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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Well with the new sound effects I installed (Waclaws' worth checking out) it sounds like your are doing most of the dinging I'm at work just now so no turns from me till i get back in this evening. Least ways you seem to have competent artillery spotters...
  2. Never! My brave panzerwaffe truppen are fighting to the bitter end! Vorwarts! :mad: He! It's a ding dong fight though
  3. Panzer IVs are tin cans - this stage of the war for sure. Front hull is pretty beefy but the turrets are wafer thin... I'm currently going toe to toe with some Shermans and the PzIVs have to hit first or they die. The firefight they are in reminds me of opposing lines of infantry firing musket volleys. Who's nerve will break first...
  4. Out of interest have you used the editor in CMX2?
  5. Nae bother - if you've any questions feel free to ask away. There's more than a few designers on here who'll be more than happy to give you a helping hand. Plus it's always useful to pinch ideas...err learn from others what they do ;
  6. It also makes the floor of the tank slippy as the loader has to reload whilst avoiding falling on their arse when they slip on the TC's brain matter and blood or clambering over the body... Off course that's not actually replicated but you cans ee why the tank takes a morale hit and a lowered command value.
  7. Check your AI plan - see the orders for the group? Check you don't have a spurious painted action square or squares. No painted squares on the map means your AI units will not move - painted squares associated with an AI group = movement. Other top tip - start your scenario small and create broad brush AI Plans. DON'T get involved just now with trying to get carefully coordinated AI plans with units etc moving in perfect harmony. Down that road lays madness and frustration. KISS principle. This MANUAL may help as may this small test scenario which will give you an idea of how to create an AI plan. Just open it in the editor and check out the German side to see how I've done the AI plans. Good luck
  8. Yup I'd agree - this is an excellent sound mod. I'm also liking the sound of the shell casing hitting the tank floor after firing.
  9. I've just installed this and played through Daraya Tank Raid - man alive it's pretty full on sound now. Superb bit of work with these sounds mate. Thanks very much - they greatly add to the immersion/stress factor!
  10. I wish my scout teams would survive long enough to need re-supply!
  11. As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson. He he! Couldn't resist... Thanks for posting your feedback on this scenario in the repository. I've taken the liberty of re-posting it here as I'm unable to do so on the repository (limit to the number of posts you can make per scenario). @CrackSabbath "Just got my ass handed to me. Two words: hornets nest. Well done!!!" Glad you enjoyed it. It's a challenge that's for sure. I've just finished playing ti RT with Waclaw's new sound mod and found it very intense. I think your description of Hornet's nest is rather apt when playing the AI. You gone back for a re-match?
  12. Aye but then his recce has done it's job and he knows an AT gun is hiding there Against the AI yeah - makes no odds.
  13. As always Michael is correct I've noticed AT guns struggle to track a fast moving tank cutting across their LOF at close range. Probably why the recommendation when ambushed at close range by AT guns was to go for them hell for leather. Might reduce your chances of being nailed whilst a good chance you could overrun the guns. Also if you are taken under fire by AT guns at close range your probably pretty stuffed so best go out in a blaze of glory with the outside chance drastic action might see you through it.
  14. Yer stuffed if your opponent leads with infantry though...
  15. Excellent track record? Previous history? Reputation? Or read some of the pages yourself (follow the link and have a scan through the sample pages) and make your own call. Simples.
  16. Good map design can help AT guns. A common design flaw is just plonking down trees and calling it a wood... If the designer uses the brush tile and even add some bocage (the small bocage with the break is good) you can create perfect cover for AT guns that makes em invisible until they open up at point bank range. Poor map design only exacerbates the issue with cover - good map design pretty much eliminates it. It's the same with small villages etc. Designers really need to ensure they add other stuff around houses rather than again plonking several houses down onto some grass. All houses have coer around them - gardens, hedges, fences, bushes etc in the garden. I've played several maps where the village consists of several houses just randomly plonked down onto dirt. No wonder infantry struggle to stay alive.
  17. Death of a Leaping Horseman is well worth checking out as well. I used it to create some scenarios for CMX1.
  18. That's a real ding dong tank battle. I'm having a similar exchange of fire in my PBEM. PzIVs sneaking around in the bushes whilst my heavier armour dukes it out at long range with sniping Fireflies.
  19. Hi Waclaw I downloaded your sound mod and are now using it. I have to say it's superb - the whole effect is one of noisy chaos - I love it! The armour sound effects I particularly like and the sound of the brass shells case hitting the floor after firing is genius. I look forward to your CMSF mod. Thanks again
  20. I read an account (May possibly have been by Ken Tout) that an armoured unit's padre recovered the dead crews of his units KOd tanks ID'd the bodies/remains and arranged their burial. For the reasons JonS outline the padre reckoned the less the crews knew about the reality of death in a tank the better.
  21. Fine praise - thank you I spent a long time poring over maps, aerial shots and creating a timeline of the whole action based on eye witness accounts. It's an interesting fight overall as there is a lot of info about the small detail of what was a comparatively small action. One of the more common German AI Plans hs the Germans follow their actual line of attack. So I guess it's useful if you are keen to see how the action could play out. Most times Wittmann's group are caught in a crossfire and suffer casualties not dissimilar to the actual action. Thanks again for taking the time to play it and post your feedback. Cheery!
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