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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. The Mac Guy vs PC guy Commercials created my lifetime animosity for Macs. The guy who sold Apple on the idea is a freakin' genius salesmen! The guys who bought the ads need to take a refresher course in human psychology... hopefully while being retrained as school crossing guards.
  2. Well the helpful answers are all over the place, aren't they. I'm going to stick to CMBN manual explanation (it does NOT describe the CMSF exclamation mark/disappearing act) and feel comfortable in stating that (like the manual) routing and surrendering are two distinct actions in the game. Like my fellow Beta testers, I've played a fair amount of QB's. With my talent as tactician, I've seen more than a few routs and an embarrassing amount of surrendering. Why not we both settle for "something to be watching for" and allow some playing time to sink in. Then we can all better judge If/what changes should be made. Troops behind a wall have cover and reasonably understand that running away from three tanks is certain death... So panic-pinned seems fair, yes? Or am I missing your point?
  3. Wiggum: You might try two things: edit question addressed by BFC
  4. Boy, I'll bet they're going crazy over at the lumber Co. forum!
  5. as a foul green stench rises to his nose a GI gasp, "Did You See That?""
  6. Please take comments on what is and is not available in QB's and Scen with a grain of salt. The very best info source is BFC. For those of you who intend to play the QB vs AI: So do I. I designed the group setup, pathing orders, time, arty, movement types. Beta Testing has been fun. There are a couple of new design features that were not available in CMSF that have been well received. But I suppose the most important question might be, "will the AI Defender just sit on it's butt and wait to get creamed, like it did when CMSF was released?" The answer to that is no. Just How Good is the CMBN QB AI? Still Not as capable as a human...and never will be. But the AI is capable of making a game of it... often a darn good game of it. So for those of you who like the QB vs AI battle: I wish you Joy and good hunting.
  7. Don't worry: You'll be able to control the amount of time and you can have lots of it.
  8. Your view of CM, Wargaming, and Real World Tactical Problems are spot on. 1. CM= A Game about War tactics 2. Wargamers= People who play Games about War seriously 3. Real World Tactical problems= Of Course I can fly this plane, just give me a minute to get organized (and find a freakin' manual) Thanks, Capt
  9. I loved that Scen. I'll do Riesberg and Chance Encounter with the appropriate Late War Module. You know, I've made these maps so often that I can build them from memory.... (but I always go back to the originals anyway) But with CMX2 I used it's scen editor tools and advantages to build the kind of map I think we saw in our heads when playing CMBO... or at least I tried too. Soon you will get to judge.
  10. Rabid Jackals to be sure... and I'm just talking about the Beta Testers!
  11. I recognize the map... One of my maps... Last defense (CMBO Original recreated for CMBN ). So I checked it out. The water tile was apparently lost when the original bridge was removed and the destroyed bridge was placed. The Steep banks were a design choice and is not necessary when making streams/rivers. 8 meters width water tile would hopefully leave the impression of a small stream. Some pics are worth a 1000 words, others need a 1000 words to explain...
  12. With all due respect to DingC: rookie mistakes in map design are common in ANY game editor. In fact I used several RR Bridges for QB Map road bridges just because they looked so cool. Naturally I finally came to my senses and replaced them with appropriate road bridges. The latest DingC pic looks like he failed to paint a water tile before placing the destroyed bridge. As you can imagine, I've spent a great deal of time in the CMx2 Editor. For those of you who will be new to it: It's straight forward and the novice can grasp the basics pretty quickly. Especially when they read the manual (Cut DingC some slack..no manual). The CMx2 editor can allow the novice, with patience and practice, to produce maps that boarder on art.
  13. Sgt Fury was just the Hollywood version of Sgt Rock. Sgt Rock had pathos, Sgt Fury had a public relations man
  14. If you are familiar with the QB map sizes of CMSF than you will have a fair idea of what you can expect in CMBN. Of course it's an entirely different local... Bocage, forest, rivers, all make for an intense battlefield experience. Every player is different and so are the maps.
  15. Yes... very nice color schematics. Thank You.
  16. James' point (I think) is a playing style that considers casualties as a prism for the players tactical ability. To me that's the purest essence of wargaming. But sometimes I like to play... ummm... a little looser style, I JUST Gotta say it, "Man I'm in you base, killing your Dudes!"
  17. Pretend for a minute that you are a programmer. You have a list, a VERY long list of good to great ideas. It's a list that's 10 years in the making. It's a list that gets longer every week. Add this to the list.
  18. When it's released I'm gonna sit back and smile.
  19. Poor BFC just keeps stumbling along making wargames. Honestly, I have no idea why BFC continues to compete against such cracker jack games like.... like.... what the hell were those games names again? Yeah, legendary games to be sure.
  20. Let's see... Fugazy makes a bug report. Beta testers read and pass along the info to programmers who make corrections and inform/thank Fugazy. Like Kip's tag says "all in good fun". And Like I say elsewhere "Rule 62... Don't take yourself too damned serious"
  21. Not Good News. I recently had a run in with a local sheep rancher... a totally big misunderstanding that resulted in my being slapped with a restraining order (can't be closer that 500 yards from any sheep at any time)... Truly ridiculous... I was only making conversation... Honestly! My Attorney has advised against purchase of this game.
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