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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Ok so I've got a working version. Just need the AI Plans tweaking and it's ready. I'm off on holiday so might be around mid November before this is good to go. Cheers to the guys who have helped out doing some initial playtesting - really useful it's been. Ta
  2. This discussion has reminded me of this scene from Black Hawk Down. I mind in CMBB that SPW gunners were prone to being sniped at by Soviet AT rifles. I've found that if you use SPW against suppressed enemies then your gunners get by just fine - it's when you expect them to be something more there is an issue. I would like to see a bit more self preservation but in the absence of that I'm happy to stick with refining my SPW tactics
  3. German optimistic propaganda film = reality? In 1944 the Germans lost panzers in counterattacks to PAK... Push SPW into the spearhead against unsuppressed infantry and you'll lose, at best SPW gunners, at worse the whole SPW goes up in smoke. The hey day of SPW charging positions was arguably a short period, on the eastern front around 1942/43 and even then it was a/ generally done as a surprise attack in rear areas or b/ on heavily suppressed opposition. The main key - and as stated in the film you link to is combined arms. To be fair I suspect that the Soviets in your film are already heavily suppressed which has allowed the SPW to get in close whilst their supporting armour and flamethrowing SPW keep the defenders heads down. You can do this in CMBN as well (weel no flamethrowers) using good overwatch and suppressing the defenders with arty whilst covering your flanks with smoke. You get your SPW in close though on suppressed troops and the gunners will be creamed. It's not that a great armoured shield...
  4. Oh meant to add - in my experience you don't have to shoot em. As soon as the poor buggers hop in they inevitably are killed when what hit em in the first place suddenly 'sees' em again and blows em sky high...
  5. Not sure about this. a/ unless the AFV is KOd you should get them back in - unless they are panicked etc b/ you can't target your own troops. c/ has drink been taken?
  6. It all went horribly wrong for this SWP not long after...
  7. Hi Snake-Eye Cheers for the offer. I'll be sure to take you up on it. I'm finalising OOB and starting on briefings. Next step will be a basic AI plans. Bit slower than planned due to work commitments unfortunately.
  8. Quikc response to the chap who just posted the comments at the Repository (can't reply there as you only have one response) "Installed but "Greyed Out" in Scenario selection Screen. Am running CM:BN 2.01." I'd suggest checking you have the Commobwealth module installed. Sounds like you don't?
  9. I'm for leaving it out. Stops me clicking to see what chance of a hit and KOing the enemy I have. Now I play more to terrain and the general characteristics of the vehicle. Good tactics rather than gamey rule knowing
  10. Cheers for the play test offers guys I'll take you both up on your offer. I've probably all the available sources so will most likely go with what I outlined above.
  11. Cheers guys! Progress slowed a wee bit. I'm busy creating the OOBs and deploying units on the ground. My initial thoughts are to make the opening 45 minutes true to life but then 'telescope' the subsequent fighting into a shorter time frame to allow for (hopefully) some exciting and challenging game play. One thing I've noticed in the accounts is that mention is made of German infantry in the area (and then on Point 213) but the actual units involved are never mentioned. My thoughts are (based on the accounts) the initial 'infantry' presence is a disparate group of stragglers from Panzer Lehr (close to or around Villers Bocage itself) with the follow on 'infantry' units being from the 101st's Light Company. There is the suggestion that possible the 4th SS Panzergrenadier Company (from the 12th SS HJ Division) might have had elements involved at Point 213 but I can't find any hard evidence to support that. I've evidence pointing to the 101st's Light Company or least some units from it though.
  12. Glad ya like it I did steer clear of this one for a long time - just thought I could never make a fight of it. But after reading the accounts although the initial ambush (in RL) was perhaps a bit one sided the immediate subsequent fighting was less so. I've found reading between the lines gives the clue. The Brits on Point 213 hung on repelling attacks for a reasonable amount of time. Also the fighting at the end of town was pretty fierce and ended with the Germans losing nearly a company of tanks. So perhaps not the overwhelming German victory people associate with this action. It's worth tracking down the documentary made by the Sharpshooters about the event as it contains some superb then and now images. Anyways I hope the finished scenario will do justice to this.
  13. Aye thanks Yup - that's where I'm at just now with the map. It's like painting a picture though - knowing when to stop! I'm going to leave it for a while and focus on the OOB for both sides. Then come back to the map for a few more tweaks.
  14. Looking from Point 213 down into Villers Bocage
  15. Hi Augusto Cheers Still a wee bit of having a finished scenario but I always find the map building the more challenging part of scenario design. In comparison AI plans etc are pretty straightforward. Another wee shot - this shows the bottom part of the approach into Villers Bocage.
  16. I've long been fascinated by this action. For a while I reckoned it was pretty much a no-go for a CMBN action. Anyways after getting some books (most notably the After The Battle and Henri Marie's account) and finding the aerial maps in the RCHMS collection I decided to at least give the map a go. I went for the opening action and subsequent immediate fighting just on the outskirts of the town. I'll admit trying to recreate as near a accurate representation of the real battlefield was a toughie in CMBN. I reckon though, after lot's of swearing, more than a few beers and a few late shifts I've got something I'm happy with. Anyways pretty stoked with the result so couldn't wait to give a wee sneak preview for those who might be interested. The really hard bit is yet to come with trying to get this to be an action that is a/ worth fighting b/ challenging in CMBN... The mission continues... So first shot shows the outskirts of Villers Bocage Next shot shows looking up towards Point 213 More shots to follow.
  17. Ach nae worries - if you are announcing which ones are being tested on this forum then at least designers can keep an eye out. Accessing the info as it's public means designers can keep an eye out and if needs be, I guess contact the players for any clarification etc. Great idea though so I'll be keeping ma beady eye on it
  18. Hi Ian Thanks for the reply - leastways contacting the designer would allow them (if they wish) to amend the scenario based on some specific and good feedback meaning more scenarios suitable for H2H being available. I appreciate the time involved in testing these H2H. I must admit this is one reason I tend to release as AI and make an educated guess as to whether it would play out H2H. If I did not do that it could take years to get scenarios out!
  19. Hi Ian Do youse plan on contacting the designers with your findings after the playtests?
  20. Have we not done this one to death John? There are also better sources of info regarding SPW tactics from 41 through to 45 which illustrate how the tactics evolved due to changing battlefield conditions i.e. increase AT weapon capability, Germans losing tactical edge etc etc. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109433&highlight=halftracks&page=13
  21. It is possible for armour to roll through AT mines - just depends on the 'roll of the dice' if they set off a mine so sounds like you were unlucky or they were personnel mines placed by mistake? I'd be wary of just placing mines though without anything keeping an eye on them i.e. some unit in overwatch like an AT gun. Sit it tight with a cover arc/hidden, wait till a tank hits a mine the KO it with your AT weapon. Likewise have a MG or two to keep infantry from crossing.
  22. He! Nae worries. If you've any questions feel free to post on the forum - the guys are really helpful. Good luck!
  23. The demos are still there Donald. Just scroll down the page. It's the third section down. You'll see a list of links to servers. I just tried the Battlefront link and it works fine for me. When you download the demo worth checking out the tactics section etc on the CMSF Forum. If you are new to CM (even if you have played the older CMBO/CMBB stuff) you will find the learning curve is a bit steep to begin with. Good luck and enjoy! Cheery! George
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