything.
  7. Screenshots? Ok. I only played this out 3 minutes as an example. 4 squads in 4 buildings. All taking direct arty hits. 2 of the 4 buildings destroyed. Did they break cover and run away in the open?
  8. The detractors are a feature and not a bug to the process. When complaining is done constructively it helps everyone.
  9. You do not need to re-activate after applying the patch.
  10. And if you see 3 "verys"....that means everyone else has already downloaded it.
  11. I promised to post some kind of update more frequently and here it is. We're close. Very close. My last post essentially said that "we're close" and this one differs with the addition of "very". That may sound like I'm joking but I'm not. And if I put another one up adding a second "very", start hitting your fresh buttons. I'm still not comfortable throwing out a date or month though.
  12. It can be more than a piece of someone's soul, I have found out. Without boring anyone with the gory details, Steam (very nicely I should add) has very detailed descriptions and FAQs of their distribution agreements. It's a very long read and available for anyone to read. The short answer is IF the maths worked out where Steam generated enough additional sales to offset their fees there is more to it than just that.
  13. Now that it is part of my job description, I plan to post more frequent updates.....Not just for the patch but on other projects as well. Unfortunately, ....there will be times that those updates won't be much more than some form of "still banging away at it. It won't be this week but we're getting closer". Heck, if you had asked me for my candid predictions in February, I would have said "definitely before March 1st"....which is some of the danger with giving even loose ETAs.....it's sometimes very hard to predict when the the unexpected pops up (I guess by definition of "unexpected").
  14. I do apologize for not giving you an ETA. It is certainly reasonable and understandable that you're asking for one. But, I posted short of giving an ETA for a couple of reasons. The biggest one is that until it is ready to be uploaded for release things can (and have) come to light and cause delays. It would be unfair to you try to slap a date or timeline that may not be met. I can say, as I did in my post, that it is in the final throes of creation.
  15. "I know you""You gave me this tattoo back in eighty-two""You were a spoilt child then with a record to plug""And I was a shaven-headed seaside thug""Things haven't really changed that much""One of us is still getting paid too much"
  16. Hi Folks, I apologize for this well well well overdue update and status report (yes, this is an official update). Hopefully, in addition to providing some information it will help everyone understand a fundamental difference between this patch and previous patches. The status on the patches is they are FINALLY in the last stages of testing. The unintended consequences of doing all of them at once and standardizing TO&E across all WW2 games proved to be vastly more work than expected since the last update. Standardize X Formation and it works for Game 1 and Game 2, but a tester says “hey it wasn’t like that for Game 3”. Which requires fixing the issue and going through the testing process again, usually costing us about a week to get everything fixed and back out to testers. Then someone finds an issue with Game 1 that wasn’t discovered before and the cycle continues. Part of the problem is there’s SO MANY OPTIONS for units in each game that it’s really impossible to go through one at a time. The TO&E for a specific formation can vary by month within the game. A formation that is available for 12-16 months of time could be correct for all but one. And yeah, that’s happened more times than I can count. Going to a vehicle option menu and finding NO VEHICLES, for example, isn’t something people would find acceptable ;-). Plus, the amount of cumulative knowledge necessary to know what is/isn’t right/wrong for a particular setting, timeframe, force, etc. means individual testers are going to miss a lot of problems simply because they don’t know the options they’re looking at are wrong in some way (“Oh, I didn’t know the Hampstertruppen Einsatzkommandos weren’t available in July 1944 in Italy because the only two units were in Normandy and Eastern Fronts”).
  17. Sgt Squarehead, I know that you are aware of the forum policies. Lockin er up.
  18. I'm not seeing the connection to the game. Am I missing something here or have we strayed too far?
  19. About this much. We've strayed way far off the game and it's become too political for the General Forum.
  20. Thank John. The link was changed in my original post yesterday and still works. Just waiting for the Internet Gods to make the change on the website.
  21. HHmmmm...That is an odd one, isn't it. It should be good now.
  22. Yes!!! DO NOT try to copy/paste an installed copy to a different computer (or migrate if you have a Mac). That is exactly what the anti-piracy software is designed to prevent.
  23. Die Kunst Des Krieges is finished and ready to be applied to your Shock Force 2 game. The German Campaign from Combat Mission Shock Force 1 has been brought up to Shock Force 2 standards. Also included are updated AI plans, reworked briefings and some adjustments to the campaign's units. Here is a direct link to the download: Die Kunst Des Krieges Campaign Enjoy!
  24. Okey dokey....I can see that this thread has more than run it's course. Gentlemen, please remember the forum rules and, also, please try to play nice. Ah....my first locking of a thread. And I told myself that I wouldn't cry when this day happened.......
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