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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Great DAR - I'm enjoying seeing how your oppo is playing this. Must admit so far I'm a bit baffled He's giving you heaps of time to re-org and counter his moves. Still neither side is committed at the moment so everything to play for.
  2. Just knocked out some PAK yesterday using 81mm mortars - had a hard spot so used point target. Soon several dead PAK. That was one 81mm (debussed from a 251/1 SPW) firing a 'heavy' mission controlled by a FO team.
  3. Thank you! TBH I'm happy enough making em for BFC and doing my own thing. I think having to do it as a job would be very different. Pleased to hear you've enjoyed them over the years though. Re APS not sure but it is limited. His AFVs using it will run out at some point. If he gets cocky thinking APS protects his AFVs he'll suddenly realise they run out - most likely when something goes boom. Worth minding that APS does not stop AP. Still your ambush will have given him pause for thought - like what else might be in the woods? Look forward to the next instalment.
  4. So in a nutshell Troops who are 'conscripts' with 'poor' morale led by a leader with '-2' modifier will most likely poop their pants and run as soon as they hear/smell the enemy! Troops who are 'elite' with 'fanatic' morale led by a leader with a '+2' modifier will be cyborgs dealing fatal death to any and all who get in their sights, whilst refusing to give up and die! Both are a bit tongue in cheek but you get the drift. In reality the combination of these soft factors allows a great deal of granularity for the scenario designer to simulate troops behaving in ways that refelct their training, leadership, previous combat experience and casualties suffered etc etc. It also greatly affects how troops behave under fire and pose the main challenging a player will face commanding troops as how best to manage his living breathing pixeltruppen.
  5. Here is the info taken from the steer IanL gave above. EXPERIENCE – determines the experience and training level of the soldiers of the formation. Options include: - Conscript: draftees with little training and no combat experience whatsoever. - Green: draftees with little training and some combat experience or reservists with some training and no combat experience. Green can also represent professional soldiers whose training is substandard in comparison to another force. - Regular: professional soldiers who went through extensive, quality training programs, but lack combat experience. Or, Regular can represent troops that received mediocre training that have a fair amount of combat experience. - Veteran: professional soldiers with standard military training and first hand combat experience. Alternatively, it can be professional soldiers who have trained to a slightly higher standard than Regulars, yet lack combat experience. - Crack: exceptional soldiers with more than the average training and plenty of combat experience. - Elite: the best of the best. Superb training, frequent combat experience, and generally all around tough guys. MOTIVATION – determines the soldiers’ will to fight. Options range from Fanatic (soldier will never give up and fight even when facing certain death) all the way to Poor (soldier has little desire to fight and will take the first chance to rout). FITNESS – determines the inherent degree of physical readiness of the unit’s soldiers. This influences on how quickly soldiers tire and recover from physical tasks, such as running or being bombarded by enemy fire. Options include: Fit, Weakened, and Unfit. LEADERSHIP – the capability and experience of the unit leader does not always correspond with the quality of the unit. This rating allows a unit to range from great soldiers and terrible leaders, or terrible soldiers and great leaders. The values are from -2 to +2, indicating the leader’s influence on the unit cohesion and various other capabilities.
  6. Yikes! Looks like most of it's systems are down but it still stays there... bet the crew are bleeding from their ears!
  7. I'm looking forward to this It's one of mine. So be interesting to see how other players tackle this. BTW APS is not an infinite resource.- his APS equipped vehicles will run out eventually. That is a problem he'll be facing further down the line. Interesting it appears he's heading out to his left flank - guess he's not keen on taking on a reverse slope defence. I've used it myself when playing this, I'm looking forward to seeing how that avenue of attack pans out for him - and how you deal with it. BTW have you patched your game and running 1.03?
  8. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119081-future-combat-mission-games/?hl=pacific
  9. Bring back horses, and muskets. Oh and fighting elephants!
  10. CMBN (with Market Garden module) only covers the time period up to September 1944. Comet saw action, when? Early 45?
  11. Quote from the Daily Mail (TBH not the best source...) In saying that no sign of it in other UK media/press. Hundreds of soldiers were drafted in to provide extra security at Heathrow Airport today amid fears of a terrorist attack. Troops with armoured cars moved in to one of the world's busiest international airports at 6am as part of a "contingency plan" authorised by the Government and Scotland Yard. They said the "precautionary" move, involving 450 troops, was linked to apparent concerns that al Qaida could use the end of the Muslim festival of Eid, which runs from tomorrow until Saturday, as a trigger for an attack on London. The operation was believed to be linked to specific intelligence of a threat to Heathrow. Security was also beefed up at key, unspecified potential targets linked to London's transport and economic infrastructure. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-160010/400-soldiers-patrol-Heathrow-amid-terror-fears.html#ixzz3byW0NYl0
  12. Wee bit far for me - but love the sentiment Anyways Dallas is just up the road from me (Dallas, Scotland)!
  13. Qoute not aimed at anyone in particular - meant to highlight that even in CMBB people still disagreed at what scale was optimum. Totally disagree with your view though - but that's the beauty of this eh? Everyone has opinions. All depends on how you play or your desire to be the all seeing all powerful god making every decision. FWIW I personally find reinforced company in CMX2 the ideal. I find playing smaller i start to micromanage everything and it becomes tiresome, larger scale means I sit back and take in more of the big picture. horses for courses eh?
  14. Ah memory eh? Interesting thread if only to display how people's memories can often be selective or amended to take into account personal bias/opinion http://community.battlefront.com/topic/41267-what-kinda-scenario-do-you-like/?hl=%2Bbattle+%2Bsize#entry469140
  15. Hi @Jorge MC - loved your Tankovyi film. Never thought I'd see something based on a scenario that was so cinematic. Superb work mate
  16. Hi Blackmoria Bloody good effort mate I'm well impressed. Skilled and lucky. Was it not Napeleon who said I don't care if a general is good, is he lucky? Still slow and cautious catchy monkey. I'm writing this on my iPad en-route to the Pyrenees so please excuse the brevity. First off thanks for the play through and your comments. Really chuffed you enjoyed the map and the scenario. The sniper team? I got that idea from a mate (ex boot neck) who was a sniper. Whilst on exercise they'd setup an OP. Whilst laying up an 'enemy' armoured unit had driven up. All the commanders were head up so they picked em off one by one. The guys thought at first their laser kit was mal functioning. It drove this armoured unit daft! These hidden guys plinking em. So I used that to have this sniper unit op pretty far forward. You're approach to this was spot on. Must admit I don't have that patience so I tend to charge in a bit too early in this. Great effort though. Thanks fir the write up. Look forward to hearing how your play through with 1.03 goes. Cheery!
  17. Why not just mark their location with a TOUCH or OCCUPY objective and allocate points accordingly?
  18. Hi Rayak47 - hey no worries. I wasn't taking your comments in any other way than you intended Yeah the lasing thing - at first - can be a pain - until you realise it keeps your tanks alive, then you just have to find tactics to a/ keep your tanks alive b/ keep em moving and engaging. Sounds like you did that just fine Glad the demo did it's job though. Excellent! A wee cheeky one eh? Bit early for me - but I'll raise my coffee. Slainte!
  19. Hi Greg Cheers mate Yeah the map is based on a 30s Russian map (I also have a 1944 German map of the area). There are some tweaks to get the map to 'fit' a CM map e.g. some diagonal roads have been straightened, foliage and field patterns are based more on the modern day location. I also used some photos from the battlefield that were in Otto Carius "Mein Dienstzei!" So I'm happy given the tools it's a realistic representation of the actual battlefield. This map (although it's a modern map) has the locations of the Ko'd Soviet tanks from that action. The five red rectangles are KO'd IS-2s. It does appear, despite Carius' account, that the IS-2 unit launched a counterattack from the east, just after Carius launched his attack. The bulk of the T34s were KOd outside the village. The other T34s further south (Nos 9-19) were from a latter engagement. There does appear to be some doubt as to how this action actually was fought. There are a great many theories regarding how the Carius unit pulled this off. It also appears that the Stug battery played a significant role in this action. There is a really useful Russian website that has some very detailed accounts based on Soviet casualty returns that seeks to explain this action. Also, ironically, a German propaganda piece ties in with this Russian post war account that it does Carius' own account! Anyway back to the scenario I'm testing an AI Plan, which seems to, by default, give the above spread of KOd Soviet tanks (this based on placing everything i.e. units on the map where the evidence ties in). I've done the points scoring, whilst Charlie is working on the briefings. So nearly there. I'm heading off on holiday for two weeks so further development will stall until I get back.
  20. With the 1.03 patch released the scenario, downloadable from the repository, is good to play. If you have played it it's worth checking out snake-eye's AAR - compare notes
  21. Just mind - in the demo scenario there is a lot of stuff that can lase you and most of it is capable of Koing a M1 or BIFV - so if your armour is going to stop in the middle of some ground then you'd better be sure it can find and kill whatever is lasing it first
  22. The comments below were posted on the entry for the scenario in the repository. Due to limits on how often I can post in reply on there - here is the reply: one could try to make the half tracks and tanks dismount as many were when it happened I got the result you predicted -- disabled-- will try again with the dismounts--still it was fun Yeah - unfortunately the game engine will not allow this. However if it did the AI would be screwed as it cannot remount vehicles. You could do this if playing H2H. Thanks for playing it and pleased you enjoyed the experience
  23. I added some hints and tips in the designer notes for the rolling thunder demo - some deal with this issue.
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