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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Thanks for the feedback guys. Interesting during playtesting players found it challenging. I wonder if later game engine improvements might have just swung the balance too much one way. There are three Russian AI plans - again might depend on the AI plan you get. However I think I'll revisit this and tweak it so the US has a harder time. IIRC the US had a lot of APS equipped stuff. I'll tone that down and nerf the supporting arty somewhat (whilst it might be doctrinally correct it does give the US a huge advantage). So I'll go and tweak some of the 'soft' factors and tone down the supporting arms. I'll then upload it to the repository.
  2. Another shameless plug! You can find all these in the repository. Their scenarios I made as I rather enjoy large armoured brawls! Schmiedestahl CMBN CW Schnelle Truppen Angriff_v1 CMBN CW A Bridgehead at Soloki CMBN US Fire Brigade CMBN US Studienka CMRT
  3. Defence systems e.g. APS, ERA etc shown in the UI under the AFV - see manual for explanation of icons.
  4. The guy from behind the tank was in the tank when it was hit - the commander IRC. He was blown out of the turret- hence his ripped clothing and what look to be horrendous burns. There was an article about this event with blow by blow descriptions of what happened.
  5. Excellent AAR DMS and c2kS. I've really enjoyed following both sides. Funny, exciting and inspiring in equal measure. Oh and great entertainment! Howz about a rematch?
  6. Excellent AAR c3k and DMS. I've really enjoyed following both sides. Funny, exciting and inspiring in equal measure. Oh and great entertainment! Howz about a rematch?
  7. Thanks for the update. Aye the fords might be 'safer' but you do run the risk of losing vehicles to bogging. Yeah got to be careful with air support on this small map! I found anyone firing is seen as an enemy...
  8. Ok - just thought as the storyline brief has him chatting with the infantry officer I thought he'd be at the aid station. Nope got a tactical defeat and was booted out of the campaign. As IanL says if you have exit zones ANY unit (assuming all units have a 'destroy' objective assigned them) that does not exit counts as destroyed. This can really screw your points scoring unless you account for it e.g. by giving the side exiting a bonus number of points to take up some of the balance. I think that's what is perhaps skewing the scoring? Re Poppies Grow - sorry I haven't played it. TBH I've been pretty busy the past couple of years with doing stuff for CMRT and CMBS that my scenario playing time has been super limited. Trying to make up for it now
  9. Cool - downloaded the new version. Re Soviet experience levels: I'll give it another go through from the beginning. I really like the concept of this scenario so really happy to support you in developing this - it's a very neat idea (I really liked the aid station brief by the way - oh just one wee point. Clauss ain't at the aid station in the actual scenario, you have him set-up across the rive. Is that intentional?
  10. Just played through second mission - the aid station. Got a tactical defeat and thus ended the campaign. I exited all the Tigers and most of the infantry. Ho hum. Shame - I thought there may have been other options.
  11. Yup - all good now. I played through, lost a few more Tigers than planned but I was playing a bit sloppier than my earlier efforts. Through to the next action. Looks to be sorted.
  12. Sorry to say but the scoring is still goosed in the first scenario by the looks of things. As you can see I took out 46 Soviet tanks for the loss of two. Clauss survived - yet I lose 4000 points for some reason because the Soviets secured him?! It looks like the scoring for Clauss is bust. He is down as a 'destroy' objective not a 'spot' objective or some such thing? He is still alive - see this screenshot. Crew all intact. It's a full on opening scenario - so I hugely enjoyed playing it. You really have to be careful with your Tigers and operate very tactically. No going head on with the hordes - you need to keyhole and think about protecting your Tigers from fire from multiple angles. In saying that it does not take much for it to go from going fine to disaster. A screenshot of the carnage.
  13. Just downloading it now Right let's see if I can make it through. TBH the first playthroughs were very exciting. Saw me 'Alamoing' in some woodland with Tigers rear to rear fending off marauding T34s! The on-going arty barrage does lend the whole action a real sense of hell! Right. That's it downloaded. Panzer marsch!
  14. Just played through (multiple times) the first mission - always to the same result - total defeat. Looking at the points scored and because you have an exit zone for the Germans anything that does not exit counts as KOd. Hence no matter how many Soviets you kill you'll lose. Also I think you don't have any points allocated for the Soviet units. I ko'd 37 tanks and got 0 points for that. I only got 100 points for the condition of my survivors (I lost six tanks). So I'm thinking the points scoring is a bit off here. Shame as it looks a great campaign idea. However I'm not sure though that it's possible to get through the first mission. Be interested to hear how others get on.
  15. Yup I crap my pants every night as a lay awake stressing about this.
  16. Excellent great to see it being used. Aye it's a map I made. A wee acknowledgement would be great thanks.
  17. Kharalyk and Burty - hhmmm these names sound familiar. Is this the stock Kharalyk map from CMBS you are using perchance?
  18. Oh meant to add I love this mod (and all your other ones TBH) Kieme - great idea
  19. I've just added 'Creeping Death'. Just open up the file in paintshop (or photo editing software of your choice) and select the stencil font. Just paint the name in the same place as the others (using Kiemes' original 'no name' bmp file). I selected the layer properties as 'overlay'.
  20. If someone panics are they not, by the very definition of the word acting irrationally and hence do stupid things without thought to the outcome?
  21. I must admit when I was testing it myself I'd the same issue. I found moving up several M1s meant that maybe one would be lased but the others then got eyes on and took out the offending 'lasing' unit. So I attacked more aggressively, sometimes moving M1s with BIFVs just behind at speed (I found 'fast' meant they tend to pop smoke but keep trucking - given most US AFVs in this have APS even if stuff comes at you the APS deals with it, you just got to watch for multiple strikes from different angles). But as I said playing it as you guys did is the safe and most likely realistic way. My gung ho way did tend to create the occasional burning AFV wreckage when a M1 of BIFv was slammed from multiple directions.. Just goes to show different strokes...
  22. Cool thanks I'm keen to hear/see how you manage that fight
  23. Hhmm. Bugger me! You boyz are canny. In playtests I had to beef this up as testers were having real challenges with it. Now you guys just walk all over it... Well, for those interested, if you rely less on your precision stuff you'll find it a different challenge. Although I think how you guys played it is closer to the actual reality of how a US force would deal with this type of situation. Spoilers # # # # # There are several AI Plans - for both sides - but it was found in playtesting Russian stuff moving about was prone to blowing up! Hence keeping some stuff static. Also the static stuff has reasonable air cover to protect it but that's no use against precision fire or that Grey Eagle. Just goes to show. I'm interested to see how you two get on with Bridgehead at Kharalyk. If you play it be sure to post how you found it please?
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