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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Hi @Blueonblack83 No worries I use a real mix of mods but the main ones are: Aris' vehicles (both German and Soviet) Kieme's buildings and terrain mods Tanks a Lot buildings (these just add more 'skin' options for buildings but they are great!) Veins' German and Soviet soldiers Veins' tracers and special effect s(smoke, flame and dust) Rambler's CMBS Trees and Hedges (yup CMBS mod but it works in CMRT). Cheery!
  2. Luckily for these guys the columns of smoke are from Soviet wrecks!
  3. Some info regarding 'false flag' ops the Germans ran during the Bulge operation. In this case they did kept captured vehicles with the white star and even marked up some of their own as such (see bottom link for pic of Panther made to look like M10 complete with white star). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Greif http://www.axishistory.com/axis-nations/120-germany-waffen-ss/germany-waffen-ss-brigades/1349-panzer-brigade-150
  4. @Michael Emrys just turn the 'artificially bright night graphics' toggle off' and you'll see the muzzle flash, explosions and fire light up the night It's pretty cool for taking screenies. Also watching tracer arcs in the night sky! Best not do that when your high or tripping though!
  5. He! Nae worries I usually just check the times by an almanac on-line for the areas the scenario is set in then, and double check in game. Pretty accurate I've found. I tend to use real time in my own scenario briefs rather than game time e.g. reinforcements X ETA 1900Hrs. If the time of sunset/sundown is important then I mention the actual times in the brief. Most of what you are asking for can be done by the designer already.
  6. @Lt BullTop right of the screen when you are playing the scenario - you'll see the 'real time' there. It counts like a real clock as the scenario progresses. I use it all the time - pretty much as you outline. In fact I'm part way through KG Peiper myself and it's been really useful for keeping track during the action - more so than the counter at the bottom right.
  7. Inside one of von Schroif's SPW. A version of the final mission in the campaign. Still tweaking AI Plans in this one. Same mission - different view. Tense faces as von Schroif's SPW roll into action. Not so many guys left in each SPW now...
  8. Some shots from the KG Peiper campaign. SPW overrunning US positions. Note lack of dead gunners and guys in the back shooting... This is the third mission - going all out for OBJ RICHARD!
  9. Aye makes em more resilient- better able to withstand fire I.e. Find good cover/firing positions and keep up a good return rate of fire.
  10. I think that's a reasonable summary. This is conjecture but a charismatic and effective leader does not make you a better shot or a more skilled soldier. At best it may make those under command more liable to "hold" or hide but not make em ace shots. So positive movies might enhance their resilience and ability to do what they are told but turn em into one shot one kill killing machines ?
  11. Yup that's the tactics that saw the Jacobite Army to victory in 1746. Oh. Wait...
  12. Cheers @Bootie and @rocketman still got the mobo and associated memory sticks plus the other GPX card if anyone interested?
  13. I'm no expert and TBH some of this stuff can be "fuzzy" in game. As I guess it is in RL. So FTW here is my take. HQ modifiers and their effect on units under their command. My understanding is the modifiers influence "how effective" the HQ unit is in maintaining command and control. So - values = not so effective. The more tangible effect on - modifiers is as described below. the command lines indicate how effective the internal comms are within the unit. You can check this out more clearly by looking at the small icons in the UI. So HQ can have comms in the platoon by visual, by sound, full command (this from memory but you'll see what I mean in game). This affects how red the line is. Bright red = full and effective comms. Darker red = less so. this question similar to above but the sharing of spotting info is key here. Units being under command will "behave" more reliably if they are under command. The poorer the leadership the longer it takes to share spotted contacts. Effective chain of command e.g. Unbroken links from squad to battalion means spotting info is shared. The better or more effective the links the quicker and more effectively this info shared. I find this especially useful when working with armoured units. In fact my SOP is having the 2ics with another unit staying close with the CO of their opposite number e.g. 2ic from tank unit with company CO of infantry and vice versa. Also for some units having good comms to battalion means better able/quicker to call in arty support. Anyway my twa' bob's worth! cheery!
  14. http://www.stewart.army.mil/units/news.asp?id=148 http://www.stewart.army.mil/homepage/news.asp?id=626 Looks like it's no secret.
  15. Often there is not enough time for any scenarios to be properly tested H2H (H2H play takes ages - often way longer than you have time given the builds that need tested). Designers often give their best guess whether a scenario is suitable for H2H but it'll come out in the wash as and when players play the shipped scenarios H2H OR designers once the game is live will craft specific H2H scenarios. FYI all the scenarios that ship are designed for play against the AI and will have AI plans for either side (although the designer may recommend Scenario X is better played against AI side Y).
  16. I must admit I now use my armour far more cautiously in that I move small 'packets' (at least a pair, often a platoon - although depends on terrain TBH) from cover to cover with lot's of overwatch from other units (tanks preferably). I'd agree with the comments @womble made that if you are using the above then use the timings to ensure it all happens at the tail end of the turn. There is a lot to be said in this game for sitting and watching. With no borg spotting you need contacts to be radioed along the unit so the info is shared. This can take a few moments. So take your time. I've also dismounted a tank crew platoon HQ and snuk em in cover to a good observation point. Anything they spot once they get back in the AFV means they share this info. Once all units have an idea enemy are lurking at a specific locale (based on intel received from their scouting platoon HQ) then they are more 'tuned' in to spotting them as and when they move out.
  17. You've got a 550Ti - aye you'll notice a huge step up I think It should be with you soon as it went via airmail. My pleasure
  18. Cheers @Childress I appreciate the sentiment id rather see the stuff being used than binned. Re your comment were 50% of the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence not of Scottish descent? I must admit during my climbing trips in the states I have been stunned by the level of generosity and friendliness I've encountered with American climbers. hopefully it'll be of use to Hister. Still got the mobo going if anyone reading this is interested? Cheery!
  19. Cheers @Warts 'n' all That's an interesting result. Be keen to see how Bil does this against Panzerleader
  20. I guess you only ever hear about the ones who succeed. Whilst the ones who dare and don't win, well their account dies with them I guess...
  21. Opening barrage at the start - not tied to LOS of then. If that's against PBEM 'house rules' then next option is smoke - to obscure the enemy's view of your approach? Then get in amongst em with cold steel! They don't like it up em'!!
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