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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. You already have shoot and scoot in CM. Place fast forward waypoint to where you want to fire from - pause for 10-15s - then place a reverse waypoint back into cover. Pause depends whether your unit knows enemy there. If they know there, shorter pause, if not longer pause - 15 s is long enough though...
  2. Good point - for got about that that wee tweak! V4 is only a few, mainly cosmetic, tweaks. I'll see about updating the campaign entry on TSDIII. If you have v4 I'd use that.
  3. At the risk of teaching you to suck eggs... I'm assuming it's the same game engine as CMSF? If so are you talking AI Plans? Other option, assuming not pre-planned fire is ensuring you have a dedicated Muj FO who is linked into the senior command chain - and bump up their experience as high as you can. Then make sure they can defo see something. I found in CMSF it can take a few turns for the AI to react and call in fire i.e. the target has to be sitting still for a while. Liberal use of TRPs also helps.
  4. Cheers - glad ya like em! Aye I would be ta Bit tight on time (family and work commitments) but keen to have a nosey at what you've done with it. The manual is a wee bit dated now - but guess it focuses on the key design elements - so it's an easy one to pick up and get started. Core elements in the game engine (when it comes to scenario design) have not changed that much. No I don't play CM:A. My main interest is Eastern Front both from a historical and wargaming perspective, so I spend a bit of time (especially as my time is a bit limited right now) in CMRT. Working on a series of scenarios for a CMRT campaign right now which is chewing up any CM time right now.
  5. Glad ya like em - they're a couple of my creations Long time back now it feels!
  6. hi lille Cheers for book mentions - I've been using all the references plus the key one Kampfgruppe Muhlenkamp by RZM (that is a MUST have IMO), also ref "Europeon Volunteers: 5th SS pz Div Wiking". It's been a challenge tying up timelines though. Viking Panzers hardly mentions this operation- briefly, but also other info like arrival times of units, locations etc is sometimes a bit contradictory between sources. Still I think I managed to create a timeline. Info about Soviet units is "sparse"... I can ID Corps/Divisions and place them in sectors but no way is there any info about below division level. The overall situation was very chaotic - basically Soviet spearheads roaming around the whole area, infiltrating through woods etc that it's perhaps no surprise. Also reading the accounts it appears the Germans had little idea of who or what they were actually facing or where the enemy was.
  7. If there are any PAK out there it's going to get messy! KG Muhlenkamp keep on rolling.
  8. Wide screen not on but I do play on a wide screen monitor. Looks ok in game.
  9. Panthers from 5./Pz.Rgt 5 command by SS-Obersturmführer Hans-Georg Jessen (part of KG Muhlenkamp) approach the village of Zerczyce within which is holed up the trapped grenadiers.
  10. Kampfgruppe Muhlenkamp heading out to rescue Grenadier Battalion z.b.v. 560, Poland, July 1944.
  11. I just play the game Like @RepsolCBR I keep it simple - Elite = great at everything; conscript not so good at everything. I also don't micromanage my troops. Still each to their own with this game - it's a broad kirk!
  12. Because word from those in the know was that if it all went kinetic some white coat dudes would suddenly rock up and fit some top secret box of tricks to the tanks. Allegedly
  13. This also might be useful https://www.dropbox.com/s/jt8aw2g6tt1hc22/Russian Way of War.pdf?dl=0
  14. Sorry my bad - you are correct it's not in CMSF alt - H key option. I don't play much CMSF at the moment. It was a facility that was added in the latter game engine. Unfortunately CMSF still uses the older game engine.
  15. You can find full list by clicking on MENU in-game then click on hotkeys - full list there. Location labels (landmarks - that's the red text) is alt-L; objectives alt-j; hit text is alt-h
  16. You'll have to explain what you mean by "qg"?
  17. You using Mord's cuss mod? You get to hear me shout obscenities in various Scottish accents!
  18. Aty great AAR. I must admit my scheme of manoeuvre was skewed by mu building fixation! Then followed by my "Grabner" manoeuvre like wot he did at Arnhem...
  19. I'm working on this independently for now. Sorry I've no info re any planned expansion of CMRT's current timeframe.
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