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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. The 2 man unit AT has ammo but also a casualty. Until buddy aid is rendered the ammo will remain unavailable.
  2. I made a very short Vid of a QB battle played in WEGO. It's shows a Syrian Mech Inf Ambush. I thought you might want to see what Regular Syrian Inf with normal settings can do against American Armor. It's Titled "Poor Bloody Syrians" You can view it here: http://www.youtube.com/user/WarlordMarkEzra?gl=GB&hl=en-GB
  3. I think I qualify to give my opinion. When first I saw CMSF infantry form a single line to "move" (something no war game I owned could do)...well I was sold. And this was the release version for pity's sake! Like you I had limited knowledge about "Modern" warfare....by "Limited" I mean Steel Panthers 2. I soon discovered the Syrian Army was like the US or USSR of 1942. I needed to pay strict attention to C&C, use over watch and base of fire when moving forward, avoid long range gun fights of ANY caliber, and to except large losses with a degree of equanimity found only in the most sociopathic of Kommissars. By careful placement of my Syrians in defense and striking isolated Blue units en mass in the advance I've come to enjoy a good degree of success in this asymmetrical world of war. If you decide to give CMSF another shot...or if you plan to get Normandy(why wait to learn the games tactical do's and don'ts?) ... I'd be glad to PBEM with you. mark.ezra3591@gmail.com It was How I learned to play CMx1and CMx2 as well. And speaking of CMx1: I loaded CMAK up and played it again recently. About 30 minutes worth... Somethings are best left as fond memory. That's how CMAK is for me.
  4. hcrof: A bug report has been placed on the beta forum with all credit to you. Many thanks for bringing this up...BFC is now aware.
  5. I don't believe that is an infraction of NTSA rules... Obviously a training mission. However I am concerned about you poking around into NTSA investigation files... That is a federal Offense!
  6. Please go ahead and send me the save file. mark.ezra3591@gmail.com
  7. Hcrof: I am assuming your Scimitar crew "acquired" the GMG during "buddy-aid"...yes? If that is the case then my expectation would be they should be able to use any weapon they are capable of acquiring. Please confirm. Otherwise a normal GMG crew is able to dismount (use Bail out!) move and deploy/ fire weapon. It will not setup and fire inside a building but can on a roof. I've checked to confirm this with a test scen and played as PBEM...just in case.
  8. Though NDA limits I can confidently say: If you loved "White Zombie" , if you drooled with joy over "Dawn of the Dead", then you'll love CMSF:ZW...I promise it won't be like "Shawn of the Dead" we won't make that mistake twice!
  9. That's not the way it is on TV...are you sure?
  10. Soon to be a thing of the past... Glad you're enjoying the game When you're ready to PBEM please contact me...I play Red side exclusively and am I real glutton for punishment!
  11. I am able to duplicate this with a test scen. Thank You! BFC is aware...Nice catch...an actual bug!
  12. Six of those were mine...I'm flattered! ...including the boring one...but hey...ya can't win 'em all. The Hill map you liked I considered the dumbest map of the bunch....I almost left it out...so I'm really pleased you liked it...It does have a lot of close up/reverse slope action in it. You never know what's gonna work until you play them a bit. Thanks for your feed back.
  13. The Warrior FO Mast is not functional. Vehicle LOS is drawn from the turret. It may not be practical to change LOS without messing up LOF.
  14. Interesting question. I want to make sure I get this right It sounds like testing this and the general LOS/Adjust Fire speed at distance will answer the question. Does that sound right?
  15. It's true that V1.20 is pretty clean. The bug pickings is getting mighty slim. Much of that is due to guys like you! But don't stop looking critically at the game (you're too good at it).
  16. Also remember that buddy aid /acquire weapon must first occur
  17. When you click on an empty vehicle it's exactly like clicking on a bit of terrain and thus getting the overall unit sighting. To test this this just click on some terrain and then click on the empty vehicle The sighting results should be identical.
  18. The Peng Threads play a very useful roll on the forum. It keeps all the lunatics batched together and busy, busy, busy. As long as Joe Shaw keeps dressing as Nurse Ratchet and passes out the meds on time, we can be assured the cess pool will do it's job.
  19. Remember there is a printable version that you can put in a binder. As I'm Legally blind it's what I always have to do...
  20. You are double clicking and that gives you group command. Just single click on the individual unit you wish to move.
  21. Wasn't it Friedrich Nietzsche who said "Misery Loves Company"...or was it "Party On, Dude!" ?
  22. I have duplicated what you saw and have reported the bug to BFC. Nice catch...Thanks.
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