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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. I've just re-read the German briefing and from my POV it seems pretty clear - although the player does have several choices as to how to play it out. All I can suggest is players take the time to read through the briefing - and not hit play till they are sure - and it should be obvious as to what to do
  2. I’ve always been fascinated with this famous (infamous?) action. When I was 16 whilst on a family holiday we visited the town of Villers Bocage. If I had known I was going to create a scenario of the area I would have paid more attention and taken lot’s of photos! Although I’ve been interested in the action I have always swerved away from doing a Combat Mission scenario about it. I thought that it would never really translate to the digital battlefield. After doing a scenario that recreated Wittmann’s final action which saw him and his crew killed whilst attacking Allied armour near Gaumesnil (the CMBN scenario is called Wittmann’s Demise) I decided I would revisit his most famous Western Front action – his daring, oft discussed, and criticised, attack against the spearhead of 7th Armoured Division at Point 213 just west of Villers Bocage. Playing the Scenario This is a very large map (around 1.5km wide by nearly 3km long). Loading times are around 5 to 8 minutes depending on your machine. PLEASE BE PATIENT. Start it up then go make a drink! Players with lower spec machines may struggle to play this. Due to the nature of this scenario and the terrain it’s been designed as either playing H2H (although not sure how ‘balanced’ this is as it’s a semi-historical type scenario) or Human versus Allied AI. There is a German AI plan so you can play as the Allies against the German AI BUT given the limitations of the AI this, at best, provides an interesting insight into the initial experience of the Allied tankers. First off possible SPOILER ALERT…. The map is as faithful a recreation of the environs around Villers Bocage as I could make given the confines of the Combat Mission game engine, limitations of the aerial images and maps available. I’ve also tweaked history a little bit. The first 30 odd minutes of this action (arguably the most famous part) gives you, the gamer, a chance to emulate Wittmann’s attack. As you’ll find, recreating this on the digital battlefield illustrates just how lucky he was on the day. It’s tough to pull it off on the CMBN battlefield – more often than not your Tiger will be shot up, immobilised or have it’s main gun/optics knocked out. From around 30 minutes on the latter part of the action makes the assumption that Bill Cotton from B Squadron managed to find a way through Villers Bocage on it’s southern side. This bit of pathfinding allows the rest of B Squadron to follow and attempt a counterattack against the Germans. Prelude After the D-Day landings the Allied forces had managed to secure their lodgement on the beachhead. At the eastern end of the D-Day bridgehead the British and Canadian forces were facing determined German opposition. The Germans perceived this as the main threat. From the 8th June onwards both 12th SS Panzer Division and Panzer-Lehr, sometimes supported by the 21st Panzer Division had mounted fierce counter attacks, with limited local success, in an effort to drive the British back. However by the 12th June both the British and Canadian forces had regained the initiative with British and Canadian forces from 2nd Army pushing further inland. This pressure being exerted on the German lines attracted newly arriving German panzer divisions to the invasion front in an effort to defend Caen. This was done mainly due to the risk of the British expanding their lodgement area into the better tank country to the south. As the pressure mounted some German infantry units began to crack. The 352.Infanterie Division, which had been in continuous combat for over a week, with little reinforcement and no armoured support, began to collapse and as it withdrew opened up a gap with Panzer-Lehr to its right. This gap was identified by the British and it was this gap that the desert veterans of 7th Armoured Division were hoping to exploit. Brigadier Hinde’s 22nd Armoured Brigade, supported by the 131st (Queen’s) Infantry Brigade under Brigadier Michael Ekins, was the point unit of 7th Armoured Division’s attack. His orders of the 12th June were to disengage 7th Armoured and to move down the right flank, by-passing the enemy positions on the line La Belle Epine-Tilly-Fontenay, to strike towards, and if possible take, Villers Bocage. By this manoeuvre, the enemy’s flank would be turned and operations kept fluid. So it was after some light opposition, a worrying bivvy in enemy territory and a wary advance in the gloom of the early dawn on the 13th June that the leading elements of the main column, ‘A’ Squadron, 4th County of London Yeomanry (4th CLY) ‘The Sharpshooters’, pulled out of the eastern end of Villers, and cautiously advanced east along RN175 to POINT 213, their objective, where they started to take up defensive positions just before 0900Hrs. Just behind them were their supporting infantry in their half-tracks from the 1st Rifle Brigade’s ‘A’ Company. They halted further back down the road and pulled up nose to tail to allow following units to pass to the front. The plan was for ‘A’ Company to make way for another squadron of ‘The Sharpshooters’ and for the lead battalion of the Queen’s Brigade to come forward before retiring to allow the Queen’s to prepare firm positions for defence of this useful tactical position on POINT 213. As the column began its final approach to Villers, the platoon and company commanders of ‘A’ Company, 1st Rifle Brigade were summoned to an ‘O’ Group at the objective POINT 213. Several half-tracks picked up the officers and started driving up to POINT 213. Meanwhile at the eastern exit of Villers Bocage the CO of the ‘Sharpshooters’ Colonel Cranley was an unhappy man. He was concerned his unit was out on a limb, advancing blind into a vulnerable position. Brigadier Hinde came up in a scout car to encourage Cranley on. As the objective had been reached, Hinde dismissed Cranley’s concerns and ordered him to POINT 213 to ensure that the lead group was sited in a good defensive position. Cranley headed on up to POINT 213. Once there he discussed the situation with Major Peter Scott, the CO of ‘A’ Squadron and called an ‘O’ Group, which pulled in the troop commanders from his lead squadron. Cranley briefly discussed the position with Major Wright (of ‘A’ Company) as he waited for the Rifle Brigade platoon commanders. Throughout the morning the column had been maintaining radio silence. As the Rifle Brigade platoon commanders in their half-tracks drove up the RN176 towards POINT 213, passing the sign for Caen, Sergeant O’Connor of 1st Platoon broke radio silence shouting ‘For Christ’s sake get a move on! There’s a Tiger running alongside us 50 yards away.’
  3. Hi Togi See that's a very polite nicely phrased request, for 'native' English speakers that even, friendly tone in language pays dividends - good to see my lesson in the Scottish art of diplomacy paid off
  4. Check your game options settings (on the 'home' page of your game just after you start-up). Make sure anti-aliasing is on; also check your quality settings. When playing a scenario check your shaders are activated in-game (go to the bottom right hand side of the UI click 'hotkey's and look for the key to activate shaders on. Update your graphics card drivers.
  5. I think the scenarios that don't have a prefix (i.e. NATO etc) can be played using the base CMSF game. There are NATO colour mods for most of the forces. I thought the complete Euro mod contained them? Just in case, and assuming you use drop box, you can grab em at the link below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x641bb79tdhcb32/39Aigj5tRu
  6. I produced several that were designed with a more 'Euro' feel and context. They are all mech heavy. You can find them in the repository (just search under author - George MC) They are: Forging Steel (Campaign) NATO TV 98-5 Steelers NATO German Halt_Hammerzeit UK_Battlegroup Attacks UK Armoured Assault Hammertime Cry Havoc Armour Attacks Enjoy
  7. Ah OK - my apologies. The way you phrased your question comes across as a demand. I'd rephrase it as -"Is there any update on when the patch will be released?" or "Steve said the patch would be ready within one month at 17.10.2013 (http://www.battlefront.com/community...=111853&page=2) and it's now the 15/11/13 any news on when it's due to be released please?" However please mind that I'm a Scotsman giving advice to someone on a/ how to speak/write English b/ be tactful... I think given they are only a couple of days late I think it might also be a bit soon to start asking where it is? It could be it's just fashionably late
  8. Sorry mate but your whole tone on these forums sucks. Big time.
  9. I've just played about with this - just in case I've made a bit of an arse of it. So this is in CMMG. I changed the custom res to 3200 x 1800 in Nividia; changed the display.txt in CMMG and got this. As you can see the UI is teeny tiny. Also the screeny shows the size of this res which is 3200 x 1800. http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5052/jpbt.jpg' alt='jpbt.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. I might be missing something here I did as you said above and the image dimensions are the same size as my native monitor settings BUT I thought the whole point was in downsampling that you are not actually changing the native res but 'tricking' the GPU to see your game res as a higher value and then scale it down to your native res. Hence it acts as some de-facto AA. Whatever I've done it's giving me far crisper textures...
  11. I've just gone through it again - so unless I've made a mistake along the way I did not change the actual native monitor res but made available (i.e. create the new res) the customised new res. I then went into the CMBN/CMMG display.txt file and changed the values. Fired it up and get the sharper image but without the UI text being downsized. I could be wrong through but I followed the instructions as laid out in the link Jock posted. As you can see from my screenshots I get clearer images but no UI downsizing. Editor is the same - clear as and readable.
  12. The UI is OK for me - as you can see from the screenshots. Maybe that's a setting you can change within windows?
  13. I've gone and done the same thing (downsample) with my copy of CMMG. Res is 2880x1620 @60Hz. I think with CMMG the shadows are very much improved. My earlier shots were taken with CMBN patched to 2.01 - compare these with shots taken in CMMG. Shadows on and shaders on. I think a huge improvement. You'll notice the shadows are smoother and less jaggy. Also I don't get the weird flickering effect that I used to get during poor vis/nighttime action.
  14. Aye Jock - cheers for the steer with this. It's made a huge difference to my graphics in-game
  15. From above scenario. I should add the terrain textures are the in-game ones. Except the houses - I'm using Tanksalot's Normandy buildings.
  16. Following images taken from a PBEM I'm playing using the 'Schmiedestahl' scenario which takes place on a very large map and with lot's of units. Performance so far seems unaffected but I have noticed that the 3D models are a lot 'crisper'. In game settings are at 'best'; display resolution is 2560 x 1440
  17. I've just tried it and it appears to have improved my in-game textures. No untoward side effects - as yet.
  18. Thanks for your comments Lyle Harwood 2 "He who wins the recon battle wins the battle." But damn, man, just damn. This is a tough, tough campaign. Haven't won the first scenario yet, and going beyond the first scenario without winning it sets one up for failure. I'll reply here as I can't post in the repository due to there being a one post limit. My tips for the first scenario are a/ check the briefing - it fully outlines what you have to do. b/ It's recon so spotting enemy units is key - avoid if you can direct engagement. This is not your attack. c/ infantry on foot are good at infiltrating if equipped with binoculars/thermal imaging then they are really useful for scouting out stuff. d/ avoid using your armour/IFVs as scouts. That always ends bad... Good luck
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