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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Interesting point... make a good premise for a novel. Toss in a crazy local small town mayor (with a real cute daughter) and a disgruntled investigative reporter (either newly sober or recently drunk again!) and you've got a good story to pitch.
  2. I agree. A good product needs time. But I think discussion is a good thing, too. When combined a good product may just become a great product.
  3. "He says Don't Shout, he can't Hear You" (Firesign Theater circa 1970)
  4. The Game's afoot. In Case you guys didn't know: Michael was a member of the Original QB Group. The beautifully detailed Maps he contributed back in those dark days are still amongst the best.
  5. They will be renamed something like this: QB A-V DeS_001 Thank you.
  6. Hey DeSavage: I DL'd your CMSF map from the repository. I liked to use it (with some modification) as a QB Map with credit to you. It would be released as part of NATO/basic patch. OK with you?
  7. Stop playing with trolls...you'll be late for practice!
  8. OMG Somebody copied my AA story....again!
  9. Hi Kevin: All QB Meeting Engagement Maps have multiple pathing plans for Both Red and Blue. All Current QB Attack/Defend Maps Have Multiple Pathing Plans for the Attacker and Multiple setup plans for the defender. If your point is about the defender plans note I used the word "current"
  10. BFC has mentioned QB Maps will be created by designers. The Meta system will come further down the road. I'm looking forward to participating in making QB Maps for Normandy. Like many of you, I'm a long time QB Player. I want maps that are attractive, functional, and fun. And so do you. We've learned a lot and are working with a clean slate. CM-N will benefit.
  11. 1940's Packard= Classic. 2008 Ford= Not so much. BFC's determination to continually improve and advance their product...priceless.
  12. Hold on a second I gotta call my broker...another 1000 shares of Red Bull, Fast!
  13. There are two types of manuals available: one for your PC and one that is printer friendly
  14. I signed something? Really? Oh my, look at the time! If I'm late for practice they'll drop me from the team!
  15. Thanks William! I have sent your side PBEM side to BFC and it shows the arty dust as very minimal as well. Since this is a short lived result of arty fire and does not occur with any kind of delivered "Smoke", it's not a real horrible bug...but bug it is. It's in BFC hands. My appreciation to you both in helping track this one down.
  16. Bowen42: I have identified the bug in this manner: At the end of PBEM playback dust is pronounced from an arty strike. When clicking "done" and the start of "Command orders" phase the dust in large part disappears. What I do not know is what happens with the next PBEM Playback. Does your partner see arty dust or what? Would he be willing to send a copy of his next turn? It will answer that question. I can post pics of this but since they show YOUR units and what you can see of his...it will spoil the match. But we gotta 'em on the beta forum and man are you ....spoiler, spoiler, spoiler. Streets of Hamma! Thanks for taking time to post...it's how these things get fixed
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