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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I am unable to duplicate it with V 1.21 QB setup. Here's a pic of same unit
  2. OK...I will try to duplicate. For Future Reference: When you think you've found a bug a pic is nice but a save game file with explanation of where/what to look for is really helpful.
  3. Very Glad to hear! If you find anything including that messed up QB Map that most likely lives in my head, Please post. I can't fix it if I don't know about it.
  4. Right On My Brother....and yeah I HATED those Fuggking MAC Vs PC guy commercials and seek revenge whenever I can!
  5. The default Settings are Now These: Please try this test: select Attack QB. Try selecting Soviet forces (on the left-default setting) Select any Muj force (on the right) Play the scen any way you want but NOT author Mode. You should see ONLY the Soviet Forces Red Icons and, of course be able to move them, ect. If this is NOT the case: Please save the file, zip and send to me: mark.ezra(AT)gmail.com The(AT) means @ I think there may be a QB Map that has design flaws.
  6. Try changing equipment status to "poor" should give you a mix of both
  7. Of Course and that makes this little "Honey" the best:
  8. I've been tinkering with that idea for a Post NATO Release stickey that starts out with my personal "How To Better Enjoy CMSF QB's" and allows for others to post theirs'
  9. Make sure to check your CM-A settings. The default is most likely NOT the same as your current CMSF game setting... I know cause I always forget to change them when testing
  10. What was wrong with CMSF QB's is still wrong for CM-A What was fixed with CMSF QB's (maps/AI pathing/and more) is in CM-A There are also some new ideas in play that show up in CM-A. The AI Defender has a variable timed move to objective order that allows for an AI counter-attack. AI Defender Setup areas were placed to allow the AI to possibly hide a few troops from the Human attacker, not just defend the Objective. The AI Meeting Engagement Opponent has been given a set of short move orders when close to an objective that hopefully will push the Human player totally off the objective.
  11. We all want to improve the graphics but not at the expense of number crunching. That is why it's always futile to compare the graphics of any CM game with Game X-Y or Z. Maybe we just need to call it an ugly balance of priorities (But The green trees is a snoball choice...I suggest the Mod be used) (CM-N is 100% BFC)
  12. Great job Bil.... and a very good call. It'll be on everybody "Must Have This Mod" List
  13. Any doubts just save the turn and email it to me. If I can see the map I most likely can find the problem. My email is in my profile
  14. Lovely! Thanks...I just learned something new about CM!
  15. Excellent work, Moon... Question: How did you get that last scene BMP2 in "lock" to NOT have the green circle?
  16. CMx2 already allows for placement of bldgs on a slope
  17. Dear Dr. Techno: I assume you mean the AI in a Meeting Engagement Scen. You are describing a lack of action that was addressed a while back. I think you may have a set of early QB Maps (maybe). V1.21 AI work as advertised. I test with QB maps all the time so I have no doubts about this. Whenever the NATO Patch is released You might went to delete your QB Map file found at CMSF/Game File/Quick Battle Maps and allow the patch to install a complete new Quick Battle Maps file.
  18. It would be a good idea for you to look at completed scen/QB maps in the editor. Click on elevation and zoom out to maximum. You will see distinct contours and otherwise see just what other map designers are doing. And you should know the more locked elevation you use the slower the map will load. As you become experienced you'll find it a very natural method of map design. And one more thing: Now is the time to practice...when CM-N hits you'll really want to make maps... beautifully detailed maps!
  19. already available (3 hr max Reinforcement length) Just don't make your scen 3 hrs and you can hide those pesky units you don't need...
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