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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. This is not a QB Map problem but a bug having to do with V.1 Mac Installer. If you are a PC player but got the turn from a Mac player it's the same problem.
  2. I've got the the turn in question and will review it carefully . I will also be checking the map separately for any locked doors or obstructions. Thanks to all.
  3. What you may have is a bug. To know for sure you will need to send a save file along with a short explanation of the bug and where to find it. If no save file then do you know the name of the map? That and the exact location of the building in question would help. send to Mark.Ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  4. I tested MAC v PC PBEM Last nite. Used Preview Map function and All worked well.
  5. Well thank God for small mercies..at least you are in the proper defender setup zone so your current game will be un-affected... hopefully... hang tight I know BFC/Phil is on the job about the MAC problem.
  6. I am aware, Xian, and grateful for your efforts. I've alerted the Mac Beta Testers and am working with them now. Thanks for your help on this one.
  7. Xian: Testing PBEM PC Vs PC the switching side when using the map preview mode is fixed. I have No idea about the Mac vs PC PBEM. So here is what I suggest you do: 1st Restart your game select the same map but do not use the preview mode. That will get you guys playing OK I expect. (both V1.1, of course) 2nd BF Has stated they are working on a new MAC install. Once you get that we can see what's what. I'll be very interested to follow this and will be testing a PC vs MC PBEM as soon as possible.
  8. “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” Herbert Spencer I would urge players to play the game and not jump to quick conclusions. The question of Infantry firing at a TC and then continuing fire after the tank buttons up was looked at carefully. BFC made Changes. BUT (there's always a but) Infantry continuing to fire after a target is out of site is a very good feature that should not be lost. What I'm talking about is a unit ability to fire for awhile after a target has taken cover or popped smoke. This feature should be kept in mind when considering infantry continuing to shoot after the TC buttons up. So now it becomes an issue of just how long a unit should be capable of firing when the target is out of site. BFC made changes. Are they enough? Play it for awhile and then tell them how it feels.
  9. Sonar: A save file would be very helpful. This may or may not be a bug. Only testing can prove it. Mark.Ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  10. Think I'm seeing what you are seeing... I've made a bug report. Thanks...Good catch
  11. This may be an early beta version barn that did not get updated prior to release. If it's a QB Map I need to know the name of the map and the location of the barn. If it's a scen the same info will be needed so the designer can sort it out. But if it's a post release user made map then it's a bug...Or something else altogether.
  12. Double checked it for you . It does have a correctly made and labeled (***) central objective. Perhaps your graphics card having difficulty with the obj brite green color or you have turned "off" the view Objective toggle. All QB Maps have an objective... It's makes sense of the AI setup and pathing orders and is the most important victory determinant
  13. And the reason it happens was one for a Sherlock Holmes Case. Thanks to all of you who took the time to post the bug and provided save files and pics. The Beta testers really did a great job digging into this one. It could serve as a text book for fan base, beta tester, and company problem solving.
  14. BFC looked at QB TOE selections for the next patch. The AI setup locations are on me. "non-critical" locations may be specific to a particular QB game and it's TOE or just a really dumb place I chose to paint yellow. If players are willing to accept the former and can provide specific info on the latter I would be happy to look at the map. Here's what I would need: the map name and a pic or specific location of a bad AI placement. Just send me an email ( Mark.Ezra3591ATGmailDOTcom) and I will do my best to correct my error
  15. A "flaw" in the game? I think not. It is your opinion that it is a flaw in the game. It is my opinion that AI first turn Arty strikes help balance the AI's ability to attack and defend against the God Like ability the human player is, by necessity, allowed. All AI arty have multiple plans and are set for "suppression". No arty plans are set to strike the Attackers Setup area, but obviously the Human defenders Objectives will be among the target choices for the AI. Human Attackers who use the forward edge of their setup zones may, on occasion, take casualties from errant shells or larger caliber arty strikes. Human Defenders are subject to shelling throughout their setup zones. Such is war even in our computerized sand box. As if it matters....My opinion on Human vs Human first strike arty (excluding smoke) is: It's Un-sportsman like. Players should use the delay feature or actual eyes on the ground to control arty fires.
  16. Asslt/Attk/Probe style maps are all the same map named for the type of battle the player wishes. So when using "Attack" Med and all else random The QB AI will try to match up the size of the map. In your test 2 out of 3 maps were named medium. The scale of what is medium (or small-large) is a sliding scale. The QB map generator is looking at actual map size. More than likely that large map was actually a close fit for med. The QB AI doesn't pay much attention to the Style of game the map is named for. That is only important when the player selects a map by hand. While a tad annoying and on my "QB sucks because list", A random generated Attack game that gives you a probe Map is just an attack/Defend Style map with another name.
  17. Phantom Capt: I tried to duplicate this with a scen and a QB. All seems in order. Is the screen shot from a pre V1.32 patch saved game? If so that may be the problem. If not please send a save file to Mark.Ezra3591ATGmailDOTcom
  18. "Marmalade... I like Marmalade" (Pink Floyd-Atom Heart Mother album)
  19. This should definitely be read by everybody but me. I, of course, am right
  20. Funs, fun. I cannot duplicate this. I cannot attach more than 1 AT gun to an Opel truck (the Pak 43 towed bug is known to BFC and is a separate issue). So if somebody can put together a save file and send it to me Mark.Ezra3591atGmailDotcom with a short explanation of how you did it and the save file showing the vehicle move with more than one gun attached to it I appreciate it.
  21. LOL... a great feature but I have to report it has a bug anyway. Thanks for posting.
  22. Womble is right on all counts. Let me add one other fact. The QB AI uses two groups. Each group has it's on set of orders and movement times. I will NOT go into any detail about the exact method I've used because the average player doesn't need to know the "tells" of the AI. Those who care to (ESPECIALLY QB Map Makers!) need only look at the AI Plans for QB Maps in the editor. "Tiny" setting apply what I'd call "stress" to the AI's ability to break into the two groups. Your One plt of panthers may have been placed in just one group and subject to that group start time and pathing orders. Had you waited a bit longer those AI panthers would have headed to their goals.
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