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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Did you check your drivers for your graphics card? Using latest ones? My other thought to manually set the game to run on your graphics card? https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/pc-components/how-set-default-graphics-card-3612668/ Hopefully of some use.
  2. Its changed, but no much since then - see Google earth. Great looking map by the way.
  3. It's on the back burner for now as busy with some other 'modern era' projects. It's not forgotten though just on hold for short while. I've got most of the missions done for the campaign though and I've been slowly working up the briefings. Wee baby and RK stuff mean I've way less time than I used to have! It'll be released just can't give an ETA at the moment.
  4. Came across this short video diary made by a tank crew. I thought it was very well filmed and edited. Covers what appears to be their patrols/operations.
  5. Given that it is a historical scenario I'm expecting the German player to pretty much just play their opening moves with just Carius and Kersher. Oh and I can tell any player now it is not balanced. Just like in RL...
  6. Cheers @theforger Thanks very much for the positive feedback. Glad you enjoyed it and appreciated the Wee added extras. It was very much a team effort as I’d a lot of help and support from others to play test and polish the final release. It is tough but having your sole company of grenadiers was intentional to encourage the player to not waste their digital lives needlessly! It also goes some way to illustrating how these sort of armoured units could be frantically reduced in numbers when engaged on operations. Thanks again for the positive feedback. Cheery!
  7. Peiper's SPW unit prior to their Kharkov operations bolted additional plate armour to the front of their SPW. You can see this in photos of the unit during this period - this primarily to combat ATR bullets being fired at the front to disable the SPW. Early SPW did not have the shield mount for the MG and you can find images of SPW with makeshift protection. Looking through the new RZM book about KG Muhlenkamp you don't see the shield mounted MG being manned as a matter of course in the images (even although the images were taken when the unit was in action). You do see the crew cautiously peering over the sides, heads well tucked down. There are a few action shots that show the MG being manned and the gunner despite the shield still appears rather exposed.. In the image above not sure I'd be perched on the edge of the vehicle with my back to the action! So maybe our SPW gunners being picked off in the game is not unrealistic!
  8. Aye it was - I never saw the match though as was working on the hill. Sounded a corker though!
  9. Flexy and bouncy 19 year old ankles and knees probably kept the injury count down!
  10. Aye really odd design choice. Think you're right - save some metal and time. Although I suspect it went down like a lead balloon with the guys riding the things as they did rectify in subsequent versions. So guess the guys looking at the door had rather negative thoughts! What's the German for - "You're ****ing ******* me?" From what i can see the 251/1c had a proper opening and shutting door (from the inside). From what I've read going over the side appears to be the way they debussed "in action" least according to the training manuals. Personally, I'd far rather scurry out the back doors and cower down somewhere!
  11. I just bought a copy of SdKfz 251 Ausf D - Armor Walk Around Color Series No. 9. Interestingly it mentions that with the early ausf D models the rear doors could NOT be opened from inside! Hence why the troops when debussing launched themselves over the side (which you see in the training videos). Later models of the ausf D had a handle/latch system which allowed the rear doors to be opened. I never knew that! Oh and the armoured gun shield (for the forward MG) was 12mm thick - not thick enough to stop a round from an anti-tank rifle but more than enough to stop bullet/MG rounds.
  12. Good point, and I think you are correct Michael.
  13. Oops, my bad - my poor writing. I'd meant Panzertaktic by Wolfgang Schneider. Sorry for any confusion!
  14. Can't add much more to this I'm afraid. I've really only used the 'spot' objective for ALL enemy units - so the more you spot the more points you get (although unlikely you will spot every enemy unit). I also tend to play on 'Elite' so you get hee haw info when you spot or KO stuff. I would have thoughts, and certainly at the "lower" skill levels that you would get more info re spotting enemy units (assuming this has been actioned by the designer) AND that the 'known to enemy' has been actioned also. If you are not getting that info then I would assume something is up?
  15. Hi Kip Aye his stuff is excellent - nice and punchy and very well delivered. Reall range of stuff as well. Cheery!
  16. Interesting wee quote - checked out the book but appears it's only in German.I've got Panzertaktics though which I think covers similar ground?
  17. If you've not already seen this you might enjoy some of the other stuff that has been posted here:
  18. Well spotted @Rinaldi Oh and thanks for your positive feedback, much appreciated ta
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