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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I am running out of ideas about how to deal with this.My best hope is to get armor superiority. If I can do that then maybe I can fight off what appears to be an overwhelming amount of infantry. My mortars and infantry have no chance in this situation. It do feel like time is on my side....but I may be kidding myself about that.
  2. I haven't had as much computer time in the last 24 hours as I would have liked. I have had the time to process a couple of turns and will post screenies later. The short version of what is going on it that one of my Hetzers was about to fire a couple of shots at one of his tanks hanging out around GELB. He returned the fire. All round hit trees in a small treeline that separated them. In BLAU I have successfully moved everyone (well....almost everyone:) ) out and they have reached new defensive positions. A huge problem for me with this map is that there are almost no places where I can get LOS to approaching units from any kind of distance. I am not about to engage him until he is right on top of me. With the way I am out numbered it's making it very hard to slow him down.
  3. It's not a typo. Just remembering the name wrong.
  4. That is not amongst our weaponry. Counterattack is how I will get GLEB back. But I have some things to take care of first.
  5. Quick update. Germans are dying over here..... My awesome scout who took multiple 122mm shots, aided his buddies, helped to spot the bigarse tanks...remember him? That heartless Bil sent an HQ team out to hunt for him. They found him and he got a few shots off that did nothing but make a couple of guys cower for a bit. Then met the end that we all knew he would. Meanwhile, back at GLEB, Bil is rolling in fast and in force. He began firing what seemed like random shots all around the VL. One (at least) hit home. I really wish I could have plugged a few riders before he went down. What are ya gonna do..... The gunner is still alive...maybe he can get a shot or two off before he joins the scout. And finally, I have my answer about the bailed out tank. Not dead. I have two armor sound contacts coming through those woods VERY quickly.
  6. I imagine I will call it off before anyone gets hurt. But I at least wanted to get the clock ticking in case bringing it there made good sense.
  7. The Rolling Thunder Tour will hit GLEB with little resistance. I was expecting more probing recon or the area, which would give me more time. The way I see it, I have a couple of choices. One would be to concede the VL. Doing that would give Bil one less thing to worry about. But perhaps I'd be able to hold BLAU. The other would be to bail on BLAU and get some armor down there STAT. The Hetzers had reached great positions around BLAU to both deal with infantry and defend themselves from Bil's armor. That flamer had put itself into a position where if the Panther hadn't gotten it, one of the Hetzers would have. He just happened to back up into the Panthers LOF first. At the end of a story turn one Hetzer and the Panther could cover nearly every avenue of approach from my front/left. If I pull armor back I believe I can safely get back there but the LOS is VERY short on the entire map. At some point I would have to close in. That could cause problems if I have to face more than one at a time. The platoon on the left. I'll do a head count but I think they are still at 66-75% strength. I was doing a fighting withdraw but taking too much fire from, what I believe was, direct mortar fire. I am pulling them back fast now (Run) and plan to have them regroup in the deep woods and see how they can help in GLEB.
  8. Me too....or at least I was hoping for it. I didn't post anything from the previous turn because all I could think about was that thing. And the previous turn ended with him backing into my LOS and the Panthers gunner went to "aiming" at the last second. I held off until I had the result.
  9. Not a huge deal with the arty. It would have been nice to have it falling as he broke for BLAU. But it almost looks moot as he seems to have called off his attack on BLAU for the moment. I'm sure I'll find a good use for it elsewhere.
  10. Bil made a very big mistake. In my last set of screen shots you can see him moving his flamer into a gully next to the smokehouse. He then moved it behind the smokehouse. While all this was going on I have been rushing my Panther to BLAU in the hope of getting a shot the flamer. He may not have known it but when he put himself in that position he was trapped. I have no idea if he was aware of my Panthers arrival. I saw no infantry support near him. He backed away from the smokehouse toward the position he started at (and should have stayed in) and I got the drop on him.....again. No guesswork needed here about the result of hit. What I've decided to do for the moment with the 120mm mortar is to use the other HQ unit in BLAU to target most of the VL.....even though I have men sitting on it. As I mentioned before, this arty takes 8 minutes to come in. The terrain on the entire map is not allowing for long range spotting for arty. I'm kinda doing the Jim Kirk star Trek thing of activating the self destruct...hopefully, like Kirk, I will cancel it before I kill any of my own men. Bil's attack on BLAU is not as strong as I had anticipated. I had thought by now I would have given the "BLAU has fallen" signal. It looks like he is driving into my rear.....fast. I am getting multiple vehicle sound contacts racing down the road to my back VL. And the troop sound contacts all seem to be headed that way now.
  11. I did not get an FO. The mission was called off when he died.
  12. Adrian: There's one thing I want you to do for me. Rocky Balboa: What's that? Adrian: Win. Adrian: Win! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kPgPrtOxvK4 (I'm an Eagles season ticket holder and they play that scene before every opening kickoff.)
  13. I'll do what I can. There were a lot more Reds running away from BLAU than dying though. The screen shot with the fence you can kinda see 2 other units turning and running.
  14. *POP* Dead red *PLINK* Dead red *CRACK* Dead red *ZING* Dead red
  15. The full assault has definitely begun...but I did expect more men coming at me. The Flamer has advanced toward BLAU into a gully.
  16. It ain't close to over, brother. I expected them to die....just a couple of turns later...
  17. Oh yeah. It'll still bring down the rain and considering that he is coming from everywhere it might even do some good. But yes....He is dead....Real dead....BBQ'd dead....flaming death. ...no dental records stuff.......... Did I mention that he was dead? He is.
  18. I had originally set it up a circle area where it looked like he was getting ready to gather. I was given an 8 minute time then. After 4 minutes I changed it to the linear and it added two minutes. It has been dropping spotting rounds for 2 or 3 turns now...In my last post of screen shots I mentioned that I was going to keep the HQ in place for another turn or two until it began to fire for effect. One turn was too many, as you'll see when I post the screenies I took this morning.
  19. I'm not holding off anything. I began that fire order 7 or 8 minutes earlier. If I could bring them in faster I would.
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