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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Panthers and SPW from Kampfgruppe Muhlenkamp in action, summer 1944.
  2. I just assume all tanks in WWII are blind as bats when buttoned up. Then whether I unbutton really depends on how close enemy infantry may, or may not be... Having peered through the viewing blocks on Sherman, Panzer III and T34 they are pretty much the same - crap... Gunner optics are a different question though, but that only comes into its own at long range/poor vis/cold vs hot temps.
  3. Target line from tank to possible AT gun firing zone and area fire with MGs - often works better at suppressing till you spot the buggers and then nail em with the big guns! FWIW in RL enemy PAK were the bain of German tank crews lives. I've read more than one account where the chap said the first they often knew of a PAK front was when their panzers started to suddenly start burning...
  4. Hi @Migo441 Re your comments - this is a historical scenario so the forces are not balanced. It was never designed for competitive H2H play but if you are interested in fighting a historical event H2H without to much regard for the outcome ie. who wins then it might be worth taking for a spin. In RL the German attack was ground day as they fought through various PAK fronts and met increased resistance from the Soviets as they counterattacked with armour and more PAK. Eventually the German attack ran out of steam. Against the AI this is winnable although it's a tough slog. Against a wily human opponent it will be even tougher. The terrain is to the Soviets advantage but the Germans do have a great many Panthers and Tigers and arty support. But as I say it's not "balanced" re force etc as what most H2H players seem to like. There is a revised version but based on my own playthroughs - makes it even tougher! Improved AI plan for the Soviets and some better positioning of assets. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9utcncif8j73y8v/AADD-i2_aRAkij-35ovFMGR1a?dl=0 Hope you give it a shot as it's one of my favourites and in my personal top 5. Cheery! George
  5. Nope I've never had this problem. Not that is much help...
  6. TBH only had a comment from one who said he got an out of memory issue with it (it's in the feedback on the Few Good Men scenario depot). Not heard of any others with any issues.
  7. Hi @rocketman My Der Ring Der 5th Panzer Division is pretty large! http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons-scenarios/der-ring-der-5-panzer-division/#wpfb-file-6
  8. Could be your anti-virus software has updated and created a false positive and quarantined your files? I had similar happen a while back.
  9. So if units are not part of the same command structure what you can do is assign a 2IC of one unit to the CO of another unit (assuming they all have access to radios) e.g. 2IC of tank company assigned to stay close to CO of mech company . Keep em close to their to the main command unit they are assigned to and unbuttoned and they'll talk with their CO via radio and chat to their assigned Co with voice. Bit slower than all being on the same radio net but still works. Works in all CM games.
  10. It still works though not as you wish. Bail out HQ crew; creep to viewing spot; avoided being spotted and killed whilst observing enemy; creep back to tank and re-mount; info gained from recce is now shared to all your mates via the tanks radio. TBH I'd be more inclined to use higher level recce units to do this job as there is a really, really good chance of your tank crew being spotted whilst conducting their recce and being killed...
  11. I love DAR and AARs - great to see a scenario brought to life Carry on the great work
  12. Nae worries I just posted someone else's graft
  13. Hi @fep906 This CMBN tutorial will work also for CMSF. If I mind there was a tutorial for CMSF (by MikeyD IIRC)but I can't find it at the moment. Still the principles are the same. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38597470/CMBN Highway Tutorial.pdf
  14. Your game folder (assuming you on Windows) will be under your documents folder (click on the folder icon on windows (usually bottom left) and navigate to "Documents This PC". Looks like this on my PC: C:\Users\George Mc\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder
  15. @VladimirTarasov I'm jealous of your fluent English - wish i could speak Russian as good, or even English if I'm honest! Would have saved me many hangovers in the past! Maybe...
  16. Were you ambushing or being ambushed? Excellent screenshots BTW
  17. They are BUT I have a top notch graphics card, pretty beefy PC and run at top quality settings so the images are very crisp and clear. I get the same image quality results using stock 'skins'. Just the stock skins are not often as extremely dirty as players often like/want. But that aside they are very crisp 3D models with great skins in their own right. A couple of the images I was playing about with light filters "in-game" but found although they gave interesting atmospherics I lost out in crispness so I now stick to the default lighting "in-game".
  18. Nice on Booty - impressive amount of work and hugely appreciated
  19. Hi @BletchleyGeek Great post - making interesting points. My apologies for the slow response been bit tied up with RL at this end. I think Pete and Jon have pretty much covered the key points in their responses. Although I do have a few points I'd like to emphasise. The map overlay has been the single greatest development in the editor to aid map creation to date. Imo. Google maps is a close second but specifically street view. This gives you a grunts eye view of your chosen battlefield or at worse the landscape close by. Although places change, and in 70 years can change a lot you do find in many east european areas, especially rural places, less so. I'm working on some Polish maps at the moment which in some cases I can drive along the same route the protagonists took 70+ years ago. Comparing photos from then and now it's interesting to see how often not much has changed overall. Western Europe less so but you can also visit Bon Faits via Google street view and it's pretty much the same as it was in 44 - not being bombed and flattened must help! Ps glad you like the map. Gave me kittens creating that one ye olde fashioned way... whilst you can create maps quickly in CMX2, to create fidelity that works in game takes longer (as you describe). My reckoning is you can get a CMX1 type map using CMX2 but you will need to expend up to 50% more time thereafter creating the micro detail that greatly enhances CMX2 gameplay. Imo! ? Thanks for the shout outs - much appreciated Cheery! ?
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