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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Correct. When either player get an email turn they watch the movie that they plotted in the last file that they played. Not the current file that they received. As an example. I may get a turn right now and open it and watch "movie" for the 26 minute mark. After watching the movie I then plot the 25th minute but I don't get to see that movie until after my opponent plays their turn. I will then receive a file and watch the 25 minute mark and then plot the 24th minute and send it off. Repeat until one player is left weeping under their desk. So, you won't get a file and plot minute 26 and then watch the movie for 26 right away and decide if you want to reload the file and see if you can get better results. The only real way to cheat, unless someone were able to hack the password system, was mentioned above. If you are playing a pre-made scenario and the other player separately loads the battle to see what forces they are facing, victory conditions, etc...Which gives an intel upperhand. The other stuff mentioned is more about being gamey than cheating. Personally, I've always felt that anything the game allows is fine, regarding force selection, map edge hugging, etc...
  2. It depends on what you own. If you have all of your CM games using the 4.0 Game Engine then re-installing is super easy. All games at 4.0 have full game all-in-one installers. Meaning there is only 1 download and installation step for each game. CMBN for instance, when you use the full 4.0 installer it will download and install the base game game, Commonwealth module, Market Garden module, the Vehicle and Battle Packs and all patches and Upgrades in a single download. Then you use the Activate New Products utility and enter the keys for what you own to "unlock" their content. If you don't have them all up to 4.0 then a step by step installation will be needed. If you open a Help Desk ticket and let me know exactly what you own I can let you know the simplest way to install them.
  3. Maybe I could have worded it to say somefink like: "the final Combat Mission game in the original series". Live and learn.
  4. The v1.04 patch is for the Windows Vista operating system. If you are not using Vista (is anyone?) then the patch would serve no purpose. Here is the entire list of changes from the 1.04 patch's ReadMe file: "--------------------- v1.04 Changes --------------------- * Added native Windows Vista support (Special thanks to Philip Culliton for diving into our ancient code to figure out and fix the various issues introduced with Vista)" As with you, the game runs fine on my Windows 10 system.
  5. I tried to play Berli's huge nastiness "To the Volga" again. I have not attempted that in 15 years. Even on my significantly better rig it still struggles. He was a mad man to make that.
  6. I contacted them in January. The first step was getting Strategy First's version off because any agreement we had with them expired a very very very long time ago (use of "verys" intentional). After that was squared away there were some technical issues that we didn't think we'd be able to overcome....but we did. It was a long back and forth journey to get them up. Personal side note.......During this period I re-installed and played all of them more than I have in over a decade. I never got "re-used" to the camera controls, because the CMx2 controls are second nature to me at this point, but the battles were still good fun.
  7. You can as of today: https://www.gog.com/news/release_combat_mission_series
  8. Nothing. The 3.0 Big Bundle will install the entire game through the 3.12 patch.. No patches need to be applied. If you purchase the 4.0 Upgrade then you will also need to install the 4.01 patch. But with the Game Engine 3 download there is nothing that needs to be patched.
  9. I hope that I didn't come across as not liking the scenario idea. That wasn't the point of what I was saying. I was only trying to give you a realistic expectation for seeing this change and give you the reason why.
  10. The short answer is simple........... Please explain to me why a programmer, that has his hands very full, would dedicate a single second of his programming time and have tested and tweaked and tested and tweaked a feature that 1) is beyond the intended scope of his game 2)he has no interest in, and frankly, 3) would only be used by a small number people on very rare occasions? I can even put it in different terms.....Think of the number of people that you imagine play the Combat Mission games. Now, out of all of those people how many make scenarios themselves of any kind? Pretty small percentage I'd say based on the number of available user made scenarios floating around. There are plenty of them around for me to always find a new one when I go looking but it isn't an avalanche of scenarios for sure. So, thinking about the percentage of players who DO make scenarios......how many of them would use a feature like that often enough to make it worth going out of our way to do? My guess is that we're getting into the low single digit percentage of players at that point. It has been the same way since Day 1 when the original CMBO Public Beta Demo was released. Lots of people have lots of ideas about what they would like to see added to the games. Not everything can (or should) be added to the games. If a feature is a good enough idea and would benefit most players they have added them time and time again over the years. We are always open to new ideas and concepts. If something makes sense to do we've done it and continue to do it. Unfortunately, this ain't one of them. CMSF came out about 12 years ago. There have been lots of outcries for specific features. If this one carried more weight it would not be the first time that it has come up. So, keep the ideas coming but I wouldn't hold my breath for this one.
  11. Correct. And sburke's comments are spot on. You are asking for a game that is not what CM is. It is not designed for the level of battle (and hand picking unit counts) that you are looking for. Like sburke says, I can't imagine Steve or Charles commiting a minute of design/programming time for something like that. The reduced unit's levels are in place to have reduced unit levels across a formation due to losses not to mico-design battle forces.
  12. Sounds about right for more bones/information.
  13. Very possibly very soon. Not very very soon...but likely very soon.
  14. Anyone else try to watch the Chernobyl series on HBO? It will be kinda like that. In that all of the Russians have British accents.
  15. And one last one because I wanted to include a AEC Mk III
  16. Small one posted in the CMFI forum. And there will be more sooner rather than later.
  17. As a bit of an update. It sounds like this bug has been isolated. Beyond that, "I got nothing for you, head back to camp" (channelling my inner Jeff Probst and using one of his catchphrases)
  18. Correct. A good way to think of it is that the last thing that is installed is the version that the game will run at. If you installed the 1.11 patch (I have no idea who would want to do that) then the game reverts to v1.11. So, yes. If you install v4.00 on top of a v4.01 installation the game reverts to v4.00
  19. Correct. I had posted somewhere else on the forum that you will not be able to move pre-patched saved games and PBEM files to the newly patched version of CMRT (ONLY). Historically, we are almost always able to advance them through a patch but occasionally we are not. This is a case where we are not. The 2 workarounds are: 1) Reinstall the 4.0 Upgrade to revert your version to the pre-patched version and finish your saved game or PBEM. 2) Install a second non-patched version of CMRT on your computer and use the patched version for newer stuff and the un-patched to finish up the saved/PBEM games.
  20. We have confirmed that it is an issue with CMFI, CMBN and CMRT when a QB PBEM us created where Human unit selection is chosen. Automatic selection and solo play are not affected.
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