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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Worth checking out Jason Mark's facebook page on FB https://www.facebook.com/leapinghorsemanbooks/
  2. Jeezo!! I'm impressed - you could open a shop!
  3. My name is George and I am a nerd...
  4. Useful website for those looking for unit make up of Soviet armoured units in WWII: http://tankfront.ru/index.html
  5. You could always PM @Bootie - he runs TSDIII - could be your email was spam filtered. Once you are an approved author dead easy to upload stuff and Bootie really helpful.
  6. I used this approach in KG von Schroif - all the unit commanders had an asterisk against their name so the player could keep track of the original unit commanders and have some sense of how many junior and senior leaders had been lost.
  7. Gosling is a well known conspiracy theorist - I'd be reading that article with a very large heap of salt!
  8. Thanks - pleased to hear the advice was some use. FWIW in that scenario I had to do a lot of re-starts from previous saves. I start of patient and cautious and when things start to go well become a bit too cocky and get a doing as a reward. In this scenario slow but sure - all the time, every time wins the day! The PzIVs do have a large ammo loadouts so all going well you should be able to get through the next action. Slightly off topic but after playing this campaign you get a good feel for why German armoured units could reach dangerously low levels in manpower and vehicles in a very short space of time...
  9. As you'd expect? But only if you move over them - if you park just behind you keep the cover.
  10. Ah but I don't want concealment to work more reliably. Concealment especially of large vehicles in trees etc is problematic in RL and should be in the game.
  11. My apologies Herr General. The Wespe battery has become stuck on the poor roads and has been unable to keep up with your speedy advance... Actually - good catch! The errant battery is in other versions but not the one associated with the version of the path you are on (there are potentially four branches at this stage). I've amended it accordingly and will get in touch with @Bootie to update the entry on TSDIII. In the short term I have attached links to dropbox which includes the revised files. They'll not be off much use for you at this stage but sounds like you are doing well - this mission might feel just a wee bit tougher than it should have been. However what you have at your disposal should still be enough. It matters more if you have lost more panzer assets in earlier missions. Thanks for the feedback - you did well with Bruckernkopf - it's a toughie. I think (hope) you'll enjoy the others coming up as I did try to give them all a wee twist so they feel very different but still within keeping of the main mission parameters. Be keen to hear how you get on? Thanks again for the heads up and awar best err...Viel glück! Cheery! Link to revised campaign files and missions pack https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f6evsvdc48lc9pq/AAAXgKmTlMCNYadwpEoJ_f7ca?dl=0
  12. Oi! Whits this wee love in oan ma thread?! bit strapped for time at the moment but you @Sgt.Squarehead and @Combatintman are flying a very impressive flag CMSF wise
  13. Some interesting footage of US Strykers operating in Syria - spot the min gun mounted on one. http://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/these-are-the-badass-strykers-patrolling-syria
  14. @Jorge MC is not me @George MC although we share euro versions of the same name
  15. There was - I made it. it was part of the campaign and called The Screen (there is a part 1 and part 2, this specific one was part 1). Link to the actual scenario if anyone interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsazcz5149z0fkm/31_0 The Screen v07.btt?dl=0
  16. A link to a load of CMSF stuff in the above thread. Above check out Ian L's list of all Combat Mission scenarios - again should provide some answers to your questions.
  17. He! Thanks The key issue for me with the actions I was interested in was inability to construct suitable highways and overpasses. Many of the useful and CMSF actions took place at these intersections. Creating them in the current CMSF editor was a non-starter - I did have a go, just never worked out as i liked and my "fudge" did not provide the amount of cover I was looking for. I'm busy with CMRT myself at the moment but I guess @LUCASWILLEN05 no harm in you giving it a shot. As you say maybe pick different actions to model in CMSF as you describe.
  18. I am - working on a campaign based around Kampfgruppe Muhlenkamp in Poland summer 1944. Taking lot longer due to RL stuff but making steady progress.
  19. No evidence as such but worth in the book KG Muhlenkamp there are very few pictures of guys firing the MGs in the SPW even although they are in contact in several images. Great many of the shots everyone has their head down. In the ones where heads up it is either obvious they are not in contact - standing up right in the SPW or the few images where the MG is being used appears they are engaging a target(s) at long range. As an aside it also shows the crew of the SPW a/ tossing grenades over the side b/ firing their personal weapons from the SPW. Unfortunately for all the images no clear context as to a/ what the threat if and how close, what it is equipped with b/ if the action shots were staged (although several do appear to be candid "action shots" i.e. not posed or set-up. What I have found in-game is a/ you need to suppress the enemy before moving your SPW close in (or at least get them to cover moving fast and with everyone buttoned up) b/ avoid moving into close range with SMGs - the hail of close range fire can pretty fatal to anyone standing tall in the SPW c/ avoid flank shots on your SPW MG gunner. I still lose MG gunners in the SPW but only when I push forward too aggressively into close range with unsupressed or often unspotted enemy. Then it gets ugly.
  20. Contact @Bootie direct and he'll sort you out with uploading the campaign file.
  21. He! Wow Thanks very much - pleased you enjoyed the narrative and detail of the campaign. Thanks very much for taking it for a spin and taking the time to post your feedback
  22. Thanks @Ithikial_AU and @MOS:96B2P for the feedback about Der Ring Der 5 Panzer. Slightly off tangent but still relevant given we are talking combined arms the C2 links and sharing of information comes into its own in these sorts of scenarios - @MOS:96B2P's thread covering this is well worth a read. @General Liederkranz He! I did wonder I have pushed armour into woods before, although with very close infantry support. Soemtimes you have to clear woods/villages to secure vital objectives e.g. bridges etc so you'll be faced with this dilemma. Blasting the heck out of the place with whatever you have before going in with the dismounts would still be my first approach. I always mind reading a German panzer unit AAR discussing this very subject and their approach before attacking a village was to spend 15 minutes or so plastering the place (from long range) with HE before going on. They thought it was very effective so I have adopted that tactic and have found that it also works in CM. " So far as the fire effect of tanks is concerned,, it must be said that on the whole far too little firing is done.A strong concentration of fire from more than ten tank guns will work miraclkes, even with tenacious russians. If a batallion in the course of attack sudenly concentrates its fire on a strongly fortified village, and then immediately advances a part of its forces, it can always count with certainty on effecting a penetration-a success without any losses. But again and again one discovers wrong conceptions of what a sudden concentration of fire means. If five tanks fire five rounds each on a target , it is often erroneously called a sudden concentration of fire, whereas for a Panther tank it is nothing but a skirmish. The ammunition expenditure must be in proportion to the strength of the available tank forces. Target points must be given beforehand; there will be no time for adjustments when the firing starts.The gun loaders must work fast enough to attain the same rate of fire as antiaircraft artillery. With such firing methods, Panther tanks are still able to breach the enemy defenses and prepare the way for an attack. On 30 january,in a night attack against Kapolnas-Nyek, which was held by tanks and antitank artillery, the strength of which could not be ascertained in the dark,the batallion fired fifteen rounds from each of twenty tanks against the outskirts of the village.The russians fired and tried to escape across the eastern tip of Lake Valencita with their tanks and antitank guns. At dawn the enemy tanks which had broken through the ice and had been abandoned by their crews were a proof of the effect obtained.The machinegun is not used enough.The turret machine gun has a devastating effect on massed infantry........ " http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132973 Cheery!
  23. Good topic Worth checking that armoured panzergrenadier units have a significant amount of organic heavy support weapons. In CM terms like yourself, I've found that pushing your average 44 panzergrenadier unit into a built up area sans support never really ends well. As others have mentioned when they are assaulting a position they really need heavy support, especially if tackling buildings. I tend to steer well clear of woods - for reasons others have mentioned! The 251/9 SPW are really useful for close support. The crew tend to keep their heads down which means you can bring this up pretty close to pound any enemy held building/location. They don't like ATRs. Close combined arms wins the day.
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