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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Thanks Cool - looks like an exciting QB, your screenshots indicate extensive carnage! I'm working in the area so to speak but 73 years earlier. Doing some stuff centered around "Wiking"'s ops in Poland summer 44.
  2. He! Aye I should have gone with the fire and manoeuvre from the off. The enemy AI plan looks to effective - lot's of enemy popping up and firing then ducking down and breaking contact. So whatever you have done with the Red AI Plan works very effectively. Aye as soon as I saw that "event" i realised my goose was cooked! Still - had to salvage some scraps of honour from the chaos of battle! "Battlegroup Attacks!" is easy - you have big tanky things that make bad guy stuff go boom! Your scenario is a grand wee tactical teaser, a grand wee gem. I'll give it another spin once my short term memory fades! Which won't be long...
  3. @Combatintman layed this last night. Overall great scenario – like the small size of the action and the tactical challenge. Map is very well done as is the briefings and accompanying tac maps etc. Great deal of action in this one, lot of bangs for your buck! If you like lot’s of firefights and swooshing RPGs then this one is for you J Overall recommend this one if you like small urban mech ops and have not a great deal of time. SPOILERS (Just highlight the text to read) # # # # Started off slow – kept my guys mounted up in their wagons and moved slowly forward. Made contact immediately after moving, and took some RPG fire. I then thought the buidlings on my left looked “funny” so dismounted a section to secure my flank. Other section (still mounted) took enemy contacts under fire with 30mm and chaingun seeking to supress them. Buildings on left after this increasingly looked “funny” and fearing bad guys sneaking up, moved the other Warrior and its section closer to buildings and dismounted the troops. Started clearing and securing the left flank houses. Meanwhile both Warriors took up positions to engage enemy contacts on other side of river. Both Warriors were engaged by ineffectual and inaccurate RPG fire. Dismounts also engaged enemy contacts on other side of river. Left flank secure. So far so good. Second multiple arrives in the AO and the boss, seeing a chance to make a name for himself does a “Grabner” over the left hand bridge. This goes exactly as it went for his opposite number predecessor… Scratch two Warriors, but luckily on one guy lightly wounded. Now I’m on a rescue op! The dismounts from this multiple set-up a perimeter and start chucking smoke grenades like there is no tomorrow. Let’s face it if they don’t there most likely isn’t for them…My two surviving Warriors using fire and manoeuvre advance to their help. As they get closer they also pop smoke. As they make contact with the ill-fated multiple on the end of the bridge everyone scrambles to mount up and the whole lot hightail it out of dodge. Luckily none of the warriors takes a hit although there are a lot of RPGs winging about. Plan B… Company boss arrives to see what all the fuss is about. Now the Boss of 6 Platoon not wanting to appear a total knobber decides to conduct a dismounted advance (let’s face it he has no choice as his rides are smoking wrecks 300m away…) with the two surviving Warriors providing fire support (one section left to secure these “funny” buildings on my left flank. Still paranoid about bad guys sneaking up!). Overall this new attack goes well. Lot’s of contacts. Lot’s of RPGs. Lot’s of return fire and slowly but surely the Boss of 6 Platoon gets to his high point. Here things stall as there are lot’s of bad guys, who appear to be pretty pissed off firing lot’s of RPGs and AKs. Two guys are hit and wounded and require medical help and evac. Slowly the Warriors move up and engage enemy contacts. One section makes it into the buildings on the far left bank and sets up a very effective base of fire. Around this point the two Warriors are now about level with their KO’d brothers. PL ALPHA is secured. As the Boss of 6 Platoon and his team sprint across the exposed bridge ramp. A RPG explodes against one of the fire support Warriors. The Boss of 6 Platoon goes down hit by splinters. The Warrior is unscathed. The company Boss moves in to assume command, whilst an evac is arranged for the downed Boss of 6 Platoon. Despite this set-back the attack is pressed on. Two sections start to clear the buildings on the left flank across the bridge whilst the warriors engage anything firing back. Up until now I’d no idea what effect all the firing by my guys was having. It was not until my squaddies started clearing houses that they came across enemy dead. I have several guys badly wounded and two KIA in this phase – all to close range fire from enemy fighters. However, the enemy fire slackens somewhat and embolded by this my guys push forward a bit too fast and one multiple are ambushed by enemy fighters. One guy is killed the other two badly wounded. A Warrior engages the ambushers killing all three. Whilst a medic team rush forward to provide medical help and evac. However at this point there is little or no effective fire from the enemy. My two warriors (supported by the OC’s command warrior) push forward and secure PL BRAVO. At this point I’m just into extra time. There is no incoming enemy fire and no contacts. I play another few turns, no change so hit ceasefire. I got a draw. Two Warriors KO’d; three men KIA; 7 WIA. I’l admit to playing a bit too aggressively and paid the prices (well, my pixel guys did…). Bet the real chaps are glad I was not in command in the RL event… # # # # SPOILERS END
  4. Hi @PeterT Thanks for the feedback - glad you enjoyed the first mission. Good result Aye it was a tonne of work. It was my first campaign for WWII and grew from what I originally foresaw as a three mission one to, well, something a bit more involved.I also went for a high degree of immersion, which whilst no everyone's cup of tea is something I enjoy and appreciate.I've done a campaign for CMSF which is up on TSDIII called Forging Steel As @BletchleyGeek has posted (thanks for the compliments) I've not done any official campaigns but I have created a heap of missions for all the CM families (except Italy - not my bag; or Bulge - no time - busy doing some CMRT project I have on the go just now).You can find em either in-game or at TSDIII under my nick George MC. All the best with your future operations with KG von Schroif. Cheery!
  5. Looks great - I read the account of this so keen to give it a whirl Good to see you back in the saddle. Cheery!
  6. http://www.leapinghorseman.com/proddetail.php?prod=9780975107669
  7. There is also a UK code so applies to UK as well.
  8. Jason Mark is running a 25% sale til end of January.
  9. I walked the battlefield a few years ago and it was surprising how many folds and depressions there are. Accounts for eye witness accounts how enemy units just suddenly appeared to their front.
  10. It was @benpark who made the mod to differentiate the path in the editor. I have a zip file that says BENPARK EDITOR MODS. FYI it works in CMBN and CMFB. Not sure where I got it from - maybe from Benpark himself. Until Benpark drops in and point us in the right direction I've uploaded em to my dropbox if you want em: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xsjnk3qj4qqcqko/AACpex-6-P4nz1g_h6m1hNfea?dl=0 Cheery!
  11. Check out @benpark's editor mods - he's made individual icons for the trees in the editor so you can tell em apart - essential for scenario designers
  12. I use em a lot as farmtracks - as is; or add a dirt/sand/gravel underlay and you have a slightly better farmroad.
  13. Cheers guys for the feedback @Holien Excellent - really pleased you have been enjoying the campaign. Aye the attack across the rive valley is the lynchpin mission.I think you'll enjoy the last mission. It's one of my personal favourites. Cheery! Possible spoiler # # # # I took ages working out suitable positions for the PAK and then creating an AI plan that would ensure they work effectively. Pleased to see it paid off.
  14. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-awards-46m-to-start-challenger-2-tank-life-extension-project-competition
  15. Just testing the waters but wondering if there was anyone interested in the missions from this campaign released "unpacked" as scenarios but still as part of a bundle? I should stress that the scenarios would generally be easier than in the campaign as the German side would not have taken casualties from one mission to the next. Also they would only be playable as the Germans vs AI as there are no German AI plans nor would there be any Soviet briefing.
  16. That's the direction you want em to go - you then need to paint a normal AI plan area for the unit to organise itself in. e.e. an area large enough using painted green squares for your tank platoon to take up positions.
  17. Cheers @weapon2010 You mean that size? or that sort of force mix? Carius at Malinova has long engagement ranges and is on a large map. If you like campaigns then check out CMRT Kampfgruppe von Schroif - follows a kampfgruppe (SPW and PzIV) through a few days of ops (it's pretty tough as force preservation if key). Threads re above on the CMRT forum. I'm working on some stuff just now which are set on large maps. Be a while before they done though I'm afraid. Cheery!
  18. Yes - well spotted. I was just going by the size of scenarios I'd done in the past assuming, wrongly, that the op ones were the largest. 8x4km though? Nah that take me years to make a map for. Now curled up in a corner, covered with rags feeling the shame.
  19. Sorry mate but auld age must be kicking in. The largest map in CMBB was 6km x 3km - and you had to make that an operation - so the whole map was not visible at any one time. Most scenarios were in the region 3km x 4km or thereabouts. Large maps in CMX1 did cause players issues with load and turn process times. CMX2 allows large maps - you can create around 16km squared maps so you can do long narrow maps or square maps. Just limited to around 16km squared. My scenario Der Ring has engagement ranges of several KM (potentially) and is based on the RL location for that action. So realistic potential engagement ranges. I'm working on another map with potentially 3km engagement ranges in CMX2. At what range are rifles accurate to? I don't get this. A map 1km sqaure would be more than enough to give a rifle equipped unit an advantage. Assuming the ground was flat. But ground ain't flat. That's the essence of fieldcraft/tactics - using the terrain to mask an approach to you can get close to engage at your effective range. I mind playing a scenario using Nashorns in CMX 1. Dismal. Long engagement ranges but borg spotting totally screwed it. CMX2 does not have borg spotting so your Nashorns in CMX2 would have more chance. Sorry mate but yer tilting at windmills here.
  20. They weren't. IIRC 6km by 6km was largest and that was in operations. Erwin has a touch of rose tinted specs methinks
  21. New book about Bagration from Helion - looks interesting. Just ordered - cos I need more books to refer to, cos I do... http://www.helion.co.uk/operation-bagration-23-june-29-august-1944-the-rout-of-the-german-forces-in-belorussia.html
  22. I am - that and Wiking Summer and Wiking Panzers The above book is the most stunning set of combat images I've seen. And there is a follow up planned seemingly.I can't wait!
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