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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Bowen42: Can you send me the PBEM file in question (I'll Need your password) Mark.Ezra3591@gmail.com I'd like to check this out. If it's a Bug we'll name it after you!
  2. Glad you posted: I actually agree with both the "play CMSF" and "don't bother group". Dyed in the wool WW2 people may find one shot, one kill tanks and ATGM's just not that much fun, so if that's you why persecute yourself. BUT: the game is entirely different than CMx1...play some red on red scen and get comfortable with the editor. At the very least it'll lower the learning curve. If you do decide to give CMSF a whirl: Sounds like you own the base copy of CMSF. You'll want to invest a buck and get the V1.21 patch.
  3. You've got a successful Casting career waiting for you in Hollywood
  4. And what does THAT have to do with Cowbells!? Could you stick to the topic pleeeeze
  5. Combat Mission: Dear John Includes a Free booklet on how to deal with spousal threats of divorce for playing that "silly game" with speakers at full volume...again! And many other helpful hints...Like how to find a new apartment with good Internet and junk food access. Should you REALLY take the Dog...it's not like you have the time anyway....and many more. A really value added game
  6. Well if you think that wasting your ENTIRE day playing silly games on your computer and NOT doing anything on that "Honey Do" list next to your mouse pad...then yes, it's worth it.
  7. battle size has a lot to do with air/arty assets being included. Stick to medium or large and rub your rabbits foot. There are many post about QB unit selection...all of them negative. (The search engine is a handy tool) BFC is very aware and has stated that Normandy will offer an improved QB engine.
  8. The pause order (along with facing Fire Arc, and smoke) can be activated on each way point by clicking the way point and setting the time you wish the unit to pause to a maximum 1 min 30 sec.
  9. I was a big Fan of Steel Panthers, too. I even did testing and scen for some of the SPWAW Campaigns. When CMBO came out there were all kinds of fire storms and broken hearts by SP guys and the CMBO guys. I once posted that both games existed on my PC in complete harmony...then Nobody liked me. Thanks for your post...all too rational, of course..but thank you none the less.
  10. Watch who you're calling a "Nutter"...All Real CM Players know that Steve parts his hair right down the middle...That is proof positive that CMN is BFC's last gasp before bankruptcy So Let's all shout it out...Gimmie a "B"...an "A".....
  11. Here' a pic of a recent Beta testers Brain storming session. As you can clearly see we are NOT a bunch of Fanbois...No matter What GSX/Gordie may think.
  12. That is correct. While there are 8 group slots The QB AI only identifies Slot #1.
  13. A very Merry Christmas you and yours.
  14. Hawk66: The maps won't be a problem and if you are patched to the current V1.21 then you have all the QB maps available Selection of units can still be a frustration. I like playing Red defender as that provides the best challenge with blue force under AI control.
  15. What a fire fight...I could almost hear the crack of rifle fire as your men ran to their vehicles...great!
  16. I'm with pandur: Triggermen are supposed to look and act like civilians...no weapons needed just calm, steely nerves... although a death wish would be big asset, I would suppose.
  17. Me too...But please keep in mind that current QB battles are time variable battles That 20 minutes can easily go to 45 min...
  18. It's Only a game, It's Only a Game, It's Only a Game, It's....oh hell..this hypno-whatever stuff isn't working.... I Love it...can't live without it...God but I am damned to wargame purgatory for enjoying CMSF
  19. Got and thank you...I'll place a bug report with all credit to you... Thanks for taking helping to improve the game.
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