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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. US battlegroup on the advance. Brit battlegroup - crap hits the fan... Carnage.
  2. Aye that was a HUGE amount of work - I'm indebted Herr Oberleutnant! And to your good wife. If you both every find your ways to Scotland the drinks are on me!
  3. When you download the campaign file you also get the PDF with the branching pathways (along with short descriptions of each mission) and a 'blood' chart (courtesy of @Combatintman to track your losses).
  4. Great wee video that covers training, crew requirements, Panzer Formations, Organization, specific combat scenarios like fighting anti-tank guns, combat against tanks and bunkers - early war but still interesting stuff.
  5. I thought this was excellent. I liked the opening view and narrative, which I thought was very effective at setting the scene.Likewise, the footage and editing have been very well done. I look forward to the next instalment. Happy New year!
  6. Check out MILSKETCH - you can download via this link: http://www.historicalsoftware.com/downloads/ Wee short intro to the software: http://www.historicalsoftware.com/downloads/Downloads/MILSketch Introduction.pdf
  7. He! Cheers! I'm hanging in there just a tad sleep deprived at the mo..
  8. Jeezo! I tell you! Auld age disnae come itsel! Thought I’d seen it before... i blame baby brain
  9. Even more so as I posted this in the wrong thread!
  10. Jeezo! I tell you! Auld age disnae come itsel! Thought I’d seen it before... i blame baby brain...
  11. Think this might have already been posted a while back, but just in case... http://www.allworldwars.com/German Field Fortifications on the Eastern Front.html
  12. Cheers! I've still work to do on the AI Plan but that wee moment certainly caught me totally out.
  13. Think you might have hit the nail on the head! Baby brain! The T-34 bogged down and I totally forgot there were three in that platoon (most of the enemy tank units in this mission are not at full strength hence why I never thought...). Still after finding out that location is a great ambush spot I'm going to build it into the AI Plan!
  14. I may have cursed in a very unreasonable way...! Hoisted by my own AI Plan!
  15. In another part of the map of the same mission, I had pushed a zug of Panthers to keep an eye on my flank. They ambushed some T-34s, trying to outflank me and shot them up at close range. I got a wee bit cocky and thought I'd push the Panthers up further. Howevere the T-34s were a full platoon and the surviving T-34 had bogged down in a stream. This spot gave him an excellent ambush position, which coupled with my cockiness caught my three Panthers advancing in single file along a road... Two Panthers were brewed up before they could even return fire. The zug HQ Panther managed to break contact without being hit and circled around catching the T-34 from the flank. One round hit the T-34s ammo causing a catastrophic explosion. This is the view of the T-34 being immolated from the other Panthers ambush site.
  16. Aye they are - although this scenario is part of the proposed branch and is a fictitious action (the RL actions are the main pathway of the proposed campaign design. Great idea re an illustrated book, and I'd love to, but with a wee baby etc I'm bit stuck for free time! Take all the time I have to get this thing finished!
  17. The grenadiers debussed to clear some dug in Soviets - I lost a few grenadiers in this action, but I managed to capture a bridge which allowed my armour to keep pushing forward to attack their next objective, another bridge.
  18. The gathering darkness and using the ground has worked to my advantage. managed to close with the PAk without further losses and take them out at close range, although the CO of this Panther copped his whack earlier from a ATR round through the napper. With the AT threat neutralised (I hoped!) I started moving my SPW forward to keep up with the armour. I moved them along a shallow flooded valley to avoid exposing them too much to any long range PAK threat that might still be lurking. During this manouver, they took some fire from several ATRs which the return MG fire from other supporting SPW was soon neutralised. Another view of the same SPW platoon advancing. You can't see the other platoon (with attached 251/9) in overwatch.
  19. Thanks, I'm not sure re the storyline. It follows larger more diverse units so keeping a set of key characters going might be tougher. Still, I'll see how it pans out. Glad you enjoyed that aspect of KG von Schroif, as it takes wee while to create these briefings, although worth it as it does mean you care about your pixel grenadiers and panzer crews.
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