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George MC

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  1. Upvote
    George MC reacted to slysniper in Field Warrior's CMBN Tournament Info   
    At "A Few Good Men" I am hosting my 5th and 6th Tournament and sign ups are now.
    A person will need all modules of CMBN or CMSF2
    You would be commiting to play in a Tournament that requires you to play one battle at a time, 
    they are generally 30 turn battles and require you to have a turn rate of 5 turns per week.
    These battles are scenarios and are locked, you will be playing them blind, your forces are selected for you.
    You will be competing against those players playing the same side. The top 50% of the players receive 
    points for each round as to how they did vs the other players playing the same side.
    This is a 5 round Tournament, five scenarios, each lasting two months approx., So the Tournament last 10 months.
    We only want Mature players, you are expected to finish all rounds, keep communications going when your away for more than a few days.
    Handle being beat in a battle where you might have a terrible situation handed to you. Play with all sorts of different forces, play both defence and offence.
    Be ready to handle the unexpected.
    If you do not hold up to being a mature player, You are removed from the Tournament  and I blacklist you from my events for life, So dont bother to join if you cannot 
    handle these things. I dont need you on my wall of shame list.
  2. Upvote
    George MC reacted to slysniper in Field Warrior's CMSF2 Tournament Info   
    At "A Few Good Men" I am hosting my 5th and 6th Tournament and sign ups are now.
    A person will need all modules of CMBN or CMSF2
    You would be commiting to play in a Tournament that requires you to play one battle at a time, 
    they are generally 30 turn battles and require you to have a turn rate of 5 turns per week.
    These battles are scenarios and are locked, you will be playing them blind, your forces are selected for you.
    You will be competing against those players playing the same side. The top 50% of the players receive 
    points for each round as to how they did vs the other players playing the same side.
    This is a 5 round Tournament, five scenarios, each lasting two months approx., So the Tournament last 10 months.
    We only want Mature players, you are expected to finish all rounds, keep communications going when your away for more than a few days.
    Handle being beat in a battle where you might have a terrible situation handed to you. Play with all sorts of different forces, play both defence and offence.
    Be ready to handle the unexpected.
    If you do not hold up to being a mature player, You are removed from the Tournament  and I blacklist you from my events for life, So dont bother to join if you cannot 
    handle these things. I dont need you on my wall of shame list.
  3. Like
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  5. Like
    George MC reacted to Brille in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Two JS2 get ripped apart as they switch their position in the scenario "Cat and Mouse". One even received a catastrophic hit in the ammo racks.


    Anything else is really frightening: My Panthers roll forward and get shot up by hidden JS 2.
  6. Like
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    The struggle at Ogledow continues in the fog.

    The steel beast

  7. Thanks
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    That's how I'm seeing it right now, being in the middle of it.  Green crews and falling victim to their own propaganda.  Still, the King Tigers are very cool to play with and to see.  I haven't used them in any scenario in such a long time, I'm amazed at how fast the turret rotates!  I was expecting heavy and slow but that's not the case at all.  Maybe it's just really noticeable in this one because it's nice to have when you are pretty much blind.  Maybe it's a little advantage?  
    In respect to your last point, it is true that history is full of examples of leaders of certain units making horrible decisions, to not only their own detriment, but usually also leading to horrific casualties of their men who have to carry out those orders.  I can think of many.
    I like scenarios like this as you get to really be in the heads of those who were there and then have to determine what to do with the lousy circumstances.  Good times.
  8. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Oh aye for sure. That was a key reason for creating this action. Great to see it being appreciated
    Oh yeah - the 501st’s record through August 1944 was so poor that on the 22nd August 1944 Major von Legat was relieved of his command. It is was also reported that he had links to the 20th July 1944 conspiracy to kill Hitler. I can't find out anything else about him post event, though guess somewhere there might be his service record if it was not destroyed during the war. Oh the 501 was later reformed as  sPz. Abt. 424 45 Tiger IIs and some Tiger Is, and was under the command of Major Saemisch. he led his whole unit into an ambush at Lissow in January 1945 most likely due to poor prior recce and/or misleading intelligence. The village was already occupied by JS-2 tanks and anti-tank guns. The result was that the majority of Tigers were either destroyed or lost to bad terrain. Terrible of echoes of the action in and around Ogledow four or so months earlier...
  9. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Yeah the combat record of the 501st during this and subsequent actions in the Sandomierz bridgehead was generally unimpressive. Possibly due to the original battalion being all but destroyed attempting to hold back Soviet attacks during Operation Bagration. Such catastrophic events would mean few of the experienced crews would survive to help form the cadre for the new unit to be rebuilt around. 
    The 501st was reconstituted on the 14th July 1944 with the new Tiger IIs but this only gave the whole unit around a month to reform and train on the new vehicles, and as a combat unit, before being sent into action – perhaps therein lays the reasons for the lacklustre performance of the new tanks and their crews through August 1944?
    Oh and overconfidence in the new vehicle...
    Its worth noting that whilst this event figures highly in Soviet reports - due no doubt to meeting the Tiger II for the first time and giving the wunderwaffe weapon a kicking - German accounts are very scarce. there are reports from other units but nothing specific to this event from the unit involved - least as far as i could find in available English sources. The Soviet side has loads of versions based on the original Soviet reports (all of which repeat the incorrect date change so assume no-one repeating this has bothered to doubel check....).
    Why did they attack? Well at the tactical level it is an odd decision for sure - no recce prior so they drove straight into an ambush. Some infantry support but they seem to not figure at all in Soviet reports and would appear did not even engage in any patrol activity. Its an interesting event which poses more questions that it answers for sure
  10. Like
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    My scouts are killed before they can even do their jobs.

    The scenario should be called "The Fog at Ogledow".  😂

  11. Like
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    @George MC  I will say this, the map is amazing!  That being said, the ground is horrible!!  The fog makes it even worse!  George, why in the 9 hells would the Germans attack blind, over this ground, in the fog!!!  Arrggghhh!!  What a cool historic scenario to recreate.  😎
    It's super fun so far, @FlammenwerferX jumped me at about, ohhhh, 200 meters or so?  It was a nice little ambush.  We traded one King Tiger for one T-34.  I'd say that's gonna work out super well for the enemy if this continues...
    Now I'm all super jumpy as the other spotted T-34 just rammed it into reverse and disappeared into the fog.  It's like a freaking horror movie!
  12. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    I wish I knew!  The fog is playing havoc with EVERYTHING.  I'm guessing IS-2 though.  I'm getting contacts in the fog but no spots.  @FlammenwerferX was just lying in wait for that one.
  13. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Thanks, I know excatly what you mean!
    Ladies and Gentlemen, the "invincible" King Tiger.  
    Just like you said Dan, the reality sets in pretty quick.

  14. Upvote
    George MC reacted to danfrodo in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Great pics as usual.  The Great King Tiger2 emerging from the smoke.  I still love these beasts.  I remember when I was young & foolish and thought these things were nearly invincible.  Then I played CM.  Oh, turns out 60 tons of steel is a lot more fragile than one would think.  Also at some point read how mechanically unreliable they were.  Kinda wish I could go back to my starry-eyed ignorance and idolize these things like I used to.  
  15. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    What new sorcery is this?
    @FlammenwerferX and I have engaged at Ogledow.

  16. Thanks
    George MC reacted to Vacillator in Any news on the upcoming module?   
    With this I agree, perhaps quarterly would be good enough.  The only problem (which I have first-hand experience of 🫣) is if all you can say after 3 months is 'there has been no progress'.  But that's something you can manage.
    I think this already happens for some developments.  As you say, @George MC 'involves' the community, and so does @Ithikial_AU.  Perhaps the problem with the CMFB module is we don't know who (if anyone) is working on it.   As it's bringing in new forces etc. I imagine it will involve Charles as well as 'outsiders'.
    Play-testing is often done by more than a limited number of BFC play-testers.  By invite or by volunteering.  But of course this needs the communication you referred to above.
    And I can't help but mention the current work of @Mr.X on RT campaigns.  Frank has done absolutely great work but has also involved a lot of people to play-test by requesting it on the forum.  All for a free user-made release.  Love it ❤️.
    Anyway, the more I think about it I'd just be happy to know that the FB module is still part of 'the plan', and that it will arrive at some point.  I would happily pre-order if that would help, but I doubt it.
  17. Like
    George MC reacted to hcrof in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hate to break it to you but I live in probably the most Muslim area of London, about 1km from the biggest mosque in the country and my neighbours are pretty chilled people. The area has a lot of bars and Muslim shopkeepers will happily sell me pork and beer.
    Violent islamic nutcases apparently exist but I am more worried about the far right "reaction" than Muslims just living a different lifestyle to me. 
  18. Like
    George MC got a reaction from PEB14 in AI programming   
    Yes - there is a face direction option available now in AI plans. Sorry I forgot to remove that bit from what is an old aide memoire...
  19. Upvote
    George MC reacted to FlammenwerferX in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Dave, you are correct. He was knocked out the next turn. Lesson learned. 
  20. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Ultradave in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    That's a scary picture with that Panther out in the open. Those Russian tanks only need one hit to KO the Panthers. They are slow but pack a huge punch. I tried hard to sneak around and watch from cover and hull down. Even then....
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Cat and Mouse...
    Masked and waiting for @FlammenwerferX and his stalking Panthers.


  23. Upvote
    George MC got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in AI initial placement   
    Aye you have to hit the 'GO' button for the AI controlled units to shift their position. Also AI units will only shift position if a/ they have been allocated a AI group and b/ that AI group then ha s new set-up position painted in the AI plan under 'set-up'. Oh and also check the AI plan is activated...
    Yup if to be played H2H you will need set-up zones for both sides.
  24. Upvote
    George MC reacted to FlammenwerferX in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Current battle with @Phantom Captain... Cat and Mouse
  25. Like
    George MC got a reaction from PEB14 in AI initial placement   
    Aye you have to hit the 'GO' button for the AI controlled units to shift their position. Also AI units will only shift position if a/ they have been allocated a AI group and b/ that AI group then ha s new set-up position painted in the AI plan under 'set-up'. Oh and also check the AI plan is activated...
    Yup if to be played H2H you will need set-up zones for both sides.
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