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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Have you verified the patch is for paradox copies?
  2. There are a large number of scen designed for 2 players at www.CMMODS.com Look for QBG 2P vol 1 and 2 QBG designed these scen for PBEM play and are generally balanced, simple, straight forward layouts. [ November 18, 2007, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]
  3. It seems to me that BFC has worked diligently to improve CM:SF. They told the community that the fixes would come in several patches. They have kept at it and I appreciate it.
  4. The latest I've seen is this from Kwazy Dog: Hi Guys, At this point I would suggest waiting for 1.05 before running any tests or comparisons. Whilst I am not sure of any specifics relating to cover, the list of new features, improvements, enhancements and bug fixes is so extensive that I think it would be best wait it out, particually as changes in one area can affect others. Not much longer now! After 1.05 such comparisons and testing would be very interesting indeed I beleive, and Steve should have time to answer some of the more spevific questions (which I unfortuantely dont know the answers too). Dan
  5. Yes...Thank you very much! I will try to put it to good use.
  6. I am working on a CM:SF version of the CMBO classic scen "Last Defense" I am using the CMAK version which is just fine. But I think it might be a little different here or there from the original CMBO map. For some reason I've not been able to load CMBO on my computer to get into the editor. Here's what I need: A screen shot of the map editor WITH elevation on. If some one could email that to me I would appreciate it. I want to be as faithful to the original as possible. Email is above...but here it is as well: mark,ezra3591@gmail.com Thanks in adavnce
  7. Hi Michael: I followed your other thoughts well enough but confused on this interesting comment: "Don't forget streets that are 80 metres wide. John Hill said he designed them "for effect", so trying to replicate them in CM will only meet with failure." What did Mr. Hill mean by :"for effect"?
  8. You popped your Cherry!! Congrats on your first scen..
  9. Certainly get no argument from me of the QB generator...I look forward to BFC's changes.
  10. small = 25 min, med = 30 min, large, 35 min. This is set by the QB generator and is based on unit size, not map size or time limit settings in the editor. It is no doubt on everyone's QB wish list.
  11. I have made a 2 battalion size test. 1st battalion (stryker) is A1 (default F1) 2nd Battalion is Heavy Armour...A2 I just used the tank companies... Its a blue attack...two different set up zones for blue (and red) and two different objective zones. Played out as Red (two spies hidden in 7 story buildings). Both battalion move to their destination...Seemed OK to me. I will be glad to send you the test scen
  12. Please send it. I would be glad to look at it. If together we can't get it to work than we can at least report our findings. my email address is above
  13. So, is that why when I chose "armor" in QB's I get BMP's or even just a couple of Ruskie jeeps with FO's to face off against a horde of Bradleys? Can't tell you how frustrating it is to go through the whole QB "select - load - quit and try again" cycle just to get Blue vs Red QB's that are balanced (which does equate to fun for some punters). and MarkEzra: Thanks for all your work, and that of others, to make us new maps and scenarios. It is appreciated. Without that "independent" support my CMSF "morale" would be even lower. </font>
  14. Been around since CMBO Beta. I don't think it is unusual. In fact I think it is a good sign.
  15. Happy Birthday to all you Jarheads and for those in harms way... May God Bless you
  16. This has been asked and answered. Setting All Random is the issue. QBG maps from CMMODS are not.
  17. Make sure that your yellow pathing from setup to end of mission position are large enough to deal with the number of units in each group. "Viper Pass" is a re-inforced stryker company advancing by platoons. If you haven't dl'd it you should. www.CMMODS.com Play as red and watch the blue attack. Then put it in the editor to see what makes it tick. It's the best way I can think of to learn the AI editor routine.
  18. Did you use Group orders. Most likely not. If you break out your units into groups (using the F1-F8 keys with F-1 being default), you will be able to tell the AI where to place a unit (as long as the set up zone was painted in the map editor first. So here's how it goes: Two units HQ, Inf Plt, set up zones previously painted in the MAP editor. 1. In UNIT editor: a. assign HQ F1..since that default you DO Not press the F1 key. b. Assign Inf Plt F2...Note that "A2" shows up next to Inf Plt. 2. In the AI editor: a. Select plan 1 b. Select group 1. The 2D map comes up. Now paint (yellow) the exact setup placement for HQ. If you want the HQ to stay there throughout the battle then make settings to Hide..or not.. and you you are done. Now for the Inf Plt. c Select Group 2 It corresponds to Any and All units assigned F2 (A2 on unit screen) a. Paint the group 2 set up as you did the HQ group 1 example. b. Click "next" order 2. Paint where the Inf Plt go. Set how (Advance, Dash, ect) and what they should do when they get there (hide, Ambush, Active) You can also set how long they should stay in this position before moving. c. Click next and order 3 comes up. Now you can paint (I should say that only setups need to be in set up areas all other orders can be ANYwhere on the map) your next position just like order 2. I hope this help....It is not hard to use and is very specific. I love it!!
  19. I can tell you that Scen design takes more time and it should. Old CM scen design was pretty simplistic. Now we have a lot more options at our disposal... Testing a scen that has 5 different attack AND defend options...well you get the picture. Scen are far more interesting in the end and, when multiple plans are used, much, much more re playable. On a personal note: I am putting the finishing touches to "Last Defense" another old Beta CMBO.
  20. The game is great. The game has gotten better with each patch...and yes it needed to. Some say that 1.04 made this game "purchase-able"...I wouldn't disagree, but neither do I exactly care. I love the dual options of RT and WEGO. I play both but do scen testing in RT....MUCH faster. The editor is so far ahead of old CM to be no comparison. The new AI editor allows me to be attacked by an AI far more crafty than Charles alone can ever be. And come at me 5 different ways and different groups all with different times, attack/defend/advance orders..! Can't do that in old CM...No way to actually order the AI. The arty is a dream to work. The graphics are great and have reached the point that I remember why I stopped paper board gaming and played micro armor instead. And finally The immersion quality while playing is excellent. I see my losses and recognize the cost of "politics by other means" when the medic is working on my wounded. CM:SF may have started as an ugly duckling but has advanced steadily towards a beautiful swan. Thank you BFC. [ November 08, 2007, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]
  21. Hi Ken: You said: "I'm curious because I've set up an artillery training scenario and the 155's and 120 mortars seem to be TOTALLY ineffective against the T-72." I just wanted to let you know I am play testing a scen with Blue 120 mm mortar using anti-armour against a T72...top of the line Totally destroyed it in one minute...It can be done.
  22. They have it already. A re-DL is not mandatory. If played as PBEM the player who starts the game will use whichever version he has loaded. Now if you are asking me which I would use than I say get the latest for one reason only: The trees have been re-figured completely. The largest tree number is 2 but the the trees most used are "D" which provide the best limited LOS. The tree bases are mud, so vehicles are at risk through tree approach and slows the Strykers ability to get into those areas of the battlefield covered by trees. Because the trees are mostly "1" it is easier to watch the action and less need to use alt T. But, again, it is not mandatory to use the latest The game play is about the same whichever you use.
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