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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Thanks @Avtomat for an excellent series of AARs. I thought they were very well put together with a great balance of thought and in the weeds action. If you guys have any feedback on the scenario I'm happy to take a look and update as required. Cheery!
  2. Hi @Fizou Excellent wee AAR thanks. I think your experience goes to show how much luck was on Carius' side in this action. I've played this several times myself and it's pretty much 50/50 whether Carius makes it through this unscathed! Kerscher does not fair much better. Your fight in this sounds real toe to toe engagement. Two heavyweight boxers sluggin it out! Re your comment re exit zones. I did have that in at first but it a/ seriously distorted the scoring (even with bonuses) b/ it changes the whole character of the fight as the Stugs make a bee-line to escape by edge of map crawling. So I went with the keeping em alive until they could "exit", after the fighting has stopped, and it's all clear. I'm pleased you enjoyed the map and brief. The map is as best a recreation I could manage within the game engine/editor confines and is based on a Soviet 1:50000 map and a German 1:25000 map all WWII era - early to mid 40s. Thanks again for taking the time to post your comments and AAR. Cheery! George
  3. Aye for sure. I should stress I am enjoying seeing you two have at each other and gaining an insight into your oppo's choices. I guess my point FWIW is that his intent appears to be combating your attack i.e. it looks and sounds like a conventional response to a set piece attack rather than taking note of what the intent in the Russian brief is? MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD - highlight white text to see The Russians get the majority of points for KOing the supply trucks. Therefore even if you lose all your RPGs automatic fire and MGs can seriously ruin trucks. If the Russian player focusses on ambushing them, then the UKR player has to take their time and clear every possible firing point. Time is not on his side as the Russians have in-coming heavy reinforcements. So the UKR player has to press forward and with haste. It appears at the moment that Avomat has attempted to stop your movement forward rather than encourage you to cross the river and then attack, at which point he would have cut your force in two. Then the you, the UKR player would have been fighting a/ to save your isolated elements (takes time - which you don't have) b/ at some point you'd have to press forward. If the supply trucks don't exit or are KO'd the UKR player loses. So in short the Russians go to ground, perhaps some light harassing fire but hold their fire until the UKR player is starting a crossing - then light em up! In any case I'm enjoying the AAR which is nicely done and looks like you guys had a blast. Pleased to see how others play a scenario I put together. Cheery!
  4. I think if you need the Tigers then that means your attack progress has been slower and more problematic than envisaged, giving these heavy beasts time to catch up (the roads are generally dire in this part of the world in 1944); therefore the Soviets know what you are up to and where you are; they've had time to prepare... Trust me - at the moment - you are in a better place relying on von Schroif's excellent tactics
  5. Enjoying the AAR. But did your man read the briefing? Some odd choices given how the Russian player can win this... Nicely put together video clips and an engaging narrative though
  6. Hi @Silentotto41 Glad you are enjoying it - good to hear thanks. Re the briefing - it's a wee typo error with the briefing in the PDF. You don't get any large chaps for this one - mainly because you're doing well so far and the Tigers are still wallowing on the sandy roads to your rear. I've updated the PDF and asked @Bootie to update the file at TSDIII. So you are all good. Be keen to hear who this plays out for you. This is the pivotal battle - so good luck Thanks for spotting this and letting me know. Cheery! ps temporary link to updated PDF
  7. Hi Bil Cheers for the update. I feel your pain! I think taking four Tigers down against a human opponent in this is good going. In RL the T-34 unit guys were pretty much conscripts. Many of the crews had less than five hours training in their vehicles - although several of their officers and NCOs were very experienced. Aye the IS tanks are slow to reload. But if they land a hit... I do mind reading a German AAR which mentions this. It also mentioned how the crew of an IS would bail out when their IS was hit - probably because they knew that long before they could get another shot off two or three more were rapidly incoming. I'm not sure about the missing bit. TBH I did notice that during playtesting and thought it odd given the crew quality. Pleased you are finding it a challenge though
  8. @Combatintman is correct. That looks like the crew have bailed out of the Warrior after it's been hit? The orange exclamation mark means, as explained, the unit is routing - due to taking a massive morale hit. They'll disappear of the map in a short while. Likewise I could not find it in the game engine manual. But that is what it is.
  9. Thanks @Blueonblack83 for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed it! Aye by this stage in the war the Tiger I was starting to show it's age - especially when the Soviet heavys come a knocking
  10. Judging by how the look in-game I'd say yes
  11. Excellent work mate - just tried em out in game. They look superb. Cheery!
  12. Depends on which branch you take. If you download the zip file there is a pDF which shows the branching route. IIRC it's around six scenarios straight - if you manage to keep on one of the optimum routes - but with all the branches there are around 12 or so. It all depends on how things pan out during each mission.
  13. Nothing untoward in this i.e. no graphic images of death or violence. Illustrates what 'conscript' means in reality...
  14. Thanks TBH this was a project whithin a project! I'm hoping it helps players manage the campaign and creates a suitably immersive atmosphere - caring for your little digital guys in this campaign greatly helps the chance of success! Cheery!
  15. He! Thanks very much CMBS campaign yeah I've been mulling that one over...
  16. Cheers @MOS:96B2P pleased you've appreciated the wee extras. I thought given the type of campaign this is and the narrative briefings that I needed to come up with an option that allowed players to either take their time and read the briefings, but also address those who just want to get into the action. Hopefully it fits both needs. I'm a fan of 'immersive' briefings hence why I chose to adopt that style. Hopefully other players like yourself are as well. I hope so because the intent with the briefings (and based on reading numerous accounts etc) was to try to give a flavour of commanding such a unit in combat. This has been very much a team effort and I should point out that the Combatintman spent a great deal of time proof reading and checking ALL the briefings and cross referencing them to the in-game tac an op maps. A massive piece of work and one which I think greatly enhances the quality of the PDF document. Thanks again for the fullsome praise - much appreciated ta
  17. Hi H I hope it is - been a very enjoyable project from my end. Hope all good with you? Let me know how it goes please, eh? Cheery!
  18. It's released now: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-cmrt-campaign/
  19. Cheers @Buzz and @Raptorx7 It's now available from TSDII: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-cmrt-campaign/
  20. @Combatintman @Silentotto41 @Aragorn2002 @BletchleyGeek @Warts 'n' all Thanks guys Be keen to hear how you all get on. It's a wee bit of CMX2's version of Blowtorch, sorta!
  21. It's out! Go to the first post in this thread for the download link Enjoy! http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-cmrt-campaign/ Cheery!
  22. I'm struggling at Stoumount - spoiler below in white text, highlight to read: I've outflanked the whole village by running my Panthers with pioneers and some panzergrenadiers right around the right flank and come in from the rear. I'm alo attacking with a small kampfgruppe from the left flank. The whole places appears festooned with US infantry! I'm going slow but now starting to run out of time and slowly running out of infantry. I took the speed approach but it appears I'm still facing a well prepared and extensive defence. I think this is where it'll end. Even if i do manage to take the town I'll have next to no infantry left I think.
  23. German panzers and SPW indulge in some drive by shooting! The nasty business of 'mopping up' Before pressing on into open ground advanced units stop and observe. Moving under cover of poor weather.
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