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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Now wonder if there is a scenario using that concept in CMBS...?
  2. PDFs showing houses in CMBN and other scenario stuff: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hcpas10cd31y716/AAAByUx3Xd6mygerASO1W-u2a?dl=0
  3. There was a wee PDF doing the rounds which showed you what was what. I'm, errr...at work right now but when I get home I'll dig it out and upload a copy.
  4. It'll get you started with the basics. They haven't changed e.g. changing size of map, adding buildings, picking units etc etc. When it comes to AI Plans - well the main chnage is number of slots, triggers and slight tweak to the AI plan UI. All the rest gets you up and going. Any questions just post on the forum.
  5. See my sig It was done for CMSF but the basics are pretty much the same. It's got nice wee pics as well and focusses on the practical stuff. Note - triggers were not around in CMSF and some stuff has undergone wee tweaks but it'll get you going.
  6. Hark! Is that an umarked black helicopter I doth heareth!
  7. Nice screenies mate Aye first mission can very quickly go pear shaped. My advice would be mind it's a recon mission Eyes on stuff = points...
  8. Hi Augusto This campaign is seven years old now! Wow... Time flies! Thanks for dusting this down and having a crack at it. My top tip is take the time to read the briefings before firing into each one. They can be easier than they initially appear I might well do - although some of the missions in CMBS might appear familiar - at least the intent might be familiar - the terrain is very different. But yeah I think I'll do a revisit of this set in the Ukraine once cMBs is out. Good luck - be interested to hear how you fare?
  9. Cheers for the plug There is also this one - probably good to see how you advance against some pretty serious ATGM defences bolstered by armour: NATO Tactcial Vignette 85 Steelers Long range and fast moving armour engagement Armour Attacks! The Forging Steel campaign but all the individual missions (could be easier than the campaign as they were designed with Blue taking some losses in mind) Forging Steel: The Missions And the full campaign (which is also linked to above) Forging Steel: The Campaign
  10. Does depend on the type of UAV - also some tweaks done in later beta of game to anti-aircraft assets ability to target some types of UAVs. I've found the smaller types last long enough to ID stuff - just depends on how large a search area you give them and what type of anti-aircraft asset is in the AO e.g. Tunguska is deadly to most flying stuff but only the Russians have these.
  11. Unmanned Aerial vehicles are the scouts of the future. In CMBS they can do a frighteningly good job, as they can in RL.
  12. http://modernsurvivalblog.com/security/how-to-block-ir-infrared-thermal-imaging/
  13. Nope. I'm pointing out hiding in bushes/woods/forests is not as effective in modern combat as you might think due to the prevalence of thermal imaging devices. The 'hide' command in CM means the unit keeps their heads down - although at odd occasions someone in the unit will pop their head up for a quick look. It comes at the cost of situational awareness. TBH I hardly use it as it can often backfire on you due to the loss of situational awareness. I prefer target arcs. BTW the manual explains all this in detail.
  14. Off course in modern combat thermal sights negate hiding behind bushes/foliage...
  15. It strikes me this is WEGO players who try to play RT and want the benefits of WEGO in RT or summfink like that. I play RT (both unpaused and with larger scenarios paused) and I play very differently from how I do in WEGO. It requires better planning and anticipation. If it goes wrong then you get to experience the chaos and frustration I guess a RL commander would. I've played battalion level stuff RT and although it was hard work it was pretty exciting - especially when battle was joined! I'm with Womble on this one for all the reason he said
  16. Sorry but sadly Bil is toast. Those M1s will just roll in, shrug of any rpg shots and machine gun (iirc buildings might be preserve options) any Russian infantry sheltering in the buildings. Once Bil runs out of a/ T90s b/ anti tank assets nowt left to do but surrender. A company team with a plartoon of M1s and two platoons of BIFVs would have made for a more balanced challenge IMO.
  17. Whilst we're waiting From the link below: However the quality of Soviet optics combined with the limited visibility from inside the tank affected combat performance. A German unit that used the T-34/76 model ’43 in combat noted (8): ‘The gun sights in Russian tanks are far behind the German designs. The German gunners need to be thoroughly accustomed to the Russian telescopic gunsights. The ability to spot a hit through the gunsight is very limited.’ ‘In a Russian tank it is difficult to command a Panzer or a unit and at the same time serve as the gunner Therefore fire direction for the entire Kompanie is hardly possible, and the concentrated effect of the unit’s firepower is lost. The commander's cupola on the T 43 makes it easier to command and fire at the same time; however; vision is very limited to five very small and narrow slits.’ ‘Safe driving and sure command of both the T 43 and SU 85 can't be achieved with the hatches closed. We base this statement on our experience that on the first day in combat in the Jassy bridgehead, four Beute-Panzer got stuck in the trench system and couldn't get free with their own power, resulting in the destruction of German defensive weapons during the attempt to retrieve them. The same thing happened on the second day.’ http://chris-intel-corner.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/wwii-myths-t-34-best-tank-of-war.html
  18. Use tanks to suppress likely points of enemy resistance using area fire, don't wait or try to spot em - infantry move up under this supporting fire. Rinse and repeat. Or mount infantry onto tanks and charge hell for leather onto the position - take yer knocks but overrun it. You've enough infantry.
  19. I use the KISS principle myself. Like your example above I use a core set of AI triggers that can be used across various plans. By keeping plans simple and broad based you can hope to account for the myriad ways a player may choose to attack/defend. Trying to get too clever wit AI plans (as I've found out to my cost) just leads to all sorts of unintended consequences! I occasional use friendly AI triggers to spring friendly movement but you have to be careful with this. If a friendly unit is wiped out early it can totally FUBAR the AI Plan. In this case having a slightly earlier default move order helps alleviate the worse outcome.
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