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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. When I said "If you are using both Tiny and Random you can count on it not working.", I was WRONG. I just played two tiny Both side Random with out a hitch. played one Red the other Blue. I know I had trouble in the past. I just don't recall if that was with 1.03 or even with all QBG maps. What I do know NOW is: With QBG maps loaded Tiny Random sides will play. I apologize for the any confusion my comment may have made.
  2. C3k: If you are using Random setting you may be having a problem. This is a known QB issue. If you are using both Tiny and Random you can count on it not working. This has nothing to do with the maps. It's the QB selector that is buggy. Reanimator: Since I just finished playing yet another QB battle as blue I can tell you that all forces do show up. The set up was Med Hills Attack. Attacker Blue minus 20% vs Red Infantry. I have not experienced anything like you've described. The QBG maps have worked pretty well. I don't want to pass the buck but if you also have original game QB maps installed you can have just what you describe. I would very much like to clear this up. Next time you have this problem if you could send me the save file and whatever set up info you may recall I can look into this If it's a QBG map that creating a problem I want to find out why.
  3. Adam: Cadmium 77 said "It's about strategy and tactics in real time." CMAK is a fine game but is WEGO only
  4. An interesting point. Hope they get it sorted out
  5. Well that's great news...an AI that can take it to you... ATGM? Can't say I've had your experience. The BRDMs seem to get a shot or two in before they die. They're very easily killed. I am also playing a PBEM where two of my BMP's fired their ATGM first...took out one Bradley and died for their trouble from another.
  6. Hi Slap: Not that I have found. And that includes Baking. While one can select the javelin's and bake it in, it appears that baking MAY adversely (nullify) affect AI orders. I sent this info with scen demonstration to the testers so they are aware of it.
  7. www.CMMODS.com has many scen designed specifically for 2 Player matches. Some of the original scen don't seem to do too good a job as PBEM.
  8. Rolls : The idea behind the scen is to see how well the AI can attack. The Attacker and defender BOTH have multiple AI plans, orders and pathing. A single player can play either side. The force balance seems reasonable enough for two players as well. But the real fun is to allow the Blue AI to attack. There are five different attack plans so the player as red will be faced with the possibility of different levels of combat on his flanks or center. Ric: I don't think anybody has noticed the size of this scen (2000 plus KB) in relation to the "normal" size scen. This is due entirely to the AI coding. I think that scen designers are really going to like the ability to push the AI very specifically to its objectives.
  9. M1A1: Just did a test dl again...works fine, opens fine.
  10. Hi LGMB: WWW.CMMODS.Com You will find most all the user made scen there.
  11. Yes...drop it in the editor and look closely at the AI, groups, exit after, exit before setups...that's where the magic is.
  12. Viper Pass allows you to play single attacker, defender or 2 player. But what I really had in mind was to produce a scen that I could play as defender and just let it play out like a movie. The AI is VERY Aggressive with 5 different plans each with 8 separate groups and multiple orders, times, and tasks. You can sit back and watch the AI attack or actively defend. Of course you can attack as well. The red defender has 5 plans and 8 groups as well.
  13. I've just finished a scen that allows you to play single attacker, defender or 2 player. But what I really had in mind was to produce a scen that I could play as defender and just let it play out like a movie. The scen, Viper Pass, has a VERY aggressive AI, 5 different plans each with 8 separate groups and multiple orders, times, and tasks. You can sit back and watch the AI attack or actively defend and get your ass handed to you...or not, depending on the plan and your defense. Of course you can attack as well. The red defender has 5 plans and 8 groups as well...Lot's of replay--ability... The more scen designers learn about the editor AI the more CM:SF players will suffer "shock and Awe".
  14. Map edge to move generally...keyboard to fine tune the view
  15. Hi: Bodkin: The Green is indeed the Objective and you can Alt J to make it disappear. The Yellow is "Plan" pathing used by the AI editor. It really shouldn't show up in the actual scen but sometimes does. Seems like a bug.
  16. Massive: Most but Not All QBG maps have Troops. Most do Since Vol 2 and three We have produced 2P's (Vol 1 and 2) They load in your CM:SF/Scenario file and can be played has a two player game or a single player vs AI
  17. Calvin: I've been testing (repetitive) a scen of mine involving Strykers and their dismount in the attack. The Redforce is Mech/Inf with deployed MGs. I have absolutely NO TROUBLE with these Strykers reaction to targets...They shoot up everything they see and are taking punishment in return from RPG and 30mm/ATGM BMP. The dismounts are moving ahead, taking minimal casualties. The testing is done in RT and I give NO COMMANDS...Just watch as Hidden FO. There is some talk that 1.04 fixes may not be taking hold in SOME rigs. Of this I have No idea. If true, Perhaps you are in that situation.
  18. Each QBG Vol is in it's OWN folder. Open that folder and copy/paste to the games "Quick Battle Maps" folder...You'll find that in: CM:SF/Files
  19. All the QBG members should get together on GonzoChat in the near future.
  20. Shoot me an email...We lost yours...mine's listed above...
  21. It's not the PAUSE Mikey...It's the REPLAY...But to answer your question: When I play RT it's with Tiny/Small units and I rarely pause...With larger units I prefer WEGO and will until RT allows for a pause w/playback
  22. The Day that I am able to pause RT and replay the last minute is the day I kick WEGO to the curb. Until then I will have my intimate inspection of carnage by all possible views. It's why we all slow down and gawk at traffic accidents....
  23. Not to worry Chris...QBG is done for awhile. We did all we set out to do and then some...Mission Accomplished (REALLY!)
  24. You are right of course. But it would be very much appreciated by scen designers who wish for the player to exercise setup control to have editor "acquire" functions...LOS wouldn't hurt either...
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