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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. I'll indulge in some shameful self promotion I've a load of WWIII type stuff for CMSF - just search by author (George MC). Recent one was Steelers (differant flavours in that); Armour Attacks (there are also Brit and German versions); Hammertime and Hammerzeit. Armoured Assault is another WWIII type one with Brit armour doing it's thang.
  2. Hi Umlaut Apologies for the delay in replying. Was a bit busy over the festive period with work and family. Anyways Guid New Year tae ye! Many thanks for taking the time to play through this and write up your AAR. Given the nature of this action, at least the fist bit of it anyways, I suspect it could be a bit easy for human playing Allied AI. Although in saying that I'm glad that it's still enjoyable (it's a rather iconic action for a variety of reasons not least many of the myths that surround it). I had hoped that recreating this action would hep give some in-sight into the challenges facing the Allies and perhaps just what a risk Wittmann took. It also highlights that concentrating your force means you can inflict heavier casualties on the Allies for less losses on your own side. It's worth noting that this action also involved the first Tiger KO'd by Allied forces in Europe - Wittmann's own vehicle. Anyways glad you enjoyed it and thanks for posting your AAR and comments. I'll be working on some largish Ost Front scenarios. If you fancy large you tried my 'Ost Frontish' scenarios "Fire Brigade" or "Schmiedestahl!" Both armour heavy/combined arms?
  3. You need to adjust the dates in the editor i.e. most Brit airborne is only available September. So change the date in the editor - choose your stuff - go back - change date - choose new stuff. Hope this a/ makes sense b/ helps.
  4. If you've an interest in the recent fighting in Syria and CMSF and just on the off chance you've not seen this: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109864 Cheery! George Mc
  5. Given it was standard practice by tankers to 'brass up' possible enemy locations ie use area fire in possible enemy positions is this such a big deal. Why not have a pal command your units whilst you control the battle using a map and issue orders by email or phone call?
  6. That would look great in-game as you command and move about your various units of large bushes and small bushes and - where the hell have my infantry gone!
  7. Hi All Thanks for the comments. I'm afraid at the moment work and other commitments have my full attention hence my tardy response. Such is life... I've not a great deal of time to go double checking my sources at the mo but here is a very quick, dashed of response. Again my apologies for the slightly off-hand nature of the post. I do appreciate the interest and comments though so please keep em coming. To the debate. Thanks for the links etc. I ended up going with the OOB and set-up as that tied in with the info I thought most useful. However I did give players the option of different set-ups so I guess if you think a particular set-up is more historical you can go for it. Also if disagree with the number of Tigers in action then again, you can set-up em as a 'LOB' i.e. don't use em (stick em somewhere and don't move them). On balance there has been a great deal of debate and what have you about this action. I hope the map I've created will allow those interested to experiment with different set-ups. I think it gives a good feel for what were the most likely set-ups (Just as Wittmann's Demise illustrates the possible likely shooters for his 'demise'). At the end of the day though, regardless of the historical debate I hope it proves to be a challenging and engaging battle. Cheery!
  8. Interesting view - what's your sources to back up that assertion though? The British accounts and evidence point to at least two Tigers on the other side of the road. The German versions are even sketchier though as no account actually states exactly where the Tigers were all placed. Interestingly (and the set-up I went with) Marie has two Tigers on the other side in about the positions I set them up in and which coincides with the British account. As to the names of the Tigers there. I went with who I knew for sure was where. That left Hantusch and Lotzsch's Tigers with no verifiable location hence they went where they were. No Tiger was immovable although all had mechanical issues. Unfortunately CM does not model this aspect so it's they move or they don't move.
  9. Aye it's tough for the Brits initially. But then it was in the real action. Still given the victory conditions he has a chance. Although the first thirty minutes, depending on how the British player plays this can be hell... SPOILER The Brits get more stuff coming on after 30 minutes. To win the Germans have to head into Villers Bocage - that's where things even out. The Brits go into ambush mode (Fireflies, 6pd AT guns plus they have infantry) the Germans pretty much have armour. If the Brit player plays well it turns the tables - although they'll still lose tanks. Lot's of tanks. But then look at the real event.
  10. Cheers for the comments guys @BadgerDog and Phil - be keen to hear how you both get on? Cheery! George
  11. Then it was straight into some close quarter action. All in all I got away lightly with this short sharp action - five casualties, one SPW and knocked out one PAK, several carriers, and killed/wounded and unknown number of enemy.
  12. Bit late though. It's next shot took out the SPW killing a few of the crew, the rest bailed and made a run for it. This caused some consternation amongst the following SPW who hurriedly debussed straight into a short sharp firefight. The SPW hosed down the defenders with their MGs and 20mm cannon, which helped keep the defenders heads down.
  13. The at high speed and using folds in the ground the SPW drove to the outskirts of the village and cleared this. Once this was done they loaded up then again drove at full speed to the other end of the strung out village. This where it went a bit wrong. You can see the left hand front SPW has a puff of smoke - a hidden 6pdr opened up at close range.
  14. A series of shot showing a SPW assault on a small village. First off 'Drilling' SPW and Panthers supported by mortars soften up the village at long range. They took some fire from dug-in PAK which caused one Panther crew to bail.
  15. Everest summiteers have a 1:10 chance of dying on their ascent. That's the same odds for anyone venturing to 8000m. Not to far off from going into action. See John Keegan 'The Face of Battle' for his wee comparison of casualty rates for participants in alpinism vs combat where he compares death rates amongst climbers on hard alpine/Himalayan climbs and some well know battles he covers in his book.
  16. I've played a few hours now with this mod in the background. It's really relaxing! Like the Chaffinchs, Blackbirds and whatnot chirping away. The you hit the red button and - BANG! All hell breaks loose!
  17. Scenario designers can arrange for reinforcements to come on after the scenario has finished i.e. set the reinforcement group to come in after 2 hours when the scenario finishes at 1 hour. This will tend to make the AI fight on as it "think's" it has stuff coming on to help it. I used this a lot in CMSF to slow down the AI from surrendering. Although TBH I don't use this in any WWII scenarios I've designed and not sure if anyone else still does?
  18. Works fine for me in CM 2.12 (on Windows 7). Like the birdies
  19. @Dietirch - thanks for the mini AAR - great wee read Wittmann was nearly taken out by a Firefly in the actual action. It was on POint 213 and engaged his Tiger when it appeared - the Firefly missed, Wittmann's tiger did not. I've managed to keep Wittmann in the game but it's more down to luck than skill. It does make it clear that his attack owed a huge amount to luck - that when his Tiger was hit it did not brew up nor were any of the crew killed/injured.
  20. Not correct I'm afraid mate. Who was in what Tiger was a bit of musical tanks! When Wittmann found out the British were rolling past his position and he decided to attack he ran to his tank - to save time he jumped into the nearest tank (Stief's - who was ordered to raise the alarm so assume he went into action in Wittmann's Tiger?) this he quickly abandoned as it had a mechanical issue (engine was sounding rough) so jumped into Sowa's tank (kicking Sowa out of the tank) and went into action in that (Sowa then jumps into this tank just after the fighting starts). Wittmann's tank was KOd just on the outskirts of Villers Bocage on his way back (evidence points to his Tiger being immobilised by a shot from a 6pdr AT gun), he and his crew bailed out and then took no other part in the fighting around Villers Bocage.
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