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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Take the range out to 1000m+ and you will see better results - generally Panthers spot faster and get more kills, T-34 85s struggle a wee bit, enough to give advantage Panthers. Still T-34 85s are tough opponents though. I'd still be tackling the T-34s from the flank rather than going toe to toe.
  2. Good points - and it is possible to create "stripped down" scenarios for sure (I'm pretty certain most players don't read the brief or look at the maps ). However going back to CMX1 days the reason I started designing scenarios was, to put it bluntly, most of the ones (with few exceptions) were pretty rubbish - poorly designed maps, poor OOB, poor game play. With CMX2 there may be fewer scenarios but generally I find that playing a community made one with CMX2 that the average quality is significantly higher.
  3. Aye FRAPS works just fine for me on Windows 10 - use it for videos and screenshots.
  4. Excellent - if you are on facebook it's worth checking out the Leaping Horseman facebook page - lot's of great Ost front stuff and insights into creating these marvellous books
  5. A ha camo grog Glad you got it fixed though. re Waffen SS I think they may make an appearance in the next CMRT module - although no idea when that's due. There is/was a thread about future modules somewhere about here.
  6. There are no SS units currently in CMRT. So either your mod has not been removed as you thought or (at the risk of insulting your camo knowledge) you are mistaking Heer camo smocks for SS ones? Can you post a screenshot of your camoed Germans please?
  7. Just got my copy - it's well worth the wait
  8. Good detailed explanations of how to detect minefields - and the limitations of sappers/engineers in detecting mines. SORRY! Just clicked you already linked that one. For some reason I know can't delete the link. One below might clarify some more issues not covered in this above thread. And the above should answer your questions - hopefully.
  9. Worth noting that AI units e.g. AI Group 2 can only 'fit' inside a building if they can err...fit inside a building. So if AI Group 2 is a platoon it'll not fit a wee cottage and therefore AI will not take up it's designated place. Whereas if AI Group 2 is a squad - no problem.
  10. Not seen it - have now - donwloaded it! Great bit of work thanks The tanker's face reminds me I'm playing with men's lives.
  11. Hi @womble I'd echo your comments re an "intelligent" AI being developed. Re how you could get a second wave in CMX1 - all you did was have some reinforcements come on latter (bit of timing as to when you'd think the player would take a 'flag'). Once the player took a flag the CMX1 AI units close by would then furiously attack to retake the flag. The designer could play about with various reinforcement slots, morale levels etc etc and create the illusion of an intelligent attack but it was more along the lines of a vaguely co-ordinated zombie horde rather than co-ordinated units. In reply to the OP: I'm not saying CMX2 AI is brilliant but I do find as a designer I can create a far better illusion of intelligent and co-ordinated behaviour with the AI plan tools available than i could ever do in CMX1. Slightly aside I was listening to Radio 4 science programme where they were discussing and exploring 'AI' e.g. robots and such like. It was said they used to think they could design robots to do simple things like make a cup of tea in a house. The chess AIs were initial attempts to create AI as originally it was thought a chess AI was complex, harder to do and if they could do that then the making a cup of tea would be piss easy. What they found was the other way round. Chess AI "easy" to do. making a cup of tea was incredibly complex for an AI (think random kitchen layouts)! And they still have not managed it. I am interested though in the direction that developing a challenging AI for games is going. Although i suspect that the proliferation of person vs person on-line stuff is because we are still a long ways of such a reality, plus person v person is easier to design. I might have taken it slightly off-topic!
  12. Hi @Aragorn2002 I'd echo your comments on this series - it was superbly done with Peter Barton going back to primary sources in the archive. Whilst bringing some new insight into the battle of the Somme and balancing the viewpoints it also underscored the sheer scale of the slaughter and the impact on those who survived.
  13. CMX1 AI attacked flags - you took flags AI then went for it lemming like. very predictable. As a scenario designer you could do several things to 'fudge; it but nowhere like the degree of 'intelligent' plan you can create in CMX2. You want to see the CMX2 AI shine - I'd suggest play a scenario. By their very nature QB AI plans in CMX2 are generic and work better in certain situations - that in itself is testimony to the ability of the derringer in creating serviceable plans. You really want unpredictability. creativity and challenge from your QB opponent - you'll need to play a human. Given the current state of play with AI in computer games that'll be the case for a while to come.
  14. See my post a page back about AFV casualties and campaigns.
  15. Some interesting sketches - worth checking out if you have an interest in fortifications. http://www.militarystory.org/german-field-fortifications-on-the-eastern-front-album-of-drawings/
  16. I'm not sure the CM campaign engine has this independent granularity. If tanks suffer minor damage or loss of a crewman or crewmen it will carry onto the next mission; if the vehicle is disabled (crew still with vehicle) or immobilised it may or may not make an appearance in it's next mission depending on the campaign script factors (repair vehicle) set by the designer. Mind a campaign can cover several hours. a day, weeks or years. It really is down to the designer to factor in possible and imagined resupply issues. For example you could set the vehicle repair to a high value e.g. 100% if the player wins the mission or 0% if they lose. That would represent immobilised vehicles being recovered. For longer timeframes you could add in a minor increase for 'refit' to represent vehicles being repaired after being KOd in action. Although in this case although vehicles could be repaired at rear area work stations some had to be sent back to the factory for more complicated or involved repairs - hence you might not see them again in your campaign timeframe so they are, as far as the players concerned KOd.
  17. It's the Daily Express... Nuff said.
  18. Just for you @Erwin old buddy https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38597470/CMRT_KGr_von Schroif_v4.zip Hope you have your new PC up and running OK?
  19. Hopefully the revised scoring has worked in your favour? Be keen to hear how you get on - good luck
  20. Cheers for the follow ups guys. Interesting and useful stuff ta ?
  21. https://paxsims.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/lacey-on-wargames-in-strategic-education-mors-wargaming-cop/
  22. Cheers for the praise - but we're different people. @Jorge MC does the superb skin mods, he's the Euro version of me - I'm the scenario guy, from Scotland, currently fighting a last ditch action to stay in Europe!
  23. Ermm, actually I put the least experienced crew out front...
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